Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1565: Power of life and death

After a while, the middle-aged man swayed, the distance collapsed, just a mile away.

At this time, he couldn't help it anymore, his face pale, and a powerful cry: "Excuse me, Master Chu, is there anything?"

Chu Yan looked at him lightly and examined.

Before he was attacked by the monsoon pond, he had already guessed that his whereabouts must have been leaked.

So during the Monsoon Pond, he made a special trip to find the information.

As he expected, the people who leaked his information were in Kongxian's palace.

This is the steward at this moment, who seems to be peaceful in ordinary times, and no one can be guilty.

The ability to find a steward in the palace is strong enough.

But this guy is even stronger, so that Chu Yan did not have much impression on him.

Chu Yan's memory is very good, and people who have been in contact with it usually have memories.

But this person, he hardly remembers the existence of such a figure.

That shows that this steward knows how to hide himself.

Seeing the other person laughed and cried, Chu Yan said lightly: "I wanted to explain but I was too lazy to speak.

You know what you did. "

thump! The voice dropped, the housekeeper knelt directly to the ground, his body trembling, his expression on his face became more innocent and fearful: "Master Chu, what are you talking about, you really don't understand anything at all.

Also, here, this is the King's Mansion. Even if the little one accidentally offends you, it should be the king who punishes the little one. You, don't you look at the king's face! "


Chu Yan sneered, "Press me with Kong Xian?"

Although the other party's cover is very good, but now it is a clear statement of the state of mind, and it can be said that the change of ordinary people's emotions is keenly extreme.

Suddenly he caught the fleeting pride in the other's eyes.

The other party seemed to recognize that Chu Yan would care about Kong Xian's face and did not dare to openly kill him in the palace.

But the housekeeper apparently didn't figure out one thing.

It may also be that his state is so low that he does not often remember the phrase that monks often hang around their lips: under the heart of the sky, there are all ants.

Squeezing an ant, still need to see who raised it?

Heavenly state of mind is on immortal road, which is to have the power of life and death! "You should thank me."

Chu Yan looked to each other.

A lot of time has been wasted on this guy.

"I will only kill you. If you let Kong Xian know, you will be destroyed."

The steward's face suddenly became like paper, and even his face turned blue, and the whole person showed a deadly look.

"I ..." He was about to speak, and Chu Yan's eyes were frozen.

The coercion of the heavenly state of mind is where a condensed state of mind can carry it.

It's like pouring water from a lake into a cup.

The cup exploded into pieces in no time.

And at this moment, the butler was torn into flesh and blood.

Chu Yan had already confirmed it at the time of the monsoon pond.

The monsoon pond's men used lucrative rewards to lure this housekeeper, and never contacted other people.

So killing this guy is not wrong at all.

After pinching this little ant who felt that he still had a gold medal for death prevention, Chu Yan went out, and soon came to the other people's practiced garden.

When I saw Kong Xian again, it was already four days later.

Chu Yan didn't seem to be coincident this time.

On the day he returned to kill the Quartet, everyone was practicing. All they saw were Li Xiu, Su Jianyuan, and Su Yuqing.

Then during these four days, those who practice are still practicing.

And Li Xiu and Su Jianyuan also felt closed because of feelings.

So Su Yuqing accompanied Chu Yan every day.

As for Zeng Bi, she is still dedicated to refining elixir.

After all, things like alchemy can't leave the furnace until it is elevated to Zifu.

She had to control the fire at any time by the Dan furnace, not distracted at all.

Looking at the other person's seriousness, Chu Yan planned to give Zeng Bi some rewards after the Cut Road was opened.

Four days later, Chu Yanhe and Su Yuqing, who accompanied him, met Kong Xian.

When Kong Xian came here, he had apparently been bathed and cleaned.

In fact, as far as monks are concerned, bathing and cleaning now does not require boiling water and boiling water. It is much cleaner than using water to wash a net.

Speaking of net clothes, there is actually a little story.

When the clothespin was made, it was called a figure.

The nuns have no opinion on this and are happy because it is easy to clean and thorough.

But this name was met with unanimous opposition from the men.

Many male practitioners said that while cleaning, some undescribable parts of their bodies would feel strange.

Soon after, the amulet was changed to a jersey.

Although it is a clean clothes, it is used more often to wash the body. Among the monks in Ningmai Realm, the clean clothes are especially popular.

When Kong Xian came today, he was clearly cleaned.

But even so, his whole body can still make people feel a strong **** breath.

He could even see some unwilling souls lingering around him, resentful and fearful.

However, these ghosts have no effect on Kong Xian.

Seeing the evil spirit that Kong Xian hadn't completely dissipated at this time, Chu Yan said, "Killed a lot of people?"

Kong Xian smiled, and after a while, his expression became serious, and a smell of iron and blood was revealed on his body: "The king ’s palace was washed out, and it almost caused a catastrophe. In the future, I do n’t want to have a different name. ”

"What's going on?"

Chu Yan asked, "Just because you are a disciple of the End of the World?"

"This is one of them."

Before Kong Xian came, he had sorted out his thoughts. At this moment, when he asked Chu Yan, he explained in detail.

"The biggest difference between Shang and Jianguo is the relationship between Zongmen and the dynasty."

"Well, I know that."

Chu Yan nodded, "The Zongmen and the dynasty of Shangguo are on an equal footing, which is equal to two systems, and the wells do not violate the river. The dynasty of the Xinjiang state is an agent chosen by Zongmen. To manage the people of the world.

In Shanghai, if Zongmen wanted to overthrow the dynasty, it was tantamount to rebellion.

In Xinjiang, Zongmen can be replaced at any time if he is not satisfied with a dynasty. "

"That's the truth."

Kong Xian grinned bitterly, "I had thought about it before, after all, there are still some small frictions between the dynasty and the Zongmen.

But in fact, these frictions have long been negligible.

Moreover, the harmonious state between the dynasty and the End of the World has continued for more than 800 years.

Many officials and children of the imperial family now worship Tianya Sect and learn the Immortal Method.

Should not be a big deal.

But I didn't expect that this time I even had a knife.

After all, it is still related to the location of my palace. "

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