Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1544: Disrespectful superior

With a bang, a silver light, sharp and cold, shot straight at Chu Yan.

The silver light is a strangely shaped, slightly curved long sword. At this moment, the sword is starring, and for a moment, it looks like a vast galaxy, spreading out in the air, shaking and falling, slamming down towards Chu Yan .

The void was stunned again and again, as if the mountain packs burst open one after another.

The entire Baijia old house, together with Chu Yan, seemed to be destroyed and smashed into powder in the next moment.

"Zhongpin Magician!"

Huang Ze exclaimed.

At the moment, a group of disciples who came back from the poles came back to God, the momentum rose, they waved their flags, and cheered loudly.

"It is Elder Yuan's starry silver sword!"

"This is a six-pin spirit!"

"It is rumored that when he was in charge in the Laohu Lake, he killed and absorbed the starlight, cultivated for centuries the transformation of the enchanting magic weapon, and the magic weapon forged with the unicorn on his head.

"More than that, this starry silver sword was smelted by Elder Yuan's blood sacrifice. This is just like his avatar. He can do whatever he wants, and the monk Baijia will surely die this time!"

"That guy is pure self-injustice, he cannot live!"

"Slay this man and take revenge for Elder Fang!"

Obviously there are only twenty or so people, but at the moment under the flame of revenge, shouting voices rang through the clouds.

"I want to kill, do you want to stop?"

Seeing a silver light, Chu Yanha laughed a long time, and his face sank in the next moment, "Heaven!"

Wow! The arm flashed, and the metal-heavy gloves wrapped almost the entire forearm and palm.

Wearing a torture, Chu Yan grabbed a silver sword against the starry sky.

With a sigh, Feijian was immediately included in the penalty.

The sky is silvery, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

The bright light before seemed to be the illusion of everyone.

In an instant, the light was no longer on, the ground was no longer shaking, and everyone's faces were covered with mistakes.

Chu Yan put the starry silver sword into the sky to punish him. He originally wanted to take away the opponent ’s artifact and suppress the arrogance of the opponent.

But at the moment when the starry silver sword entered the torture, he suddenly found that in the torture, he had not understood the function of the rune before, and suddenly emitted a golden red light.

The light shone on the silver sword of the starry sky, and immediately removed the mark belonging to Elder Yuan on the flying sword, which was equivalent to completely erasing the traces of Elder Yuan's blood sacrifice.

Chu Yan sighed, and then a joy.

I did not expect that rune pattern turned out to be this effect! On the other side of Elder Yuan, the original Xingkong Yinxian Sword was taken away by the other party, which has caused him to linger.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that I had lost the sense of Feijian, like a stone sinking into the sea, and suddenly panicked completely.

At this time, Chu Yan also rose into the air, and immediately came to Ma Li's presence: "Ha, rely on my account and let Zong Men hit me and kill me."

Horsepower was so horrified that his muscles were convulsing at this moment, and his mouth seemed to want to explain.

"Dead, Tai Yi from the fire knife!"

boom! The flames of light fluttered across the air, clapping, and tore the horsepower body in half from the middle.

Horsepower's eyes were separated towards the left and right sides, and in his eyes, the fear of the decision immediately before death was frozen.

"Miscellaneous account! Quickly return the Starry Silver Sword! Otherwise, I will limit your Baijia to the ground!"

Elder Yuan flew high and roared sharply.

Chu Yan smiled again and again, but his eyes were cold, but it was getting stronger and thicker: "Then-come on! Taiyi from the fire sword!"

boom! The firelight drew a long virtual shadow in the air, and the heat wave billowed, as if pouring a large amount of oil.

Elder Yuan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly took out a fan and blocked it in front of him: "Phantom glass fan!"

This fan is a magic weapon for defense. At this moment, the light shone like a peacock opened its screen to form a barrier, blocking it in front of Elder Yuan.

At the next moment, the light slammed the flame and shattered the light.

When the air exploded, it seemed as if a volcano erupted, the momentum billowed, and the force was amazing.

Elder Yuan screamed violently, his body fell backwards and forwards, his chest swelled with blood, his throat was so sweet, and he almost vomited and felt bad.

After finally stabilizing his body in midair, Elder Yuan covered his chest, and his heart was frightened and angry.

Where did Bai Family find the helper from the beginning? How could he be so powerful and overbearing when he just entered the state of mind? With that in mind, he looked up, looking up.

In the distance, there was no Chu Yan.

Elder Yuan's heart suddenly jumped, an extremely ominous premonition shrouded his heart.

Without waiting for him to react, his brain seemed to be slammed into it with countless steel needles, causing pain in his whole body and spasm, almost falling from the air.

At this time, Chu Yan's figure suddenly appeared next to Elder Yuan, grabbed him, and threw it like a cotton-filled pocket, and threw it away in the direction it came.

Huh! A straight line rushed through the air, and then the sound of a bang hit the ground.

When Chu Yan returned to Bai's old house, Elder Yuan was struggling to get up from the ground.

Chu Yan held the starry silver sword that originally belonged to the other party, slashed his backhand, and cut off the other arm.

Elder Yuan screamed, covering his **** wound and rolling around on the ground.


Chu Yan sneered, holding the **** flying sword, turned around and looked at the limit disciple.

The disciples knelt down all at once, their faces pale and trembling.

The three elders who came this time had two deaths and one injury. Even if they were a fool, they knew what the situation was.

Not only are the opponents strong, but they don't take their limit gates into account at all.

The ridiculous thing was that they had been trying to bully each other with the identity of Zongmen disciples and the limit gate. I am afraid that their own behavior at that time was a huge joke in the eyes of the other party.

"Oh, that's okay."

Chu Yan stood in front of this group of disciples, smiling sneerly.

"We ... didn't ..." One of them shuddered.

Huh! Before this man's words fell, Chu Yan swept his head with a sword.

"May I speak to you?"

Chu Yan sneered.

The other disciplinary disciples suddenly dropped their heads and shivered even more.

What's more, I can't hold my urine at this moment.

Not far away, Elder Yuan, who saw this scene, was so frightened that he yelled: "Dare to kill my Zongmen disciples! We will never let you go!" Absolutely! Certainly! No! Kill your nine families, the families, loved ones, and friends behind you!

He was stubbing his neck, and the blue tendons were almost earning from under the skin, staring fiercely at Bai Ju and others, screaming again and again.

When he looked at Chu Yan, he suddenly felt a pain in his head, and threw himself to kneel towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's voice came into his ear with mockery at the moment.

"Slay the family, relatives, friends behind me?"

His Highness Chu sneered again and again, and said something that Elder Yuan had said before, to the other party again, "It seems you don't know yet, what is the crime of disrespecting the superior."

Listening to the energetic words of the other party, at this moment Elder Yuan, who had extremely painful heads, suddenly felt the chrysanthemum muscles twitch.

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