Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1559: Either roll or die (on)

"I care who you are!"

Chu Yan burst into a drink, flipped his left hand, and Zhan Yan flew out to face the monk who attacked himself. At the same time, a flash of light appeared in his right hand, a torture penalty appeared, and his arm waved sharply around him.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

The monk who was attacked apparently did not expect that he had fled to the military front, and all his own monks had shot, and had already reported their names, the opponent dared to take the shot.

He just had this hesitant effort, and Zhan Yan had already killed him in front of him, and with a slap, he divided the monk's body into two and tore it apart.

The tumbling air, when it exploded, instantly blasted the two halves of the monk into flesh and blood.

A large amount of plasma fell from the air, as if it was a heavy rain.

Taiyi Lihuo's flame light blade, also around Chu Yan at this moment, swept away around, as if it were a long practice.

Bang Bang Bang! The monks who flew to Chu Yan were attacked by Qi Qi at this moment and hurriedly raised the magic weapon to resist.

After a series of blasts, these rushing monks were forced to retreat more than ten miles away, and their faces were filled with astonishment.

The other party is only a small-mindedness in the state of mind, but at the moment, he completed a series of actions such as killing and retreating from the enemy, all in one go.

For a moment, these four or five masters of the heavenly heart hovered in midair and did not dare to act lightly.

Chu Yan also hovered in the air, standing against his hands, like a javelin-like straight body, as if supporting the sky, his eyes were like a torch, and he looked at these heavenly masters. Suddenly, the other party felt cold all over his body and his heart rose. Boundless fear.

Faced with the encirclement of multiple guru and 100,000 troops, Chu Yan's posture at this moment gave people a feeling of being on par with the opponent's court.

Finally, one of those teachers couldn't help it, smirking and said: "You dare to kill the wise king, so brave!"

Chu Yan pointed at the other side and sneered, "The Master of the End of the World is also blocked, dare to report his name, and I will send your whole family to death today."

The monk was short of breath, his face was pale, and he didn't know what to do.

Other people's faces also changed at this time.

Today, they also thought that they would come to help Kong Xian, and there might be a monk from Tianyazong.

So their original plan was to kill each other while they were unprepared.

In this way, when there is no proof of death, the reason is "the other party did not reveal their identity" to go to the mud, Tianyazong can not take them.

After all, standing behind them was the wise king.

But what I didn't expect was that the other party didn't look at the realm but just entered the sky, but it was so fierce.

Not only the strength is fierce, but also the temper is so fierce! As soon as they reveal their identities, if they want to stop them, they are going to oppose Tianyazong.

Chu Yan's face also gloomed at this moment.

Seeing this, how could he not know what was going on.

Kong Xian must be in trouble today.

At this time, he must rush back as soon as possible to see what is going on.

To get there, you must go through these hundreds of thousands of troops.

His Royal Highness narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, "Let's get out of the way, whoever blocks me will die."

The monk's face suddenly appeared angrily.

This area is guarded by several of them.

Now that one person has been lost, naturally it can no longer be put in.

What's more, once it was released, it was a Master Tianyazong.

At that time, the actions of King Yin this time will probably be put to waste.

"Who do you think you are? Let us make it."

One of the monks spoke with a sneer.

Chu Yan leaned towards the other side, his mouth slightly raised: "It seems so kind to you that you don't understand people, and there are two ways for you, either roll or die!"

Chu Yan had five fingers in his claws, and yanked in the direction of the monk.

The monk blinked, still wondering why he didn't feel the slightest change, and suddenly heard the exclaim of other monks in his ear.

"Be careful!"

At the same moment, he heard the sound of breaking air behind him, a hot air wave, as if a spoonful of oil was poured on his back.

"How ..." He only had time to react, and suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw a long grip and came out through his chest.

The cutting edge of Yan Yan arrived at his back at this moment.

The monk immediately understood that this was the magic weapon of the former monk who had been thrown out and killed the monk before.

At this moment the magic weapon flew back, but still maintained the previous angle, so the handle was first penetrated through his back and then poked out from the front chest.

"This ... is not enough to kill ... I ..." The monk's mouth opened, and blood rushed out, a simple word, intermittently.


Chu Yan sneered, palms of force suddenly created a suction.

Huh! Zhan Yan immediately divided the monk's body and flew back to Chu Yan's hands if he was shocked.

At the moment when the monk was cut by the flames, the air that was compressed sharply squeezed it into a piece of meatloaf, and the robe on his body was completely torn, as if it were a butterfly flying around.

"It's all ground meat, aren't you dead?"

Chu Yan was at the moment concerned with the people in the palace. He didn't take a look at the monk's body. He cut his inflammation with his left hand and cast a penalty in his right hand.

With a bang, he flew full force at this moment, and in the void, he was pulled out by a long afterimage.

In general, a monk with a heavy state of mind can only fly briefly in midair at this time. Under normal circumstances, the assistance of flying magic weapons is still needed.

The remaining monks only felt the strong wind blowing in front of them. When they reacted, Chu Yan had passed through them.

Several looked at each other, turned around and chased after.

It is one thing to let the other person walk through, and a few of them do nothing, that is another thing.

But soon, these monks became more and more shocked.

Because of the speed of Chu Yan, they couldn't even catch up with flying magic weapons such as flying swords, and the distance was still widening.

The other person's aura seems to be endless and can continue to erupt.

Although the range of the military formation is beyond fifty miles, the distance of fifty miles is really not very far in front of Chu Yan's flying speed.

In the eyes of these monks, if he was allowed to fly this way, it would take a moment for the other party to enter the palace.

Then their efforts in the past few days have fallen short.

The purpose of a virtuous king is not achieved.

Suddenly, one of the monks yelled and issued a command: "Fight in front, stop him!"

The voice fell, and a strong light rose from the army array ahead.

The strong light quickly condensed into a beam of light, soaring straight into the sky, as if it were a pillar supporting the heaven and earth, suddenly stopped in front of Chu Yan.

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