Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1558: One hundred thousand soldiers

Horsepower would never think of it. At that time, he was so upset that he thought he could win a young disciple. When he later used it for himself, he completely buried himself because of a self-righteous one. Now he is even uprooted with his family.

Although the limit gate was in Chu Yan's hands this time, he suffered unprecedented losses.

But in its own ancestral territory, it still exists like a giant.

Destroy a family, it is really not difficult for the head of the anger at this moment.

It was inevitable that Ma Li's family was exposed to a **** storm.

The decision made by the head of the limit gate, Chu Yan, when beheading Zhou curtain, roughly expected some.

But who cares.

The matter of limiting the gate is, for today's Chu Yan, already a sight.

As long as the other party does not come to provoke him, he has no interest in killing him back.

His Highness Chu has this self-confidence. As long as he is surpassed by himself, he will not be able to catch up with him, and he will be widened by him.

For the next ten days or so, Chu Yan drove the spirit boat and flew all the way without encountering any accidents.

During the period, they passed the transport arrays in some cities, reducing the time spent on the journey.

So on May 6th of this year, Chu Yan entered the boundary where King Kongxian was located.

Because of altitude, Chu Yan looks farther than on the ground.

And now that she is promoted to the state of mind, Chu Yan's perception has been greatly improved.

At this moment, shortly after entering the realm of Wangfu, Chu Yan felt that there seemed to be raging smoke in the distant sky, and the killing breath continued.

From the perspective of distance, Chu Yan slightly raised his eyebrows.

That direction and distance seemed to be near the palace.

However, at this time, it was impossible for Chu Yan to contact Lin Miaoran through the rhinoceros jade.

Because four days ago, Lin Miaoran felt a feeling, re-closed, and entered a state of shock.

According to Chu Yan's original estimation, Kong Xian in the Baoxiang dynasty, although he was a different surnamed king, enjoyed the same treatment as ordinary royalty.

Even more often, because he is the special status of Bao Xiang Shang Guo Yi Xing Wang, he enjoys more privileges.

Because Bao Xiang has been in China for so many years, he has only confiscated such a strange king as Kong Xian.

Although Kong Xian never said why Baoxiang Shangguo would give him the king, Kongxian's status in this kingdom was there.

Who is so crazy that he dared to attack the palace, outside the palace, emitting such a strong killing breath?

However, Lingzhou flew forward for a while, and Chu Yan found that he still thought simple.

The palace where Kong Xian is located is really surrounded at this moment! And the people who surround the palace are truly a banner hunting army! From Wangfu to the surrounding area of ​​fifty miles, I am afraid that it will be surrounded by water.

Looking far away at this moment, the scent of the Jin Ge iron horse rose into the sky, and the densely packed army seemed to be a black spot, which could not be inserted into the palace.

In addition, there are rainbow lights flashing from time to time in the military formation, which shows that there are obviously monks among these people, and the number is still quite large.

The army and monks surrounded Kongxian's palace.

Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, he immediately hesitated, speeded up, and flew towards the palace.

One hundred li ... ninety li ... eighty li ... seventy li ... At this time, Chu Yan could clearly feel the taste of iron and blood in the air.

Hundreds of thousands of troops are assembled. At this moment, they are just standing still, but the strong, killing breath has almost shattered the void, giving people a glance, as if their chests were torn. Come on.

Just then, Chu Yan suddenly moved his heart.

He barely hesitated, stepped out of the boat, hovered in the air, and reached out to grab the boat into the storage ring.

As soon as he had done all this, he banged, and suddenly the position where the spirit boat was was suddenly exploded.

As if in the void, thousands of thunders were originally buried, and now they all detonated.

There was a loud bang, and the sound shook people's blood. Above the sky, for a moment, it seemed to be a white sun burning.

The mad air, sweeping all destruction like a monster, swept towards Chu Yan fiercely.

"Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"

Chu Yan drunk suddenly, and his body was immediately shrouded in a purple light ball.

The turbulent air, with the horrific aftermath of the explosion, slammed on the light group, and suddenly there came a huge roar like a siege hammer hitting the gate.

And Chu Yan's figure was pushed away by hundreds of feet.

His Royal Highness's face suddenly gloomed.

The attack was clearly directed at him.

If he had just missed it and was hit by this blow, then the Spirit Boat must now have been blown to pieces.

Even if he is in a state of mind, he will suffer a lot.

Once he is not in the state of heaven, but in the state of the earth, the spirit boat is destroyed and falling from this height is undoubtedly dead.

The purpose of the other party is very clear, that is, he wants his life! Once His Highness Chu was angry, the problem would become very serious.

The consciousness swept away, Chu Yan's eyes looked forward, and he immediately saw a void, a wave of fluctuations. At the next moment, a human figure turned away from him, emerged, and moved towards the tens of miles at a very fast speed Hurry up in the army.

The guy's hand was carrying a tube that was thicker than a human arm.

"Want to escape?"

Chu Yan sneered, killing in his eyes.

He stepped out, and Chu Yan narrowed the distance between him and the other party.

His Royal Highness Chu is vigorous and endless. When he flew up, he did not even consider the passing of the Aura.

Between the two steps, the distance between the two parties was reduced to less than a hundred feet.

At this time, Chu Yan had already seen clearly that the monk who sneaked in on him had the same level as himself, but what he wore on the other side was not the robe that the monk usually wore, but the inscriptional armor.

The armor system is very similar to the soldiers in the army formation on the ground, but it is more luxurious and more mysterious.

At this moment, both sides are not far away from the military formation. The hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses squatting in the dark, revealing the horror, seems to break the sky.

Looking from a distance, it is enough to make people feel like they are being held by an invisible large hand.

At this moment, the monk stopped suddenly in midair, turned to face Chu Yan, with a provocative look on his face.

Apparently he was demonstrating to Chu Yan.

He's in a safe place, you can't treat me like that.

Chu Yan smiled angrily, snorted, and snow and ice flew in his eyes: "You are going to die."

The voice fell, and he rushed towards the other side suddenly, while his arms danced wildly: "Taiyi leaves the fire sword!"

boom! Dozens of feet of flame light blades stretched out, and in the army on all sides, there was a continuous roar: "Bold!"

The next moment seemed to be rising round by round.

Several rays of light sprang up from all parts of the military formation, with horror and prestige sweeping the world, toward the anger of Chu Yan.

"Who dares to be presumptuous before the King of Heroes!"

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