Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1549: His Highness Chu is in a bad mood

Seeing Bai Ju succumb, the elder limit gate glanced at the head, and the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

See, these guys are just bullying.

Seeing this scene, the head of the head couldn't help shaking.

Was your previous strategy wrong?

It seems that before Elder Yuan ate at the Bai family, it was not a question of attitude but a question of strength.

The monk's world really has its strength.

This time, when the two who had changed their realms and strength came, they were slightly angry, and Baijia couldn't bear the pressure.

There was a complicated thought in the head of the head, and the elder was still dark at this moment, holding his arms waiting for Chu Yan's arrival.

He has made up his mind, even if the other party is a disciple of the End of the World, let the other party know that the high-level monk is definitely not so bullying, and humiliates the disciples of the extreme gate, after all, still have to pay the price, even if your background .

Before long, the rumored Bai family will return again.

This time, Chu Yan followed him.

Seeing the arrival of Chu Yan, Bai Ju's eyes suddenly glowed with hope.

Because Chu Yan is now the big tree that the Bai family leans on.

His appearance at the moment can block this wave of pressure for the Bai family.

However, just when I met up, when I saw Chu Yan's face, Bai Ju couldn't help it.

Because His Highness Chu's face didn't look good at this moment.

It looks like the bad mood said before is not an excuse.

In fact, Chu Yan was not perfunctory before sending away the Bai family.

He is really not in a good mood today, and can even be said to be very irritable, at this moment in a state of wanting to vent some.

As for the reason, it was earlier that he learned the situation of the crowd through Lin Xiuyu and Lin Miaoran.

After this period of time, all kinds of natural materials and treasures are generally smashed, coupled with hard work day and night, everyone's realm has gradually started to break through.

After all, Chu Yan's partners were originally extremely talented monks. Now that they have matured, they are able to have huge gains in the short term. This is normal.

However, when Shen Qing was promoted today, there was a slight situation.

The specific situation is not very clear to Lin Miaoran, but under normal circumstances, Shen Qing has been promoted three times longer than a normal monk, and the promotion has not yet been completed.

In the novel, the plot that often appears is that a monk takes a promotion, how long it takes, and it takes longer than the others. As a result, after the promotion, the realm is higher than the others. The longer the promotion time, the greater the results. Look like.

But in fact, the true cultivation is exactly the opposite.

The higher the monk's talent and the better the foundation, the smoother the promotion will be.

And if the promotion time exceeds the normal situation too much, either it is interrupted in the middle of the promotion, or it is a demon.

On Kong Xian's site, everyone's cultivation is naturally impossible to be disturbed, so the first possibility is directly ruled out.

So the only remaining thing is: When Shen Qing was promoted, a demon appeared.

Under normal circumstances, the demon will only appear after the monk is promoted to the state of mind.

However, there are rare cases where monks will encounter the demon when they are in the Di Yuan.

And this kind of monk is carrying a heavy shackle in his heart, so that it affects all aspects.

In worldly terms, there is too much mental stress.

Chu Yan knew some of Shen Qing's heart problems.

But I didn't expect that the girl hadn't let down until now.

And Chu Yan also knows that Shen Qing's temperament is too stubborn, and it is easy to get horny.

Now encountering the demon is definitely not a good thing.

When other monks are promoted, if they encounter interference from the demon, with the courage and courage, they will probably kill the demon and then complete the promotion.

But Shen Qing's words are likely to be led more and more by the demon.

It's like the demon has taken you on a side course. After other monks realize this problem, they don't care about the demon and jump back to the main road to continue on their own.

But the thought in Shen Qing's mind would only be: Do you dare to lead me to the side?

Then I will go further and further, exhausting your devil! The problem of the demons can only be solved by the monks themselves. Outsiders cannot help.

Chu Yan wasn't around Shen Qing now, and he couldn't help at all.

When his first apprentice encountered difficulties, the teacher could only be anxious. In this case, how could His Highness Chu feel better.

Entering the room with a stinky face, Chu Yan didn't wait for the introduction of the white cries, nor for the head of the door and the elders to speak, and asked directly: "Who let the people go?"

"it's me."

The elder immediately walked out with his head raised, and there was a big stance you couldn't let go today.

"What kind of thing do you deserve to do?"

His Highness Chu sank, and opened his mouth with a thunderbolt, "Breakwind God Thunder!"

Today, the broken wind and thunderous thunder of Chu Yan has combined the power of the magical power of overthrowing thunder and rain. The power is far from comparable in the past.

Coupled with Chu Yanru's state of mind today, the spirit is vigorous and endless, and an explosion is more like a dam bursting and the flood is rolling. At the moment, when a thunder light blasted out, everyone on the scene felt in the brain that a thunderstorm came Sound.

The limit of the gate is the highest, and at this moment it is also blown up by this sudden sound, and it is white in my head.

Although it's just a moment of effort, the head of the head is at this moment stunned: "I will suffer!"

It was also at this instant that the figure in front of him flashed, and the elder who was still next to him was now like a cannonball, rising into the air, hitting the wooden door of the room, and flew into the yard outside.

He seemed to see that the elder's hair not only zoomed, but also stood up, his expression was dull, and his mouth opened with white smoke.

"This guy is so strong!"

Seeing is believing, the head finally knew how Elder Yuan failed.

The elders who followed him this time are the two major achievements in the state of mind. Compared with the elder Yuan, he is one level stronger.

But at this moment, in the face of the monk who was in a state of mind that day, he still had no strength to fight back.

"It is indeed a disciple of Tianyazong!"

Although the head of the head was amazed, but the same door was attacked, he could not watch it naturally.

When he was about to block Chu Yan, he saw that Chu Yan was one step ahead, his expression was cold, and he pointed at him: "Do you want to be destroyed?"

This unabashed threat! The head was facing for the first time, and suddenly hesitated again.

Although currently full of Elder Yuan, it means that three gurues have fallen, but there are still twelve gurues in the limit gate.

And there are three monks in the triple state of mind, including the head! It's too arrogant to open your door! However, although he didn't hesitate, he was hesitant to take the shot.

At this time, Chu Yan opened his mouth, and another thick ray of light blasted out.

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