Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1543: Beheaded

The middle-aged monk's sentence hits Huang Ze's pain.

The last time the monk limit gate came to intimidate the Bai family, Huang Ze was injured by this middle-aged monk.

At the moment the other party mentioned, Huang Ze suddenly felt the new hatred.

However, when he was about to turn his back on his lips, Chu Yan looked at him with a smile and opened his mouth before him: "Horsepower, you forgot the last time, why did you step on your feet and beg for mercy.

Otherwise, why did you take the initiative to send this guy who doesn't know how to die? "

His words were sent back all at once, and the middle-aged monk suddenly hesitated.

Horsepower's face turned red, like a piece of pork liver.

This embarrassment, fear, anger, shame, mixed emotions, this moment made him feel like a needle in his back, can't wait to escape.

What happened that day was indeed such a great humiliation that it left a shadow in his heart.

But the horsepower is that the fewer people want to know about it, the better.

This is a great shame.

For horsepower, face is more important than life! So the last time he came back, he banned his brothers and sisters.

As for the elder Zongmen's inquiry, Ma Li also said that there was a small accident, and he would handle it well.

Since he said so, naturally, the two other elders who came to Heaven this time did not ask much.

But now, as it happens, this guy who appears to have been eaten by himself has appeared this guy again! And this guy also unveiled his inner scar in public.

The horsepower can feel it, and the eyes gathered in all directions at this moment.

His face changed continuously, and finally he suddenly sank suddenly, looking at Chu Yan, coldly: "I don't understand what you say."

"Ha ha."

His Royal Highness sneered, "So, are you going to lie?"

"What account?

I have never seen you. If you talk nonsense again, even if you are not a Bai family, we will never let you go. "

Horsepower became angry and angry.

"Press me with the gate?"

Chu Yan's face showed a smile, but in her eyes, there was a cloud of snow, and she reached out and pointed at the middle-aged monk.

I tell you, you owe me debts, but now I can only fill them with my life. "

"What a fuss! I think you're looking for death!"

The middle-aged monk slammed.

He sees that Chu Yan is the same as Tian mood, but he is the two major achievements of Tian mood.

And Chu Yan's words angered him at once.

Coupled with the intention to completely defeat Bai's family today, so this middle-aged male Xiu shot out, show no mercy.

The wind was blowing at his feet, his body was wrapped in aura, and he flew towards Chu Yan in the air, waving his hands again and again.

Waving the arm, hitting every trick immediately.

Each of the exercises was bright and shiny, as if snow and ice were condensing.

At the same time, the surrounding air has become extremely cold and extremely killing, making people feel extremely depressed and desperate.

"The glacier frightens your palm!"

With a roar, the middle-aged man Xiu Chaoyu shot with a palm.

In the void, a frost-condensed palm immediately condensed. The cold air, like the palm of a ghost and god, grabbed at Chu Yan fiercely, as if to freeze all his heart, lungs, and blood into an ice sculpture.

The entire Baijia old house now seems to have suddenly become the world of snow and ice.

A layer of white frost has condensed on the surrounding bricks and stones, and frost and snow have also formed on the surrounding trees. At a glance, it is white, showing the extremely cold and dull taste.

Ma Liwang greeted Chu Yan with a gloat smile on his face.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, Huang Ze reminded Chu Yan aloud.

The others were too speechless to freeze.

In their realm, the suffocation of the guardian body could not bear the severe cold.

"Is this the product that hurt you?"

Chu Yan laughed, "Look at me beheaded him for revenge."

Turning his head to face the middle-aged man, Chu Yan's face sank, and he shot with a palm of his hand: "Taiyi leaves the fire sword!"

Wow! Suddenly, a ten-foot-long flame light blade stretched out of nowhere and whistled out, as if it were a burning meteor, leaving a long flame along the way.

The frost and frost in the air were grilled clean and disappeared in no time.

Feeling the hot air coming on, like a round of hot sun, not only the dazzling light, but also his skin tingling, like the aura and blood in his body, at this moment were burned hot, to be evaporated.

The middle-aged man's face changed suddenly.

But he wanted to close it, it was too late.

When the flame light blade was empty, the five fingers of Frost's palm were brushed and cut off.

At the same time, the **** of the middle-aged man Xiu extended his right hand and five fingers, and the blood spring suddenly shot out.

After the blood spring, he was full of frightened faces.

Blazing at a speed of tens of feet, Blazing Light Blade almost rushed to the middle-aged man's training in a blink of an eye, and slammed the middle-aged man's training into two.

The dazzling blood water suddenly dropped from the air and fell on the ground covered with hoarfrost, which was extremely shocking.

At this time, Ma Li's smug grin was not even enough to change.

When horsepower reacted, he was horrified to find that Chu Yan had shot him in the air with a volley.

The horrible flame of light, hunting and rattling, grew bigger and bigger in his pupils, almost filling his entire eyes.

Horsepower felt as if he was in a furnace of hell, and it was going to be burned completely.


At this moment, the monk who had closed his eyes and groaned, who looked extra stable, suddenly opened his eyes and uttered a majestic drink.

This snoring sounded like a trumpet in the morning, shaking the deafness, and immediately reviving the spirit of the horsepower that was lost, and the disciples who were scared by the scene just now came back to God.

The moment the old man opened his eyes, it seemed that millions of stars were flowing in it, revealing the extremely powerful power, as if the vast sky and the galaxy were under his control.

Originally, he did not need to do anything. This time he came with him. The main purpose was to deter the main city of Tongzhou City and prevent the city government from intervening easily.

But who knows, at the last juncture of the Bai family today, I don't know where to find strong aid.

As soon as this guy shot, he killed Zongmen Zhongtian Elder State of Mind, and showed extraordinary ability to surpass.

Now that an elder has fallen, naturally, he can't just watch the newly emerged talented disciples Ma Li be chopped and killed by the other party.

If that is the case, the limit gate is not only damaged today, but also greatly reduced in the future, and he himself can hardly blame him. After returning, he will definitely be punished severely.

Therefore, at this time, as the highest realm in the limit gate, you must take action to defend the dignity of Zongmen! Glad at Chu Yan, every spit out of the old man's mouth seemed as if the giant was striking the drums, and it shook into the void, as if the sea of ​​anger was surging, rolling up the billowing waves.

"Where did the junior come from, dare to hurt me and limit my disciples here, and let me know, now I will let you know what a grave price your rude words and deeds will pay! The starry silver sword!"

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