Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1566: Confucian crisis

Seeing both Chu Yan and Su Yuqing's suspicious look, Kong Xian pointed to his feet: "About two thousand seven hundred miles west from here, there is a huge crack running across the north and south.

The crack runs straight underground, no one knows the exact depth.

But every year, one hundred and thirty-five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, that is, a singular month, a lot of monsters will flow out of the cracks.

These monsters were once a disaster here, disturbing the surrounding chickens and dogs, and even almost built a kingdom of monsters. "

Su Yuqing said suddenly, "It's your duty to suppress the devil."


Kong Xian nodded. "This incident started from about the time of my grandfather's father.

However, it wasn't until my generation that the different surnamed Wang was named. "

In Chu Yan's eyes, there was a touch of brilliance.

He extracted more information from Kong Xian's words than Su Yu.

"So, to be able to seal the king, and the words you used just now, almost these words, I can speculate that the devil is not only suppressed by your Kong family, but also eliminated, right?

Chu Yan looked to Kong Xian.

Kong Xian responded and nodded: "Although the task is arduous, it is indeed the case.

When it comes to my generation, it can be said that I have better luck, as well as the efforts of my family's ancestors, and everything has been arranged.

That's why I can slay the leader of the demon man, and I will almost completely destroy the demon man of scale.

The remaining spooky monsters escaped, though.

But the number of those can be said to be insignificant. "

Speaking of this, Kong Xian moved slightly, with a proud look on his face: "After four generations, my Kong family finally eliminated the great trouble of the devil."

Kong Xian was a little emotional at the moment.

However, he will have this fluctuation, and there is no excuse.

After all, the efforts, layout, planning, and **** battles of the four generations took hundreds of years. This perseverance and determination are definitely not comparable to just one person or one family.

But at this time, Chu Yan poured a basin of cold water on Kong Xian.

"It's worth touching, but not smart."

Upon hearing what Chu Yan said, Su Yuqing looked at him with a surprised look.

Because Su Yuqing did not expect, Chu Yan would say such words at this time.

But what surprised Su Yuqing more was that Kong Xian not only was not angry, but at the moment rubbed her eyebrows and nodded helplessly: "It is indeed what you said. Although it seems to have got the title of a different surname Wang, the scenery is no different, but It ’s really not smart. You can tell from what happened today. "


What does it mean? "

Su Yu was puzzled.

Chu Yan looked at her. After a while, she said four words: "Raise the pirate."

Su Yuqing didn't know much about this kind of conspiracy, but the meaning of a word was not difficult to understand at this time.

Suddenly, a clear look appeared in Su Yuqing's eyes.

And then, sighed silently.

"This kind of thing is actually easier to see more clearly as an outsider."

Chu Yan comforted Kong Xiandao.

Although the country of Nanyuan County is no better than Baoxiang.

But as a dynasty, sparrows are small and well-organized.

So many things about the political situation and power planning are clearer than those of monks who have been on the fairy road since birth.

Kong Xian sighed and said, "You are right, in fact, this is the correct way.

Under the circumstances that the disaster of the underground devil has been controlled, they can be killed without exhausting them.

In this way, my Kong family still has the necessity and significance of existence.

Now that the devil is no longer able to create disasters, my Kong family can say as the saying in the world says: the cunning rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking.

Our Confucian family now has very little effect and significance for the dynasty.

Worst of all, many royal families held objections when rewarding different surnamed kings.

What they always admire is the pedigree of descent.

When the disaster of the Devil was still there, our Kong family was useful, and they were still converging.

Now that the disaster of the Devil is gone, and they have a reason for the trouble, naturally they can't wait. "

Thinking of what Kong Xian said before, Chu Yan groaned and said, "The king with a different surname and Tianyazong are too close."


Kong Xian snorted coldly. "The meaning in Chaotang is probably that I eat and eat outside, while receiving the reward and glory of the dynasty, and at the same time practicing at the ancestral gate, and working for the ancestral gate.

The moral banner in their hands stood high, fearing that others would not see it.

In fact, their children and grandchildren, who do n’t know how many, have been sent to various ancestors to learn the Immortal Law. Now speaking of me, they are sounding and righteous. "

"There is nothing wrong with adding sin."

Chu Yan glanced at Kongxian, "but judging from your state today, at least the emperor is on your side."

"But this is not a long-term solution."

Kong Xianying said: "After all, as you just said, the Confucian family now has the greatest effect on the royal family.

If we as a family do not continue to be passive, there is only one way, which is to show that we still have value, and have greater value than before. "

The hidden meaning in Kong Xian's discourse was vague enough, but Chu Yan caught it all at once.

"That underground crack ..." Chu Yan looked at Kong Xian and narrowed his eyes.

"There may be something else inside."

Kong Xian's words did not fall, and he immediately said: "No, it's not possible, it's certain, but it's too early to go to investigate.

When you have a chance, you can take a look at that crack, you can hardly see the end.

As for the depth, the deepest I ever had was to lead soldiers in for more than half a month, but there was still no end.

At that time, the temperature was extremely low, but there was a constant flow of air, and the sound was terrible.

Because the problem of the devil had been solved at that time, I prevented unnecessary injuries, so after that, I led my subordinates to exit first. "

Chu Yan thought for a moment, and nodded: "If you say so, I can go and take a look at it after the Spiriting Road opens, how about you?"

"I may not be so easy."

Kong Xian was helpless. "My current state is still relatively reluctant."


Chu Yan nodded, "If you say so, then you will tell me what you have learned in advance, and I will prepare early."

"No need now?"

Kong Xianwang looked at Chu Yan and exhaled, "Thank you."

"There are other things to do now."

Chu Yan pointed at Su Yuqing, and then laughed, "It's all friends, so I'll see you outside."

Kong Xian froze and laughed immediately.

Yes, a few days ago, if Chu Yan didn't appear in time to help the palace survive the crisis, now he and the entire palace don't know what will happen.

For these things, I would like to say thanks to Chu Chuyan, which is too stingy.

The three people in the hall were thinking about their own minds. At this time, a thin long leg came in outside the hall.

"I heard that a heartbreaker is back?"

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