Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1576: Underground crack

After leaving the palace, Chu Yan drove the spirit boat and flew all the way to the northwest.

The further you fly, the less vegetation is on the ground, exposing large swaths of bare blue-gray rocks.

After waiting for two days, there was a vast expanse between heaven and earth.

Aeolian sand became bigger at this time.

From time to time, Chu Yan can see horrible tornadoes that run through the world, with diameters of more than dozens of miles, spurring mountains and rivers to move quickly.

In the gale, millions of tons and tens of millions of tons of sand and gravel rolled up, and the ground was completely ground off wherever it passed.

Even the raised peaks are ground to the ground in an instant.

And because there is no trace of water or vegetation, the temperature difference between day and night is huge here.

At the hottest noon, it was like a stove.

Put a piece of meat outside, and after a few breaths of effort, it will be cooked and turned into grilled meat. It will turn into coke without a moment.

At night, it will become extremely cold, like a glacier.

Even if a mortal is dressed as thick as possible, standing there, in the blink of an eye, it will be frozen into an ice sculpture.

For generations of Kong Xian's family, in such an extreme environment, they can lead soldiers to defend one side, and even defeat the demons, to seize and kill their leaders, and the effort that can be imagined.

It is precisely because of this, that the attitudes of the royal families towards them now make Kong Xian even more chilling.

Fortunately, the emperor who came to China from Baoxiang still trusts the Confucian family.

But Chu Yan made it clear that this trust and protection also has a time limit.

Once in the next time, the Confucian family could not show their new use for the royal family, and because he and Tianyazong were too close, the emperor's trust would be slowly worn away.

By the end, all trust was gone.

However, if Kong Xian's strength is not enough to shock the other party, it is difficult to protect their entire family based on the identity of a Tianyazong disciple.

Chu Yan has experienced betrayal, so at this time he can feel the pressure on Kong Xian more deeply than others.

With this feeling, Chu Yan continued to move forward.

After another half a day, a huge crack in the distance penetrated the north and south, as if the earth opened a huge mouth of the forest, without seeing the end, it appeared in Chu Yan's sight.

This earth crack, I do n’t know how long, hundreds of miles wide, across the earth, a glance at mid-air, it makes people feel scalp, cold heart, and fear.

Chu Yan condensed his eyes and looked down.

I don't know how deep this crack is, and at this point I can't see it at all.

According to the map given by Kong Xian before, he led the army into the crack entrance, which was dozens of miles ahead.

Chu Yan then stole the boat and flew forward.

A monk who has just been promoted to heaven's state of mind, because flying in the air will consume a lot of auras, so even if he can fly by himself, under normal circumstances, he will still rely on the power of flying magic weapons.

But Chu Yan's aura is vigorous and endless, and there is no such problem at all.

So he flew directly into the air, all the way down, and soon afterwards, he saw that there were still traces of fighting by the army on the ground.

The traces of dozens or hundreds of people are likely to be erased after a heavy rain.

However, the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of troops and even millions of troops fought day and night for days and days may exist for hundreds of years, and you can feel the terrible atmosphere at that time.

What Chu Yan saw at this moment was such a battlefield ruin that can still feel the smell of iron and blood.

Because of the extreme climate here, the corpses on the battlefield have now turned into silt.

But the sword axe armor and chariot flagpoles can still be clearly seen.

A thick layer was laid on the ground and stretched out. I don't know how many.

People standing on top, listening to the whining wind in their ears, couldn't help feeling inner fear and depression, for fear that there would be a resentful soul in the next moment, and came out to ask for their lives.

But Chu Yan didn't have such worries. Not only that, the scene here at the moment also helped Chu Yan to verify one thing.

That's where he is now, as Kong Xian told himself. Many years ago, he led the army to break the underground demons and lay the battlefield for victory.

From here to the west, less than a hundred miles, was the entrance of Kong Xian into the underground crack.

Chu Yan then flew forward.

The underground cracks are getting closer and closer. When they come near, Chu Yan can feel the piercing darkness and chill, gushing out from the cracks.

At this time, it was noon, the sun was shining, and the surroundings were hot enough to melt the iron.

But the mile range near the crack was covered with frost.

This frost is almost as if it has not melted for thousands of years, like steel.

Here Chu Yan saw what Kong Xian reminded him, a huge piece of ice in the shape of a hammer.

This strong ice is too obvious. It is close to three floors and can be seen from a distance.

"That's it."

Chu Yan fell to the ground, from the side of the ice, into the crack.

Inside and outside the crack, although it is only a thin line, it is like two worlds.

No matter how bad the outside environment is, it also has light.

In the cracks, there was darkness.

And the deeper it goes, the darker it looks, as if stained with thick ink.

The moment Chu Yan walked in, he felt the darkness around him, as if the tide was flowing towards him.

The physical and psychological pressure makes it difficult to breathe. At this moment, the soul seems to be squeezed into a piece of paper and turned into a soul in the universe.

At this moment, Chu Yan could feel it. As Kong Xian described before, what a normal person feels like a lunatic or idiot in an instant.

However, he has a firm mind, not to mention the darkness in this area. Even in this more desperate environment, he has stayed in it for a year.

"Compared to the abyss magic prison, you are far from here."

Chu Yan snorted coldly, with his feet a foot off the ground, and flew towards the depth of the crack.

The light outside the cracks, the farther away he was.

It was a piece at first, and then it became a thin line. After Chu Yan went deeper, the light that was thin and thin finally disappeared.

And Chu Yan didn't stop in the slightest.

In fact, the current darkness had no impact on his eyesight.

Ordinary people do n’t see their five fingers, but for him, there is not much difference in peacetime.

As he went deeper, Chu Yan found that the environment in this crack had also changed.

At the beginning, it was a smooth journey.

The surrounding ground is also smooth and tidy.

As it deepened, the ground began to change, appearing as undulating waves.

Further inside, stalagmites began to appear.

Then, Shilin appeared.

The stones that form the stone forest are strange and different in shape, and they look twisted and twisted, which makes people feel full of imagination and at the same time it is full of a smell of cricket. Both eyes.

At this time, Chu Yan also began to find some ores that rarely appeared on the ground.

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