Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1548: I do it alone

Two people came from the limit gate, one was the head and the other was the elder.

The hair was white, but it was the face of a middle-aged person, and it is the head of the limit door.

The other one is the elder with a high weight now in the limit gate.

Although Elder Yuan is also an elder, he is still a lot worse than this one.

They arrived earlier than Chu Yan stipulated.

Obviously what happened to the limit gate this time also made them feel serious.

They were met by Bai Ju and Taishang Elder.

The meeting place was still in the front hall of the small building.

The head of the limit gate is now a triple monk in the state of heaven. If you talk about strength, you can crush Bai Ju and Tai Shang elders hundreds of times with one finger of air.

But he didn't have the slightest stand, but made people feel very approachable.

The head first expressed his apologies to Bai Ju and Taishang Elder. At the same time, he said that Elder Yuan did things without knowing them in advance and was completely the private behavior of the other party. Peace on both sides.

If it was the most prosperous period of the Bai family in the past, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the remarks of the head.

The Bai family at the time could definitely stand it.

But now, the Bai family is a run-down family, but the head of the limit door still maintains this attitude, it can be said that it has given the Bai family face.

However, the other party has this attitude, because it depends on who's face, so there is no need to talk more.

After putting in the wrong attitude first, the next thing will be easier to talk about.

The head said that the loss of the Bai family, their limit gate will not control how much the city's main government compensated, they will pay ten times the price.

In addition, based on their current understanding of the Bai family, they also provided a variety of exercises and martial arts, including a total of one hundred sets of gifts to the Bai family.

In addition, there are two hundred pieces of magical tools and ten pieces of magical tools as additional compensation for Bai's family.

The compensation given by the city's main government is various natural treasures and elixir; the limit gate gives the exercises and magic weapons.

The essence of a family is these things.

Almost all these things were consumed by the Bai family before.

But now, within a day, the city's main mansion and the limit gate helped fill the Bai family.

It can be said that the Bai family is short of monks, and everything else is not much different from the heyday.

As for the problem of lacking high-level monks, after having so many natural treasures and magical skills, it is no longer a problem.

Even if it is piled with elixir, in the ten years of the Bai family, it is definitely not a problem to pile up a state of mind.

Suddenly, the Bai family settled down from a giant and re-entered the quasi-luxury class.

What's more important is that the city's main government and the limit gate acknowledged the wrong attitude.

With their attitude, I am afraid that the Bai family is not only in Tongzhou City, but also the surrounding area is thousands of miles away.

Imagine, in history, when did the ancestors with high-level monks of the heavenly state appear to take the initiative to acknowledge and apologize to the family who had only the Diyuan Realm, and made large compensation?

The Bai family was the first.

As for the compensation promised by the head of the limit door, this time he brought it directly to him, on the storage ring in his hand, not the kind of imaginary head saying what to wait for before returning Compensation is sent this way.

However, when Shuang Express paid the compensation, the elder who followed the head of the house made a request: The Bai family first set down Elder Yuan who was hanging from the flagpole outside, and let the limit door disciples kneeling on the ground.

He said this for good reason.

The elder was chopped his arms and hung up to show the crowd, while a group of disciples knelt down on the ground day and night. The influence on the limit gate was not very good.

As for Bai Ju, although his realm is far lower than the two high-level gates, even when talking to the other side, his calf and belly are uncontrollably.

But the reason why he often treats people often is already known at this moment.

The head and elder of the limit gate came with a clear mission.

In this conversation, the two of them sang white faces and one sang black faces.

Singing the white face is the head.

The black-faced one is the elder.

Looking at the elder's somber complexion, Bai Ju's face was innocently smiling with humans and animals, but his heart was coldly humming: "Your reaction today, Master Chu had expected it yesterday."

After asking for a while, Bai Ju said: "People can let go without leaving, after all, the head just said, so as not to hurt the harmony between our two sides.

It was only that Elder Yuan ordered Master Chu to hang him.

Now to put people down, do you also need to get the consent of Master Chu? "

The elder's face suddenly became even more ugly.

In the depths of the eyes of the head, there was a flash of brilliance.

However, without giving them a chance to attack, Bai Ju recruited a Bai family member and asked him to ask for a clarification.

When the clan members left, Bai Ju smiled and arched at the other two: "Please wait a moment."

Seeing that Bai Ju was so "sensible", the head of the limit door smiled and waved, and the elder's gloomy complexion looked better.

Soon after, the Bai family returned.

What he brought was a response that the gatekeeper and the elders did not want to hear.

"Master Chu said he was not in a good mood."

The head and elders are still waiting for the white family to continue speaking, but it ends here.


The manager's eyes widened.

"If you come back to the head, Master Chu only said this one."

The white family answered honestly.

The head of the head was immediately confused.

What does it mean?

Let it go or not?

The elder standing next to him, his eyebrows stood up at this moment, a stream of air rolled out of him, and the sound of Jin Ge Tiema also took on the voice: "Too deceitful! I and the head The brother came here, he just didn't see him, and now he was deliberately vague. I really thought we were so bullied by the limit door! You! "

The elder reached out and pointed at the white family just now.

Even if the elder is very restrained, after all, he is in a state of mind.

At this moment, it is like a male lion roaring at a little white rabbit that was born just a short time ago. The white family had a pale face. If it weren't for white lifting, they would quickly support their backs, or they would faint on the ground on the spot.

"Go and tell him now and let him come over! What consequences will I bear?"

The elder growled.

He was really angry at the moment, that is, he was trying hard to restrain, so he didn't erupt on the spot.

But the leaked horror might be instantaneous, making people feel as if there were gunpowder barrels being stacked one after another, as if the next moment would explode.

At this time, Bai Ju and Elder Tai Shang felt out of breath, and a heart was about to pop out of their throats.

As for the Bai family, it was even more unbearable because they had just entered Ningmai, and they were fainted when they saw it.

"Go, just tell Master Chu that it's my other visit."

Bai Ju gritted his teeth and reassigned this group of people.

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