Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1564: A figure

Listening to Chu Yan reminded him that Kong Xian first responded and immediately came over.

There was a fascination in his eyes, his eyes crossed Chu Yan, looking at the army that was rapidly disintegrating, and said arbitrarily, "Yeah, this time you caught off guard. Fortunately, you came back in time or you would have suffered a big loss.

Now things are like this, someone must pay for it.

Wait for me for two days and then give you results. "

After hearing this from Kong Xian, Chu Yan nodded, and he would never ask again about the internal fighting between them.

He believes Kong Xian will handle it well.

Even if the royal family did have dissatisfaction with him, after the worst crisis this time, with the power of Kong Xian and the strength of the royal palace, others would never want to force him into a desperate situation like today. It is possible again.

If he really fell into the pit a second time, he would not be the only other surname Wang Kongxian of Baoxiang Shangguo.

After Chu Yan and Kong Xian greeted each other, they returned to Lieyuan with Li Xiu and others.

Along the way, everyone in the palace immediately became extremely respectful when they saw Chu Yan.

Not only is Chu Yan now the identity of Heavenly Heart Master, but more importantly, the overwhelming power that has just appeared.

A person is almost crushing, killing enemies several times his own, and then scaring 100,000 troops with the magic weapon of the sky, forcing the monks to actively dedicate their whole body to beg for mercy. This kind of majesty, great strength, enough Let him be admired by everyone.

On the way to Bieyuan, Chu Yan learned the current state of the general public from the population such as Li Xiu.

At present, Lin Miaoran is still the highest in the realm.

By this time she had reached the complete state of heaven.

A few days before Chu Yan returned, she entered a retreat.

If nothing else, she will enter the duality of heaven when she comes out of the customs in a few days.

In terms of Qingyu, accidents in the realm of impact are almost non-existent.

Shen Qing will have trouble before, the main reason is because she is making a breakthrough in the realm.

Now she is also a diyuan.

However, Shen Qing's personality is well understood by Chu Yan.

Compared to hard work and patience, none of the people Chu Chu knew could match her.

Even in some respects, Chu Yan was ashamed.

Therefore, it was not unexpected at all. Shen Qing cut off her demon and completed a very difficult and dangerous breakthrough. She did not stop in the slightest, and entered a new stage of cultivation.

As for the others, Uzrama, Jiang Panmeng and others have their own breakthroughs.

Although it is a little slower than the blessing brought by Lin Miaoran's natural Qingyu body, but compared to ordinary monks, this can already be described as scary speed.

Chu Yan returned today, and everyone didn't get any news in advance, so only Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan, and Su Yuqing did not retreat.

It took a few days for everyone else to see it.

But there is actually another person, Chu Yan can see today.

That is Master Bitong Zeng Bi.

Before Chu Yan went to the evil brutal rain forest, she handed over a large amount of her treasures to her to make elixir for everyone to use.

Judging from the current situation, Zeng Bizheng did not disappoint Chu Chu's entrustment to her at all.

However, according to Li Xiu, after Chu Yan saw Zeng Bi, it would be better for him not to be so desperate.

"She's noticeably thinner."

This is Li Xiu's original words.

Zeng Bi is a monk in the state of mind. To this extent, her posture does not mean that she will change at will if she does not eat for a few days.

There is only one possibility for such an obvious change, that is, it is too laborious in the near future.

Today, the palace was in deep siege. She did not take any action. On the one hand, it is the palace's own layout. On the other hand, it is also in the other garden to protect everyone from accidents.

Obviously, for Chu Yan's instructions, she was almost done with the highest execution power, without slacking.

After listening to Li Xiu's narration, Chu Yan groaned slightly.

From the last performance of Sansheng Mountain to this time, Zeng Bi's actions have made Chu Yan satisfied.

Even satisfied to unexpected.

So Chu Yan began to think about whether to release Zeng Bi freely.

After all, they were also elders of the ancestral gate of Xinjiang.

After thinking for a while, Chu Yan decided to share his thoughts with the other party when he saw Zeng Bi later.

As for how to decide, it is up to her.

I made up my mind and was about to step forward. Su Yan suddenly swept away from the corner of her eyes, caught a figure, and quickly slipped past the flower bed next to it.

Obviously, the other party also has the foundation of cultivation and moves quickly.

If you were an ordinary person, you might not even notice the other person ’s actions at this moment, or even notice the person.

But Chu Yan's consciousness is much stronger than the monks of the same level.

At this point in his mind, a middle-aged blessing had emerged, showing a slightly rich figure.

"You go back first."

Chu Yan said to Li Xiu, "I'll be there in a little while."

Although the three of Li Xiu were puzzled in their hearts, now they have been headed by Chu Yan, and Chu Yan didn't say anything, so naturally they didn't ask more, and after leaving a reply, they left.

After the three of them went further, the smile on Chu Yan's face faded gradually, his eyes narrowed, he looked in the direction that the figure had just faded away, and then walked over.

The king's palace is very big. Generally, if you want to follow someone, if the distance is not very close, if you turn a few more turns, you will probably lose it.

However, Chu Yan's consciousness has already been spread, so the other party's position at this moment and the direction of walking are all well known.

After the other party stayed in a warehouse-like place in front of him, after a long time without moving, the corner of His Royal Highness raised his sneer, stepped forward, and pushed open the heavy wooden door.

With a bang, the sun poured into it, while illuminating the stuff in the warehouse, it also illuminated a fat middle-aged figure.

The man was obviously startled and turned quickly.

After seeing Chu Yan, the middle-aged man turned pale and suddenly looked very unnatural. He first wanted to shout, but immediately realized what it looked like. He went on, then licked his lips, and saluted to Chu Yan: "Have met Master Chu."

Although he had tried to cover up his panic mood, at this moment his heartbeat was like beating, but he still betrayed him.

Chu Yan did not respond, but just stood in front of the door, blocked the door, and looked down at him.

The pressure in the air is getting bigger.

First it was like mercury, then it condensed into an iron plate, and soon it was as thick as a mountain, and it was heavily pressed on the shoulders and chest of this middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was sweating all over his body. After a while, not only his body was soaked, but also sweat dripping down his hair and cheeks.

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