Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1575: Ground fissure

On the 25th day of Furui's promotion, on June 25, a magnificent light came to the other people's garden.

The news of Tianyazong's reopening of the spiritual road, like the imperial edict, was passed to everyone.

"It's outside the domain."

After understanding the information of the Killing Road, Kong Xian said to Chu, "It seems that Zongmen is unwilling to have an accident like Sansheng Mountain last time."

"That time did have a huge impact on Zongmen's reputation."

Chu Yan nodded, "But outside the country, what is going on?"

"Then invite Master Yun to explain."

Kong Xianwang said to Yun Nishang, "As far as I know, Miss Yun's teacher seems to have a unique understanding of the extraterrestrial sky. This time, the void opened for the spirit-cutting road was also involved by her teacher."

Seeing Chu Yan looking towards himself, Yun Nishang laughed: "Brother Chu, you know that in our continent, in addition to the known mountains and rivers, glaciers, oceans, desert hills, there are many secrets, voids, ancient Tomb mysterious places, right? "

"Well, I know."

Chu Yan nodded.

Yun Nishang continued: "In fact, many ancient mysteries and ancient tombs exist in the voids that were opened up separately. These voids are not on the continent we live in, but because of the space folding or distortion, we It can be reached through some void cracks. "

Chu Yan listened quietly. At this time in her heart, she thought of the void crack in the Bai family.

"It seems that my previous guess is probably not wrong. The void crack in the Bai family also leads to some secret place."

Chu Yan thought.

At this time, Yun Nishang continued to explain: "The void where the road of cutting spirits is located was opened by the elders in Zongmen.

In this way, you can ensure absolute security and no outsiders will break in.

Before the test disciples entered this void, the elders also searched in this void and determined that there would be no danger.

As for how to test it.

I estimate that some monsters raised by Zongmen were thrown into this void for hunting by the participating monks.

But this is just a guess of mine.

The selection of Zongmen should also consider other things. "

Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Yun Nishang's explanation is detailed enough.

After all, it is the person who has walked through the soul-cutting road once, and Chu Yan still has personal experience of the aspects that will be tested.

"The preparations we can do have been done to the utmost. Next, it depends on everyone's performance."

Chu Yan said in his heart.

June thirty.

Killing the Spirit Road.

That day, the sky was full of clouds and the sky was full of sunshine.

A towering and magnificent portal emerged through the air, revealing thousands of brilliant colors.

The seven-color rainbow turned into a rainbow bridge, carrying Lin Miaoran and others flying to the portal.

The moment she entered the portal, Chu Yan's spirit rhinoceros broke off with Lin Miaoran.

"Thirty days later, I will wait for your return at Tianyazong."

Chu Yan said softly, watching the crowd disappearing into the light.

From this moment, the fate of everyone will be completely in their own hands.

What Chu Yan can do is wait.

However, this does not mean that Chu Yan can only wait for thirty days.

The things he discussed with Kong Xian before could just take this opportunity to accomplish.

After sending the crowd away, Chu Yan and Kong Xian learned in detail about the earth fissures that would swell out of the underground monster.

"Have you ever seen anything like this when you entered that crack."

Chu Yan took out a piece of ore that had been obtained at Baijia and handed it to Kong Xian.

This ore contains the power of wind.

When it looked, there seemed to be a wind mass inside.

Gaze for a moment can even make people feel a horror feeling that they will be involved in the center and completely shredded.

Kong Xian observed for a moment and immediately noticed that it was unusual.

He cast a questioning look at Chu Yan: "This is what you got this time when you went to the evil rain forest?"


Chu Yan nodded, "But the number is not large, I think it may come in handy in the future.

Have you ever seen anything like that in the crack in the ground? "

Kong Xian thought for a while, then shook his head: "No."

Immediately he smiled helplessly: "At that time, I was leading the army, and I had already captured the leader of the devil. There was no need to go any further.

However, I can be sure that this underground crack is definitely deeper than where I have arrived.

The number of underground demons is definitely not only eliminated by our Kong family.

I suspect that there are more demons in the deeper cracks.

Destroyed by my Kong family these years, it is only the demon who is closer to the surface.

This is somewhat similar to the shallow and deep sea fish in the sea. "

"It's true that you say so, and after listening to you, I'm also very interested in this deeper crack."

Chu Yan nodded.

"It's just not dangerous. If you go deeper, you have to be careful, because the information I can provide is actually limited."

Kong Xian knew that Chu Yan went in for part of the reason, and hoped that he could help the Kong family survive the current crisis.

It is precisely because of this that he even does not want Chu Yan to be involved in danger.

"Well, I will be careful, and after listening to your description, I think that place may be more helpful to my cultivation."

Chu Yan said.

"More helpful?"

Kong Xian exclaimed, "The place where I arrived at the time was as dark as ink, no fingers could be seen, and there were no sounds. If I hadn't led the army with a large number of people, my spirit would be under unprecedented pressure.

The depressed environment is likely to turn a normal person into a lunatic in a short time.

This is just the place where I arrived. The deeper the place, the psychological pressure will only be greater, several times, dozens of times, it is possible. "

What surprised Kong Xian was that after listening to what he said, Chu Yan was not timid, but showed a more interested and eager look.

"The greater the psychological pressure, does that not mean the greater the tempering of the spirit?

This is a good choice for me. "

Chu Yan smiled, "Since it's decided, then it's not too late, tell me the place you've been to before, and I'll leave immediately."

Seeing that Chu Yan was determined, Kong Xian no longer discouraged him.

And what he meant by listening to Chu Yan seemed that what Chu Yan needed now was this kind of spiritual tempering.

So Kong Xian immediately said, "I have a military map. According to the above markings, you can find exactly the entrance I went to at that time."

After speaking, Kong Xian immediately sent the map.

This military map was created by generations of the Kong family.

The level of detail of maps is far from comparable to that of ordinary maps.

Chu Yan's eyes swept away, and he took all the details on the map into his heart.

"I'll go there, and then we'll see you directly. It's estimated that at that time, the road of cutting spirits will soon be over."

After Chu Yan said goodbye to Kong Xian and Yun Nixian, he took out the spiritual boat and flew all the way to the place marked on the map.

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