Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1578: Demon-like

The underground monster is tall and naturally uses much larger pots than normal people.

The pot on the stone was afraid that it was almost as large as a drape.

At this moment Chu Yan felt that the cauldron was a bit abnormal.

If you are an ordinary person, you will check it out at this time.

Chu Yan raised his hand and patted it.

With a slam, the whole cauldron exploded and was torn apart.

The thick liquid inside was suddenly thrown away all around.

The ground is deep here, the air is humid, and if there is something in it, it has been so long and it has not dried up, which is normal.

But at this moment, after the entire pot was exploded, Chu Yan still faced the stone urn, which was originally placed to enlarge the pot, and sneered: "The underground devil uses stones as the main food. .

Now a cauldron stand is here. When did the underground Devil's life become so delicate? "

This sentence directly points to the problem.

The existence of this pan is not normal.

The voice dropped, and seeing that Shi Yan still did not respond, Chu Yan's expression suddenly sank, and he raised his hand and waved, "Tai Yi Lie away from the sword!"

Hey! The flame light blade stretched instantly, and screamed.

The surroundings were dark and instantly dissipated, and the light shone red.

boom! The quiet stone goblet exploded instantly.

A figure made a whispering weird sound, rushing out.

The figure was tall and long. The wings flew out suddenly, shaking a pair of wings behind it, the speed was ten times faster at once, like a black lightning, shot for miles instantly.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed brilliantly, and the aura was urged violently. With a boom, the flame light blade suddenly spread, like tearing the sharp blade of the yin and yang, and chasing behind the figure, chopping heavily on the other's back.

The loud noise formed a horrible wave and rushed out in all directions.

The thunderous sound was constantly rubbing, getting louder and louder, and for a moment, it seemed like thousands of horses and horses violently rushed in this space.

The figure made a strange cry and slammed heavily on the ground.

The ground suddenly broke apart and was pulled out of a long trench.

But at the next moment, the figure climbed up from the ground again.

When Chu Yan saw this, he frowned.

Although he did not exert his best efforts, he was almost invincible within the same level.

And this figure is not dead?

But even if he didn't die, the figure was seriously injured at the moment.

After getting up, he stumbled, and after a few steps, he fell to the ground again.

Chu Yan's gaze was narrow, and he was going to see what it was.

Because from the signs just now, this guy who came out of Shijie is not an underground monster.

The underground demon will never use camouflage such as stones and cauldrons, nor will he bear himself to show up, let alone have wings behind him.

However, Chu Yan was about to take a step, and suddenly realized that there were more sharp sounds in the rumbling sounds around him. More than one came from multiple directions around him.

With a quick glance, Chu Yan suddenly found that in the surrounding darkness, there were green bright awns, appearing in pairs, brighter than fireflies, flashing like a ghost fire.

After a while, these ghost fires approached, and Chu Yan suddenly discovered that these pairs of green rays were a pair of narrow green eyes! And the owner of the eyes, as if he were a ghost, do not know what guy.

There are about ten of these guys. Most of them are extraordinarily weird, almost twice as tall as normal people, but they are exaggeratedly thin, as if they were splitting a person upright from the middle.

There are also individuals who are relatively normal.

It's just a pity that these guys who came in at this moment were wearing simple armors and helmets on their heads.

Only the gloomy green light under the helmet showed that they were not good.

Seeing that he was in a siege, Chu Yan was not surprised.

"still got more?"

Just now he was still worried whether he shot too much and killed the previous guy.

Well now, all of that guy's acquaintances suddenly appeared, and more than ten.

No matter how you say it, you can ask them for the information you want.

So Chu Yan didn't hesitate, a long howl, and a few people flew in front of each other.

Chu Yan's initiative also surprised these guys.

No one seemed to think that Chu Yan was alone and rushed towards them.

But after a short while, these guys apparently came back.

A thin, tall guy rushing in front, his body shook, and a pair of huge wings suddenly opened behind him.

With a flap of wings, he also flew up into the air, and the speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, he came to the place not far from Chu Yan in the blink of an eye, stretched out a hand, and volleyed toward Chu Yan.

A black vortex suddenly began to spin from the guy's arm, and the surrounding air compressed a sharp crackle.

Suddenly, the turbulent air flow turned into dense and dense, and I didn't know how many arrow clusters shot at Chu Yan in anger.

Each arrow cluster leaves a trail visible to the naked eye in the void, revealing the power that can easily penetrate the steel plate and even the monk's body.

Seeing this, Chu Yan laughed hardly, and rushed straight up.

"Blood offering Dafa!"

His arm exploded in an instant, as if giant wood swept.

With a bang, most of the arrow clusters were destroyed.

The guy who Xiang Chuyan shot, before he could react, saw a big hand comparable to the door panel, with the sound of hunting and hunting, suddenly patted himself.

boom! Just one moment, this guy was photographed as a meatloaf, dropped straight from the air in the air, and sprinkled.

At this time, Chu Yan also rushed to another tall and thin guy, five points forward.

This guy is about to shake off his wings.

As a result, before he could make a move, he was caught by Chu Yan's five fingers.

The palm of Chu Yan is like a bronze cast iron cast, which cannot be moved.

Being caught at this moment, the guy couldn't move at all, and with Chu Yan's slight force, the sound of rattling and cracking bones came from his body.

Immediately, the guy's body became a soft noodle, crooked to it.

Chu Yan held the other's helmet with his other hand and lifted it.

Suddenly, an inhuman face appeared before Chu Yan's eyes.

Human-like, non-human, animal-like, animal-like, cheek-like iron, eyes green, a mouth, no lips, exposing the tusks and fangs inside.

At this moment, this guy has broken his bones and bones, and there is no possibility of living. Blood is pouring out of his mouth like money is not needed.

"This seems to be the underground demon too?"

Chu Yan remembered what Kong Xian had told himself about the characteristics of the underground demon, and was thinking so.

Suddenly, there was an empty sound behind him.

At the same time came a burst of drink: "No shadow tyrannosaurus cut!"

Chu Yan turned around, and suddenly saw a sword-shaped man, a hundred feet wide, falling abruptly, wrapping himself up and destroying the void, shaking the eternal power, and cracking down fiercely towards him.

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