Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1563: Half-walker

The magic light illuminate the despair on everyone's face at this moment.

Seen one after another, throwing magic weapons one by one.

But as soon as this shot was taken, it was densely packed, like a river or river, rolling towards you, let alone seeing it, and never heard of it.

And these monks were still in Wanbao Kunlun and saw the magic weapon they had just lost.

It shows that these magic weapons are not owned by them at this moment.

Suddenly, their eyes looked at Chu Yan, full of incomparable fear.

Tianyazong, when did such a number one come out! There is a monk who knows a little about Tianyazong. At the moment, he has racked his brains and can't think of when such a powerful disciple appeared recently.

"All right."

Chu Yan looked at the horrified expressions on the faces of everyone with a sneer, "Give up all the storage bags on your body. If it is kept private, I will let his entire family bury him together."

Everyone: "..." At this time, what choices can there be?

In the sky, the rays of light are like rainbows, and the air is rushing into the world, as if the ancient **** of heaven opened his eyes and stood high, looking down at all beings.

The monks in the heavens, the monks in the Yuanyuan, the monks in the Ningmai state, and the army of 100,000 troops all felt oppressed and out of breath at this moment.

It seemed as if a mountain was on his shoulders.

And this mountain is still getting heavier and heavier, and they want to grind their bodies and souls together into dust.

"I ... lost ..." The monk at the scene, with a bitter expression on his face, took off all the storage magic weapons he had with him and threw them to Chu Yan.

Someone originally wanted to hide a little bit, but as soon as he showed up, he was chopped off by a ray of light.

Since then no one has dared to play tricks.

Soon after, looking at the rooster as if defeated, pulling his head, his face was a monk who left with an innocent appearance, and his morale was extremely low, and it was completely two extremes before. For a moment, all of them burst into tears, feeling like they were dreaming.

Crisis, is it so resolved?

But the thought of the magic of the sky just summoned just now, everyone took it for granted.

The flickering light can scare people to death and jealous of them without having to take any action.

Looking at Chu Yanfei before returning to himself, Kong Xian and others at the scene couldn't help but raise a complex emotion.

A few months ago, when Chu Yan set out, he was still in Diyuan Realm.

Although the realm, it has opened a gap with everyone.

But psychologically, it still makes people feel that he and himself are still on the same level.

It's just that Chu Yan's has taken an extra leg.

But today, Chu Yan felt completely different to them.

Heaven mood, Master! It's as easy as eating and drinking.

One hundred thousand army, it is said that it is a good point to drive back. In fact, people who are not blind can see that the one hundred thousand army is scared away! Even if Chu Yan didn't want to let them go, they would most likely not be able to run any of them.

The strength of Chu Yan has opened an inaccessible gap with everyone! The difference between the clouds and mud, I'm afraid that's just the case.

At this moment, Chu Yan fell in front of the crowd, and glanced at them, seeing that they all showed a nervous look, and then laughed: "What's wrong?"

The tone of smile is still the original taste.

Su Jianyuan blinked, pointed to the punishment on Chu Yan's right hand, and hesitantly asked, "Chu Yan, what is this magic weapon?"

Just after being besieged by so many magical level magic weapons, everyone squeezed sweat for him, and his throat was mentioned in his heart.

But Chu Yan wore this magic weapon, and with a wave of his hand, he collected all the magic weapons.

At the same time that everyone was shocked, their hearts were full of curiosity.

However, after Su Jianyuan asked at this time, he immediately regretted it.

This is definitely not a simple magic weapon.

Among monks, asking about exercises and magic tricks is taboo.

I asked Chu Yan so openly now, wouldn't it upset him?

Just when Su Jianyuan's heart was up and down, Chu Yan directly took off the torture, threw it into his hands, and smiled: "A half-walker."

"Oh, it's a half-walker--" Su Jianyuan was still agitated at Chu Yan's actions at this moment.

He did not expect that Chu Yan would be so direct, and he would throw his magic weapon to him.

What a trust it is.

Suddenly, when he was touched by this, Su Jianyuan turned back, his eyes widened instantly, and his voice changed into tone: "Half-walker?"

Not only him, but also Kong Xian, Li Xiu, Su Yuqing, etc., were shocked to take a breath, widened their eyes, and looked to the sky.

"Tian Yin Broken Star Sword, but ..." Su Jianyuan swallowed saliva and stuttered, "Nine Pins Magical Tool ..." Tian Yin Broken Star Sword was the original treasure of Zhenzong in Broken Star Tower.

Not to mention the past, even now, it is still the supreme existence in the hearts of everyone.

But now, Chu Yan is using a magic weapon that is even higher than Tianyin Broken Star Sword.

There was a sudden inhalation sound at the scene.

Kong Xian They already knew Chu Yan, and it is still so now.

The monks in the Palace of King Kong Xian were even more miserable at this time.

An ordinary monk in the state of mind usually has a low-order spirit.

Have some background, or have immortality, holding intermediate-level artifacts in his hands.

But this is extremely rare.

Even less is the possession of higher-order artifacts.

But just like Broken Star House.

High-level spiritual artifacts are rarely owned by monks alone, but are like Tang Liang. Although they are the swordsman of Tianyin Broken Star Sword, Tianyin Broken Star Sword itself belongs to Broken Star Tower.

As for the half-walker-let alone see it, even many monks have never heard of it.

However, at this moment Su Huayuan's brilliance in the heavenly punishment showed that Chu Yan did not lie.

Ordinary spirits, even high-level ones, don't give this feeling.

"Half-walker ..." the crowd murmured.

Although the power is not enough to compare with the real Taoism, but it can be motivated by a monk who wins in a single heaven.

What's more, Chu Yan just showed the power of the punishment.

And after returning to God, Su Jianyuan's heart surged through the thick warm current.

Chu Yan even threw this precious magic weapon of the half-walker directly to himself.

What a great trust it is to yourself! At this moment, not only Su Jianyuan, but also Li Xiu, Su Yuqing and Kong Xian, who have also reacted.

Chu Yan has always regarded them as brothers and sisters, and has not changed because of changes in realm and identity.

On the contrary, they think too much.

For a moment, everyone was moved and ashamed.

But the most important thing is that after realizing this, the trace of diaphragm that had previously been raised because of the realm of Chu Yan disappeared completely at this time.

Seeing the relaxed smiles on everyone's faces, Her Royal Highness Chu was relieved.

You are the most important being in my heart, how can I make you feel the pressure because of me.

After Chang Shu sighed, Chu Yan looked at Kong Xian: "Next, are you going to be busy for a while?"

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