Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1577: Tribal ruins

With a click, a fist-sized, black stone was sucked into the palm of Chu Yan.

This stone looks inconspicuous.

It can be seen everywhere in peacetime, it is no different at all.

But Chu Yan's palm was now slightly exerted.

A scorching heat slammed the stone red and almost transparent.

The next moment, Chu Yan's palms became cold again, like frost and snow for thousands of years.

This stone immediately began to cool rapidly.

If it were replaced with ordinary stones, it should have been broken at this time.

But this stone did not.

When it cooled down, its surface was no longer black, but changed to a brass-like color.

"Furong ward off evil sand ..." Chu Yan muttered.

This stone is the rough stone of Furong Biesha commonly used in the formation.

Grind into powder, mix with other materials, and pour into the inscription liquid.

Chu Yan flicked his fingertips, put this rough stone into the storage ring, and then looked at the way it came.

On this way, he has found no less than ten similar rough stones.

And reserves are abundant.

Some of them are relatively rare on the ground, and it is often easy to sell high-priced treasures.

"Compared to the ground, this crack is a treasure house."

Chu Yan secretly said.

The emergence of ore has a lot to do with the environment.

Since there are ore here, it is naturally impossible to be just a few scattered pieces.

In deeper places, there must be veins.

For example, some relatively rare ore, often with a large head, require hundreds of spirit stones to buy.

And once the veins are found.

Imagine how many spiritual stones can be sold for many miles or ten miles, and how many other cultivation resources can be exchanged for?

"It seems that after going back, we can discuss this with Kong Xian.

There is a lot of ore here, he should not know.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to keep such a treasure house and be forced to the point where those royal families are now. "

Chu Yan thought about it, and it was normal that Kong Xian didn't understand it.

After all, before this, the Confucian family thought for several generations to destroy the underground demon, and this seam had never come in.

When Kong Xian led his troops in, he was extremely hasty.

What's more, with his realm at that time, as well as the realm of his soldiers, it was impossible to search here.

"It seems that this trip is really right.

The original intention was to use the environment here, temper the spirit, and look for opportunities to break through.

There are still unexpected discoveries. "

With this thought, Chu Yan continued to fly deep.

The darkness all around became thicker.

The darkness at this time is not just caused by no light.

It's like there's something in the void, and it's getting darker and darker here.

In this case, even if you light the torch now, you can't illuminate the slightest.

At this time, talent will really become blind.

But the darkness at the moment has limited influence on Chu Yan.

And even when his eyesight is really affected, he still has a powerful sense.

In many cases, consciousness is more useful than pure vision.

After flying for a while, Chu Yan came to the place where Kong Xian stopped.

Because he was there, he found the mark left by Kong Xian.

"The road ahead has the information provided by Kong Xian as a reference.

Going deeper is a new road.

Hope it won't let me down.

In my current state, if you want to break through the country, it is not enough to exercise without sufficient discipline. "

Chu Yan took a deep breath of cold air and flew deeper.

At this point, flying forward, Chu Yan felt that the surrounding space became narrow again.

The distance up and down is getting closer.

But soon, it suddenly opened up.

This change made him faintly feel like he was flying in a giant body at this moment.

The crack running through the north and south is the mouth of the giant.

He passed before the giant's mouth.

Space shrinks, that is the throat of the giant.

And now he passed through the giant's throat and reached the position of chest and abdomen, so he became more spacious.

Along the way, Chu Yan found nothing more than feeling that the atmosphere was getting more and more depressing and his own spirit was getting more and more oppressed.

Just when Chu Yan thought that there would be no change in the short term, all of a sudden, he saw a row of buildings in front of him.

Although these buildings are dilapidated and look extremely rudimentary, like savage dwellings, their branches are fragmented and huge.

Chu Yan flew a little higher, looking down, and his eyes were instantly fixed.

Looking at the scale of this tribe, if it used to be full of people, I am afraid it is no less than two or three hundred thousand.

On the ground, it can be regarded as the scale of a small town.

And the "human" living in this underground crack, then naturally there is only one possibility, that is the underground demon.

"Did I find a tribe where the underground demons used to live?"

Chu Yan thought.

He remembered Kong Xian talking to him before.

Kong Xian's army defeated the demon, captured the leader of the underground demon, and counterattacked into the underground crack.

But they have never penetrated, and have not even found the underground nest of the Devil.

This is also a heart disease of Kong Xian.

Without smashing the underground Devil's nest, he always felt that the other party had a chance to make a comeback.

As soon as that happened, Chu Yan flew towards the tribe.

Not far away, after a while, Chu Yan came to the sky above this dwarf building complex.

Looking down for a moment, Chu Yan determined that this building complex had been inhabited for a long time.

The original construction is similar to tents and shacks.

There are many now, all torn and broken.

In addition, the environment here is so quiet that people even feel their ears and breathing sounds. If there is an underground demon activity, it would have been quiet.

However, out of curiosity, Chu Yan still descended and came to this tribe.

Kong Xian introduced that the underground monster is tall and although it is called "the monster", in fact, the underground monster is a completely different species from man.

In comparison, the underground demon is more like the existence of half a beast and a half stone.

A demon with a relatively normal shape is almost as tall as a story in reality, with a brutal character and infinite strength.

The underground monsters often fight with each other, tearing the defeated side alive, not to mention coming to the ground to kill ordinary people.

For them, the people living on the ground have delicious meat, which is simply the best taste.

Chu Yan recalled Kong Xian's description at the same time, both feet had fallen to the ground.

Sure enough, as Kong Xian described.

Although these shacks in the surrounding area looked ordinary in the air, they really found out that every shack was taller than he was standing.

There are no rules for shacks, or congestion or dispersion.

Broken stones can be seen everywhere on the ground.

In addition, not far from Chu Yan, there is also a large stone pot.

There seems to be something in the stone pot.

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