Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1583: Demon Spur

The Silver Armor was stunned and stiffened in the air.

The light blade slashed head-on, freezing the void around him like a steel plate, making him unable to move.

He looked towards Chu Yan subconsciously, and looked at Chu Yan, and suddenly felt only the other person's eyes, the boundless light radiated, making his eyes sting.

boom! The light blade was severely chopped on the silver armor demon, and an unprecedented fierce flame poured down, and in a moment, a waterfall of flames was formed in the air.

A series of shocks and explosions made people suspect that the immortals fell, the heavens were broken, and the entire world was sinking.

At this time, Chu Xier, who had already quietly flew in, saw this scene with her own eyes, only to feel as if it was a burning meteorite, which exploded near her.

Waves of sound and wave after wave made even her, who was protected by this cloak robe, feel the whole body swelled with blood and felt uncomfortable.

But the next moment, she saw Chu Yan in the flames.


Chu Yier was suddenly surprised and happy.

For a moment, she wondered if she was mistaken.

Rubbing her eyes in a hurry, when she looked again, she was sure that she had read correctly.

At this moment, the man who cut off the devil's son is really very clear.

"Brother has even been elevated to heaven! So fast!"

Seeing the realm of Chu Yan clearly, Chu Yaner took a breath of cold air, and then was surprised and happy.

Seeing her happy appearance, she was even happier than she was promoted.

"Brother is really amazing!"

Watching the chopped fly away more than ten miles away, the silver price demon with blood spurting in his mouth, Chu Yaner covered his heart with both hands, a fainting look of fainting, his face flushed with excitement, "Brother, don't stop!"

At this time, the silver price monster's handsome features were distorted by anger.

The silver armor on his body, from the left shoulder to the right leg, was cut into a long black mark.

The dark red color after the metal melted was still bright and dark.

The Taiyi Li away from the fire knife just now did not kill him, but destroyed the rune array in silver armor on him.

Not only that, he had long hair and was half burned at the moment. It looked like a bald-haired chicken.

Looking down at the Silver Armor, the Silver Armor Demon's chest was violently undulating, and only felt that his cheeks were hot and hot, and the shame and anger in his heart were like volcanic eruptions and could not be controlled.

"What kind of thing do you dare to hurt me, today I will catch you back and die!"

With a roar and a roar, the silver armor demon pulled his silver armor.

The silver armor was torn open by him like a piece of paper, exposing his strong upper body.

However, it is very conspicuous that his ribs have two curved spurs.

The bone spurs are dark, like the crystal soaked in ink, revealing a gloomy, evil, creepy taste.

At this moment as he breathed, the two bone spurs continued to spit out a black luster.

"Demon Roar!"

Staring at Chu Yan fiercely, the Silver Armor roared.

Suddenly, two black rays burst out from his bone spurs, and instantly turned into two tornadoes, supporting the world, sweeping the scene, swept towards Chu Yan.

Terrorist force, covering eight wastes and six combinations.

In all directions, there seems to be a twisted yoke, and everything, including Chu Yan, is completely twisted into pieces.

Immediately, Chu Yan was swallowed up by two tornadoes.

Rumble! The tornado's rotation speed suddenly increased tenfold.

Even if it was a steel mountain peak, it would be completely scattered when it was inside.

"Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"

Chu Yan had his eyes fixed.

Zizi Zizi-The tornado is close to the purple light ball, and it is like rubbing metal, and Mars is dazzling.

"I want you to taste the pain of being worn away!"

In the midst of the air, the silver armor demon roared again and again, the sound was like a billowing wave, a wave higher than a wave.

With a bang, the tornado suddenly doubled again! It's like two mountains, soaring and tall, squeezing towards the middle.

Click! Click! At this moment, the void was shattered like a glazed glass, and large expanse fell from the air.

Suddenly, one black hole after another appeared, undulating, with an inexhaustible suction, as if a huge mouth opened by a demon, to devour everything around.

Together, these black holes are cracks in the void.

The monsoon space violently blowing inside can easily separate a monk at the pinnacle of heaven and earth, leaving no bones.

Only monks who have reached the Purple Mansion can tear the space and cross the void, and then they can protect themselves in this space monsoon.

At this time, if Chu Yan was accidentally swallowed, even if he was an immortal demon body, he might not be able to defend that kind of injury, and he would be frustrated.


Seeing this scene, Chu Yier clenched his fists in both hands, only to feel thrilled, sweat oozing out of his palms, a heart, all sent to Chu Yan, and his heart was worried and anxious, and he could not help showing up, even It was a violation of the plan to join forces with the underground demon this time, and that would also help Chu Yan get out of trouble.

Just then, in the tumbling storm, there was a sudden noise, flashing a flash of electricity.

Chu Yaner's eyes were fixed.

The face of the silver armor demon suddenly showed a dignified look.

Zizi-At the next moment, two thunder lights flashed again, as if they were cracks. On the surface of the storm, they flickered and disappeared immediately.

Just when the Silver Armor Demon was in doubt, a series of lightnings, a series of lightnings, intertwined into a large net, and suddenly braced outward from the storm.

The surface of the rapidly rotating storm immediately tears open cracks, and at the same time constantly trembles and sways, as if to collapse the next moment.

"Do you still want to get out of sleep?"

The silver price devil roared again and again, "Dream!"

He raised his hand sharply and made a stroke on the bone spur.

Suddenly blood oozed from the arm.

"Blood draws the demon, the devil is born!"

Reaching for the blood, the silver armor demons have a word, a magnificent, magnificent, magnificent shore, evil, shocking eternal breath. At this moment, he emerged spontaneously, as if the terror devil from the ancient source, is about to come to the world, bring Eternal destruction, endless slaughter.

Chu Yier, who was far away, was affected at this moment, his face was pale, and his body was shaking in midair.

If it wasn't for this cloak magic weapon, it was given to her by her master. It is extremely powerful and transformed into other flying magic weapons. I am afraid that she would not have been able to withstand the continuous shocks from the void, which would directly break and damage. .

At this time, the blood of the silver armor demon also floated around the tornado.

Immediately, it was like pouring a spoonful of boiling oil into the boiling water.

The tornado suddenly stirred up.

The lightning that kept on blasting out at the moment was smashed into pieces by the storm, exploding like fireworks.

And the surface of the tornado has millions of faces at the moment!

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