Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1546: Status overwhelming

"This is a misunderstanding!"

Seeing that the palm of his hand was open, it was like Taiko Qingtian whistling towards himself. The city owner opened his eyes wide and was horrified.

At the next moment, the eyes of the public were slammed, the city owner was hit in the air, his whole body was blood, sprayed out as if he didn't want money, his body was like a meteorite across the sky, hesitated, passed by everyone's sight, and continued from the old city. Fly to the new town and disappear.

After a while, the direction of the new city came with a loud roar, and at the same time a high-rise building collapsed.

On the old city side, everyone who saw this scene was stunned, standing one by one, unable to move.

The owner of Tongzhou City was hit within a single stroke.

Almost everyone's mind is blank at this moment.

The scene from that scene was repeatedly played back in their minds.

After a while, the spirit boat, which represents the city's main government, seemed to have reacted, and then turned to escape.

And that cyan palm, volleyed out.

Bang Bang Bang! A series of voids were immediately penetrated.

The spirit boat was wrapped in a broken void, and immediately burst into pieces.

The city monks in the spirit boat suddenly fell like a fly like a fly.

At this moment, the entire Tongzhou City, whether it is a new or old city, fell into absolute silence.

The whole city, at this instant, seemed to become a dead city.

This has never happened in the history of Tongzhou City.

Even ordinary people at this moment can profoundly feel that the great palm of the shore condensed in mid-air can be done if it wants to destroy the entire city of Tongzhou.

After a while, the cyan palms gradually dissipated.

The pressure that shrouded almost the entire city gradually dissipated.

However, the new and old cities are still extremely quiet.

In a short time, no one was able to recover from the shock.

As the blue giant palm dissipated, the identity jade card belonging to Tianyazong also flew back to Chu Yan.

It ’s the same as the previous dog ’s body would seal an emperor ’s mind, which is used to save lives at critical moments. All disciples of Tianya Sect have the identity jade card in addition to indicating the disciple ’s identity, recording merit, and storing items. An elder's power.

You know, the elders who sealed the power in the identity jade are not the elders in Tianyazong who are responsible for class or handling some chores.

Those elders, who are called ordinary elders by the disciples, or half-elders, serve the disciples of Tianya and Zongzhong, and have limited power.

And seal the power in the identity jade to protect the elders of the Enders of the End of the World, that is the true high level of the End of the World, not only with high weight, but also with amazing strength.

For example, Yun Neixiang's teacher and the strong man in the purple house have this qualification.

Therefore, although this power can only be used once, the power is definitely not something that a city owner of a Xinjiang country can handle.

The reason why Chu Yan will use the identity card to deal with the Lord of the City at this moment is that on the one hand, the opponent ’s realm reaches the triple state of mind, which is higher than Chu Yan by two big realms, and on the other hand, it is his identity.

The limit gate has always been arrogant and arrogant, always doing whatever it wants.

That Elder Yuan had both his arms cut off by Chu Yan, still roaring.

The city's main government also felt that he had been enshrined by the royal family. Here he had the same existence as Zhou Cheng, the emperor of Tu, and all the people and monks must submit to them.

But now, Chu Yan has revealed that he is not only a disciple of Zongmen, but also a disciple of Tianyazong.

Compared to the strength of Zongmen, the limit gate and Tianyazong are the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Not to mention the same city.

The owner of Tongzhou City is far from even the limit gate.

Disciples of the End of the World, plus the identity of a guru, Chu Yan went to the Jijimen to receive it personally; when he came to the Jijimen, the city owner wanted to see him, and it also depended on his face.

Originally, Chu Yan did not want to reveal his identity.

Because of attacking the family, they also beheaded and killed others, in case Ziweimen followed the clue and found himself.

But now that the limit gate and the city master are bullying, it is natural to use your deceptive methods to bully them back.

Otherwise, His Highness Chu's thoughts would not be accessible.

Sure enough, after revealing his identity and damaging the city master, when Chu Yan turned around again, the face of Elder Yuan was even more ugly than the death of his mother.

Now he was worried, not his own safety.

What he was worried about at the moment was the limit gate and the family behind him! He provoked, threatened, shouted and killed, turned out to be the Master of the End of the World! It is ridiculous that he also said one by one that the other party is disrespectful to the superior, in fact, the other party is the real superior! The thought of this, Elder Yuan's courage had to slide out along the large intestine.

This is a real disaster for Zongmen and his family.

At this moment I felt Chu Yan's eyes glanced coldly at himself. Elder Yuan wanted to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, but he didn't dare. His body shook like a sieve, and his face was blue for a while.

In the face of Chu Yan, at this time he didn't even dare to ask for mercy.

As Chu Yan approached, Elder Yuan trembled more and more.

Finally, Chu Yan stopped in front of Elder Yuan: "Let your manager come to see me."

The head of the limit gate is at least a triple monk in the state of heaven.

But now, Chu Yan directly lets the other party see him.

Elder Yuan did not dare to refuse.

After he choked for a moment, as soon as he nodded, he heard Chu Yan continue: "Within a day, you will be chopped into a meat sauce."

The limit gate and the city of Zhouzhou are nearly 20,000 miles apart and arrive in one day.

But where did Elder Yuan dare to say nothing?

Even if the head is reluctant, but knowing that the other party is a disciple of Tianyazong, and he provokes the other party, he will rush to it nonstop.

After Elder Yuan had exhausted his efforts and passed the message back to Zongmen, Chu Yan slaped him to the ground, called Huang Ze, tied it up, and hung it on the flagpole in the square in front.

"Although he is not the one who hurt you, you can make it difficult for him."

When Chu Yan commanded, he said so.

Huang Ze was shaking with excitement.

He is one of the heavenly state of mind, but now he is binding a monk who is of the two state of mind, and he is always humiliated on the flagpole.

This is simply the pinnacle of his life! Elder Yuan had a dead heart at this moment.

Everyone was dazzled, and hanging from such a high place to show the public, it was not enough to say that it was blood sea deep hatred.

However, he did not dare to resist.

After commanding Huang Ze, Chu Yan walked back to Bai Ju and others.

Seeing Chu Yan approaching, Bai Ju, Bai Xiuxiu and Mo Qiong knelt before him.

Bai Ju's voice was trembling, but for more reasons, he was still excited.

"Thank you, Master Chu, for saving Bai's family in water and fire.

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