Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1547: Apology

Before, they chose to cooperate with Chu Yan, on the one hand because Chu Yan was really strong, and on the other hand, it was helpless.

If not to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted, why would you choose to cooperate with a single monk?

But now that Chu Yan has revealed his identity, it is completely different.

Tianyazong, that's the biggest sect in Shanghai! Even a piece of leg hair can crush the limit gate hundreds of times.

And Chu Yan's identity is not even a disciple of Tianyazong when he first came to Tongzhou City. Now his status is a master of Tianyazong! Under the heart of the sky, there are all ants.

Once in the state of heaven, the monk's status in Zongmen will be much higher than before.

For example, when Chu Yan left Tianyazong before, he was still living in a thatched cottage that was leaking around. If he goes back now, he will live in the golden palace! So now, Bai Ju even feels that instead of cooperating with Chu Yan, they embraced Chu Yan's thigh and had the big backing of Chu Yan! Bai Ju was extremely excited, Mo Qiongcheng was frightened, and Bai Xiuxiu's eyes were filled with awe and a hint of confusion, as if he couldn't believe it, Chu Yan would be a disciple of Tianyazong.

This feeling is just like an ordinary people on the street, and suddenly met the emperor, making people feel extraordinarily unreal.

"Let's all get up."

Chu Yan nodded.

He naturally knows the reason for Bai Ju's attitude change, but seeing it does not mean that he needs to say it. In addition, from the point of view, Bai Ju's approach at this moment is not wrong, and Chu Yan is indeed interested in the void in the Bai family.

"Master Chu, what shall we do next?"

Bai Ju came up at this time and asked cautiously.

"Is the Bai family a big loss today?"

Chu Yan did not answer, but asked a question instead.

Raising his head, Bai looked around for a week.

Bai's loss today is definitely not small.

The door of the house and the walls of dozens of feet were destroyed, mainly due to the loss of face. If the loss of spiritual stone is really counted, there is not much.

The impact of the old house building is not large, which is equivalent to experiencing a small earthquake.

The building did not collapse too much. Some of them were crooked. It would be ok to repair them.

Only the injured tribe may be severely injured and need a long period of cultivation.

The monks of the Bai family are extremely scarce today, and today they have been severely damaged. I really want to say that the loss is the real loss of the tribe.

However, compared to the death of two gurues, the serious injury of one of the guru's limit gates, and the city's mansion that was suddenly hit by the city's mansion, the loss of the Bai family seemed to be negligible at once.

So after thinking carefully, Bai Ju replied: "Although the loss is painful, it is still acceptable."

Originally, it was very likely to break the house today. Compared to the worst situation, it is now better and I don't know how many times.

Just one heaven and one underground.

"Then wait for someone to pay."

Chu Yan said lightly.


Bai Ju quickly understood, Chu Yan refers to the limit gate and the city's mansion.

But he felt a little incredible.

The limit gate and the city's mansion are all like this today. Will they whisper and come to pay?

Doesn't that mean stealing chicken without eroding rice, knocking down teeth and swallowing blood?

This doubt in Bai Ju's heart was answered after two hours.

The current No. 2 person in the city's main government, with dozens of carriages, came to visit and apologized.

Since the completion of the new city, the new city has been for decades and has not seen such a big pomp.

The gift list lost by the city's mansion is also dazzling.

All kinds of elixir, all kinds of rare materials, all kinds of magic stone charms, even made Bai Ju wonder whether the city's main government has dug up the accumulation of these years.

When he handed the gift list to Chu Yan with both hands, Chu Yan glanced at him and stopped paying attention.

The No. 2 person in the city's main house has also seen Bai Ju before.

When people talked to Bai Ju before, although they still looked enthusiastic, they could still make people feel a slight power.

But today, it is completely different.

This week in Tongzhou City, second only to the city's main character, madly kneels and licks white lifts, all kinds of flirtatious touts, as if they are just brains, open their mouths.

If this face is seen by people who often come into contact with him, I'm afraid it will stun the eyes.

Li Bai was comfortable licking, and the number two carefully said that he could see Master Tianyazong and express his sincere apology.

The city owner didn't come at this moment, mainly because his body was really unwell. Otherwise, even if it was lifted, it would be lifted up.

For the sake of the long gift list, Bai Ju hesitated for a moment, but finally rejected it instead of Chu Yan.

Chu Yan is definitely not willing to meet people in the city's main government.

It's not that Chu Yan was too disgusted with the city's main government, but that the people in the city's main government didn't deserve to see him at all.

After being rejected, the second figure in the city's main house did not see much sadness, but still expressed regret and panic.

Bai Ju quietly asked what was happening to the city owner.

The answer of the second figure is: it has been sewn up, but it cannot be disturbed for the time being.

"Sew up ..." This answer changed Bai Ju's face.

Doesn't that mean that it was smashed before?

The second person in the city's main government has not stayed in the Bai family for too long. On the one hand, since the Bai family has already accepted the gift, it means that the Bai family will not be held accountable for today's affairs. On the other hand, it is also the second family. The characters dare not stay in the Bai family for too long.

You know, in this Baijia old mansion, there is a fiendish master of the End of the World! At the time of parting, the second figure told Bai Ju that early in the morning, the city's main government would send craftsmen to repair the Baijia old house to the fullest extent possible at the fastest speed.

Bai Ju naturally will not refuse.

So with the satisfaction of completing the task, the second figure of the city main government left the Bai family.

But when he left, he could clearly feel that his back was soaked.

In the early morning of the next day, the artisans arranged by the city's main government may add up to hundreds of people. They came to the Bai family and began to repair their houses, gardens, roads, and so on.

Judging by their enthusiastic work, I am afraid that when the construction is completed a few days later, the Bai family cannot be said to be completely renewed, but it can give people a sense of rejuvenation compared with the old and downcast houses that looked so sloppy.

At noon the next day, two monks appeared in front of Bai's house.

These two monks, one with white hair, but the face of middle-aged people, fair and rosy skin, a pair of eyes, brilliant, do not feel angry, everywhere they go, the void seems to be oppressed and rolling. Thunderous noise.

The other person was not too young. Standing at this man's position, he looked up at Elder Yuan who was hung on the flagpole, and then looked at the dozen or so limit gate disciples kneeling around the flagpole. His brows frowned. stand up.

At the same time, Bai Ju was also rewarded by the clan: the head of the limit door has arrived.

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