Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1574: Sperm blood into the body

Furui looked curiously at the magic weapon that Chu Yan had given her.

Looks like a little glittering tower.

Although he was about the size of a half slap, he was exuding an ancient and reckless taste.

As if there is infinite history contained in it, it is necessary to break through time and space and suppress all evil.

Holding the small tower in his palm, Furui felt inexplicably settled, as if he was on a cliff at this moment.

"what is this?"

Furui looked at Chu Yan and asked.

"Jiugong Barren Tower."

Chu Yan explained, "Your strength is weak, and your experience in field battles is not enough. If you give it to other magic weapons, I feel that it will be counterproductive.

Once you are caught by other monks, you are very dangerous.

The Jiugonghuangtian Tower is the magic weapon with the strongest defense in my hand.

I can't guarantee other things, but there should be not many monks who can break through its defenses on the road of cutting spirits.

As long as you are careful, there is absolutely no problem with self-protection.

In addition, the pure sun of Jiugonghuangtian Tower has a strong breath, and the ghosts and demons cannot approach.

So even if you encounter some crooked ways, you can still cope. "


Furui nodded and held the little golden tower firmly.

At this moment, her heart was extremely warm.

Stupid idiots, aren't always stupid-"Is there any specific news on the road to the soul?"

After finishing the magic weapon, Chu Yanwang asked Kong Xian.

"It should be these days."

Kong Xian smiled and pointed at Yun Nishang, "She just came back from the gate, and the news should be better than mine."

"Up to two days. When I came here this time, I had seen many elders and disciples go out."

Yun Nishang said.


Chu Yan nodded and looked at the crowd. "Anyway, no matter where the Chosen Road is chosen this time, there is something important that you can't miss."

"Wannian Savage Dragon!"

Lin Miaoran blurted out.

Chu Yan raised his palm.

A drop of red, translucent blood was suddenly hovering three inches above his palm.

The sun shone down obliquely, refracted through the blood beads, forming a neon.

Looking faintly, in this neon, it seems that there are thousands of pictures constantly flowing.

"Is this the essence of Wannian Savage Dragon?"

Kong Xian and Yun Nishang got closer and looked carefully.

Although it is just a drop of blood, at the moment, the enlightenment of the consciousness felt that it was a thousand revolutions, making people feel extremely mysterious.

Seeing everyone's eyes gathered on his palm, Chu Yan smiled slightly, and his palm moved slightly.

The drop of blood was dispersed immediately, turned into nine equal parts, and flew towards Lin Miaoran and others.

Lin Miaoran and others did not take precautions, and allowed this drop of essence blood to float to his forehead and then penetrate into it.

The whole process is extremely simple, and no changes can be seen.

Chu Yan carefully observed the expressions of the people and could not see any clues. For a moment, he couldn't help but hesitate.

"Isn't the essence of Wannianlong the blood that does not have the effect I need?"

At this moment, Su Jianyuan turned to face Jiang Panmeng and said, "I just said something in my heart."

"You say that this process is not gorgeous at all."

Jiang Panmeng gave him a white look, then laughed, "Right?"


Su Jianyuan continued clapping.

Seeing this, Chu Yan suddenly blinked.

Because he was not personally involved, it was not clear to him what kind of changes would occur after the drop of essence blood was incorporated into the body.

However, from the current situation, it seems to be working.

"What does it feel like?"

Chu Yan asked curiously.

"Well, how do you say."

After thinking about it, Lin Miaoran described: "It's like our minds didn't want to communicate with each other before, and now, this drop of blood from Wannian Savage Dragon has opened a channel for us.

Then, there was a door pressed on these passages.

The door is usually closed.

In this way, we will not know what the other party thinks.

But as long as we are willing to open this door, we can communicate directly in our hearts. "

"Yes, that's it."

Su Yuqing bowed her head and groaned for a moment, then nodded her head, "It feels a little strange, I have never had such an experience before."

"It's more like a space."

Li Xiu also expressed his feelings at the moment, "We can choose not to go in, but if we go in, those who are also in this space can directly complete the spiritual dialogue."

"In this way, we can immediately know each other's position after we enter the Road of Killing Spirits.

Then the people who are close together meet at the fastest speed.

In case of danger, nearby people can also help as quickly as possible.

Information between each other can also be shared. "

Su sees a long way.

"Ascension of the realm, gaining new magic weapon, and then having this spiritual connection, this time cutting the spiritual path can save a lot of trouble."

Jiang Panmeng also seemed particularly optimistic.

"Then just need to wait for the specific opening time now."

Seeing that there was no problem with the blood of Wannian Savage Dragon, Chu Yan was relieved, "If the validity of this blood is not wrong, it should be about fifty days.

In the past few days, you have to adapt to each other, and after the end of the spirit cut road, it should be almost useless. "

"it is good."

Everyone nodded.

So no one wastes time and continues to return to his own small building, or to stabilize his realm, or to familiarize himself with the newly acquired magic weapon.

As for the narrative of the old, when he later entered the End of the World, some had time.

Everyone also understands that the true companionship of Xianlu is normal together and strong together.

Otherwise, the promotion in the future may be closed once, for decades or even hundreds of years.

After leaving customs, the vicissitudes of life passed away.

Therefore, the longest companionship is to strive to keep up with the opponent's pace and stand side by side.

Chu Yan's current state of affairs stands out from the crowd.

You know, among the crowd, the time he took to set foot on the Immortal Road was almost the latest, and the time to cultivate was also the shortest.

When Chu Yan first entered the Broken Star Tower, Su Yuqing, Li Xiu, and others were all his sisters and brothers.

Now, Chu Yan's realm and strength are already what they need to look up to.

This is also the case, and everyone is even more eager to become stronger.

Chu Yan can help them now, but if he ca n’t keep up, wait until the distance between them further increases. At that time, will Chu Yan have a place beside him?

Especially today, Chu Yan was particularly shocked.

Therefore, with this conviction, everyone cultivates more earnestly and harder than before.

Soon, a few days passed.

I don't know if it is because of the positive influence brought by the change of mood, Furui even completed another promotion and reached the three major achievements of Ningmai.

For this promotion, she herself was surprised and happy, and felt incredible.

Because before that, she never thought that she would one day rise to the triple state of Ningmai Realm, and there would only be a short distance from the Diyuan Realm.

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