Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1551: Helpless

When this request was made, the elder Taishang was actually very nervous.

Because Chu Yan has helped the Bai family too much.

The Bai family now has no equivalent return to each other.

Under such circumstances, I am still making extra demands, which is indeed a bit excessive.

The elder too knows this feeling.

But what she didn't know was that Chu Yan had noticed about Bai Xiuxiu's physique long ago.

It is indeed rare to have such a natural constitution.

If there is a way to turn things around and turn this terrible illness into an aid for practice, Chu Yan believes that Bai Xiuxiu is definitely the same genius as any of his partners.

"not now."

Facing the request of the elder Tai Shang, Chu Yan shook his head after a moment of groaning.

Bai Xiuxiu, standing on the side of Taishang Elder, suddenly fainted in his eyes.

However, the elder Tai Shang captured from Chu Yan's words a taste that Bai Xiuxiu did not notice.

"Master Chu is talking about now?"

She asked.

"Well, it really doesn't work now."

Chu Yan confirmed again, "She had taken the medicine before, so within two or three years, there should be no major problems.

And when I go back this time, I have very important things to do.

Even if I take her back, I don't have time to manage her.

On the contrary, staying in your Bai family, at least she has the ability to deal with things here. "

Chu Yan paused and continued: "And she's hot and poisonous. I can't think of a solution in a short time. I can only wait until I finish the task at hand, and then ask the elders of Zongmen See if there is any good way. "

After listening to Chu Yan's words, Bai Xiuxiu's eyes reappeared with hope.

Too elder can't help but move.

In fact, in her opinion, she gave Bai Xiuxiu to Chu Yan, that is, a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

But Chu Yan gave her such a detailed explanation.

Finally, I even talked about asking the elders in the Pope's door.

Chu Yan is now a teacher, so what is the status of his elders?

What's more, it was still a monk from the End of the World! The thought of this not only touched the elder Tai Shang, but also added confidence that Chu Yan could cure Bai Xiuxiu.

If ever, she would even say at this moment that she would marry Bai Xiuxiu to Chu Yan.

Because of this, Chu Yan and the Bai family have an in-law relationship. If there is something in the Bai family, Chu Yan will certainly not stand idly by.

But at this time, the elder elder also understood that if he really did that, it would be Baijia Gaopanchu.

What's more, today's Bai Xiuxiu is not worthy of the truth.

Even if the entire Bai family behind him is still not worthy of the truth.

Thinking about it this way, I feel sorry for the elder too much.

But things can only be so.

"Master Chu, when are you going to leave the Bai family?"

The elder Tai asked.


Chu Yan said.

Shen Qing has not yet been promoted to the present level, and is clearly still suffering from a demon.

After two days, Lin Miaoran will also enter a state of retreat and practice, which is likely to bring him to another level.

And everyone else has also been promoted one after another.

So Chu Yan had to rush back as soon as possible, and he didn't want to delay any more.

When Bai Xiuxiu saw Chu Yan, he was about to leave immediately, and a resentful look appeared on his face.

Her character, as she thought, would be shown on her face, and she would not hide it at all.

In fact, her true feelings and optimism when facing her own situation are the reasons why Chu Yan is willing to find a way to help her.

"Master Chu, then, then, when you left this time, when will you come again?"

Bai Xiuxiu bit his lip and asked softly.

Except for the elders who are inconvenient to walk, everyone has followed Chu Yan and came to the square outside.

Although less than twelve hours have passed since yesterday, many places in the Bai family have been renewed.

Obviously, the artisans sent by the city's mansion kept working day and night, and were highly skilled.

Chu Yan calculated the time.

It's almost late April.

The day when the soul-cutting road opens is June 30th.

It's unclear how long the Killing Road will open.

However, according to Chu Yan's estimation, the date for the opening of the Killing Road is generally ten to thirty days.

Even if Chu Yan keeps on his feet, once the cut-off road is over, he will return to the Bai family, it will be August.

The problem now is that the Bai family currently wants someone, something, and Bai Xiuxiu's body will not be in the short term, and the cracks in the void, Chu Yan's current state, are relatively risky to enter.

So Chu Yan will not come here in a short time.

So he said so.

In Bai Xiuxiu's eyes, there was a moment of emotional shaking.

But the next moment, Chu Yan handed her a piece of jade charm.

"If something happens and there is no way to solve it, crush the jade charm, and I will come right away."

Chu Yan explained.

However, when he said this, he did not feel that there would be any problems in the Bai family that needed him to solve them in a short time.

The city's main palace and limit gate are not vegetarian.

For ordinary monks and ancestors, unless someone's mind is broken, they will provoke the Bai family who are protected by these two forces.

As for Bai Xiuxiu, at that time, she counted the time by herself. Before she had a fire poisoning, check the books and see if there was a solution.

Even if no cure is found in the short term, there should be no problem in delaying the mitigation time.

After commanding, Chu Yan took out the spiritual boat, and after boarding it, he rose into the air and left directly.

One day later, he lost his soul and left the head of the Baizhou family in Tongzhou City, and returned to the limit gate.

This time, not only did I not bring people back, I was missing one person.

Although the remaining people did not worry about their lives, for decades, the limit gate had no way for them to contribute to Zongmen.

Those are all very talented disciples in the limit gate! Every time I think of it, the head has a depressive urge to vomit blood.

However, he could only agree to the humiliating conditions proposed by the other party.

Because he is in charge, letting Zongmen develop is his responsibility.

If he is a casual practitioner and careless, then in the face of Chu Yan, regardless of the identity of the other end of the lineage disciple, he violently kills him. In the end, he is killed by the other disciple's disciple.

If you die, you will die. The most important thing is revenge, kill the other party, and get the idea.

But now he is the head of the limit gate.

He can't just think about himself.

In fact, the head has been for many, many years, not only thinking about himself.

Since sitting in the position of the head, every time he thinks about the problem, he only thinks about the decision he made, and whether it will have any impact on Zongmen.

This time, it is no exception.

The end of the earth behind the opponent is really capable of destroying the limit gate.

And understatement, you can do it.

Sitting on the chair, the head sighed long and helpless.

After coming and going, although only two days had passed, he seemed to be twenty years old.

At this time, the sunlight outside the door reflected an elongated figure.

The next moment someone stepped in.

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