Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1550: Too much elders' request

This ray of light was more than twice as thick as before, like a door and a half.

The dazzling light flashed suddenly, and the light in the room instantly formed a light and dark alternation.

When the crowd was still lost in their hearts, Chu Yan had already exercised his body skills and rushed out of the open wooden door.

"So fast!"

Seeing this scene, the head was shocked again.

He is in charge of a monk and is a monk with triple minds. His vision is naturally not like that of an ordinary monk at this moment.

At this time, I continuously saw Chu Yan's magic skills and body skills, and my mind suddenly rose into an incredible thought: "I just entered the state of mind, and even the aura and blood were so forced. Is it divine?

Not only the heads, Bai Ju and Tai Shang Elders, at this moment, they also faintly feel that Chu Yan's strength seems to have improved from yesterday.

Yesterday was an unsheathed sword, so the sharp edge of this sword today is even more eye-catching.

It's really incredible that there can be such a change in one day.

When everyone was terrified, Chu Yan crossed the broken threshold and returned.

It was not only him who returned, but also the elder who held the gate in his hands.

The elder was like a burnt dog at the moment. He pulled his head, his hair was raised, his mouth and nose were spraying white smoke, and he was motionless.

After Chu Yan came in, he was thrown on the ground like garbage.

Without giving the head a chance to speak, Chu Yan pointed at the elders on the ground: "This guy has been practicing law in the Bai family for 20 years, the guy on the flagpole outside for 30 years, and the others forty years."

Listening to the tone of Chu Yan, the head almost vomited with anger.

Let's not talk about holding down Elder Zongmen and his disciples. What does it mean, "little sister"?

Almost all who can come this time are the elite and potential disciples of the limit gate.

Now what do you call the "little sister" who is not in the stream?

But soon the head of the team was depressed to find that the other side really had the confidence to say so.

In front of his talented disciples like Tianyazong, these disciples, such as Jijimen, are really just babies.

Besides, they are teachers, and they are very polite without saying that they are ants.

With Chu Yan's shot this time, the conversation between Baijia and the head of the Jijimen seemed to be much more harmonious. On the surface, it would not be overstated to describe the guests and the host as happy.

It's just that the two sides have specific ideas in their hearts, and only they themselves know.

When the elder who was fainted by Chu Yan woke up, he learned that he was forced to be in Baijia Hufa for 20 years, and his subconsciousness was about to occur.

But the next moment, he smelled the scorching smell of himself, and suddenly, a feeling of fear erupted in his heart.

No amount of reluctance was suppressed, and he nodded in agreement.

As a sign of sincerity, she also expressed her wish that she would never break her vow.

As for Elder Yuan and the disciples on the flagpole, they were all desperate at first, and they felt that even if the head of the staff appeared in person, they could not be rescued.

Because the opponent they provoke this time is so terrible.

Most importantly, they are the unreasonable side.

Oppressing the disciples of Tianyazong-how can such a name save the head.

In such an emotion, after learning that he still has a chance to survive, Elder Yuan and the disciples could almost be said to be crying with joy, and immediately nodded in agreement, in the coming decades, they will act as Baijia protector and deacon. It does not require the Bai family to provide any cultivation resources, but it will take the responsibility to protect the Bai family.

Elder Bai Ju and Tai Shang were almost crying with joy.

Because in this way, it is tantamount to say that the Bai family should not go out and get a group of free thug guards.

Coupled with those treasures sent by the city's main mansion and the limit gate, the Bai family is flourishing again and is just around the corner! After learning that the limit gate came out today and still eating under Chu Yan's hands, and even agreed to such excessive conditions, the city's main house quietly sent gifts of thirty or forty carriages in the dark.

Since then, for at least a hundred years, no one has dared to provoke him.

After a hundred years, the Bai family naturally also has its own multiple people in Tianxinjing, and no external force is needed to protect it.

It can be said that the changes in the Bai family overnight came from Chu Yan.

Regarding this point, Bai Ju and Taishang Elder couldn't be more clear.

In order to express gratitude to Chu Yan, Bai Ju not only received instructions from the elder Tai Shang, gave Chu Yan the power to enter and exit the void crack at will, and collect ore from it. In the future, if the Bai family collected ore, he would also agree with Chu Yan Divide equally.

And not only ore, but if other materials are collected in the future, they will be equally divided with Chu Yan.

If Chu Yan collected it himself, the Bai family would never touch it.

At the beginning, Mo Qiong, who was introduced to Chu Yan and the Bai family, made great contributions to the Bai family.

However, Mo Qiong owns a family, and she is still the head of a tribe. Therefore, the Bai family naturally cannot treat Mo Qiong and her family in a way that rewards the people.

The Bai family adopted an equal and mutually beneficial relationship between the two families.

The Bai family will use their current reputation and resources to make the Mo family's monks stronger as soon as possible.

The Mo family is tantamount to saying that they have leaned against the big tree of the Bai family.

Although the Bai family has no state of mind, even the high-level monks in the Yuanyuan Realm, but everyone knows that there is Chu Yan behind it, and the Bai family with the city's main government and the limit gate thugs on the surface apparently has reopened Become the first family of Tongzhou City, and also left the second place far behind.

Relying on this big tree, the development of Mo's family must start a thousand miles from today.

Mo Qiong's heart was naturally full of gratitude to Chu Yan and Bai Family.

When everything was settled, the head of the limit door immediately left.

No way, whoever lets every moment stay here is a torment for him.

And Chu Yan did not plan to stay in the Bai family.

The promotion of Shen Qing and others made him hope to return early.

Moreover, the danger of the Bai family has now been lifted.

In addition, the cracks in the void of the Bai family also mean that the line has been lengthened, and the big fish that need to be caught later will not be considered for the time being.

Seeing Chu Yan go, they didn't dare to stay for nothing.

But before Chu Yan left, the elder Tai Shang made a request euphemistically.

This request is about Bai Xiuxiu.

Although Bai Xiuxiu was too full of yang, it affected her life.

But in fact, this kind of physical constitution is a very rare natural constitution.

The problem is only that Bai Xiuxiu is a daughter.

If Bai Xiuxiu is a man, this constitution will undoubtedly make him a genius, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the hope of the rise of the Bai family.

The meaning of Tai Shang Elder is that I hope Bai Xiuxiu can follow Chu Yan.

With Bai's ability, if Bai Xiuxiu was forced to stay, it would only delay her.

After a few years, the previous antidote is exhausted, and if Bai family cannot find other elixir for Bai Xiuxiu to suppress fire poison, Bai Xiuxiu has only one way to go.

And following Chu Yan, Bai Xiuxiu may still have a vitality, and may even play out her supernatural constitution.

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