Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1584: Crushed into the ground

Chapter 1584 These faces, sulking, twisting, or roaring, or yelling, or crying, or mourning, erupted in boundless despair.

The whole sky seemed to be filled with lead at this moment, so heavy that it was breathless.

At this time Chu Yan was in the center of the storm, and these faces were even more clearly seen.

The head was throbbing and the ghosts were full of faces, as if the rivers and rivers were constantly surging and pounding towards him.

The surface of the Ziyin Shield came from the roar of a war drum.

Each of these faces is now opening the mouth of the blood basin, exposing sharp fangs, and biting towards the surface of the Ziyin Shield.

Although they can't bite through the shield, the creaking noises that are heard instantly are extremely harsh, making people feel like their brains are boiling.

"I see how long you can hold on, you **** monk! Wait for me to peel off your human skin, then take you back, and throw them to the lowest land demons.

Those land demons are hungry and thirsty, and your blood is tempting to them.

You will be greeted by then, but it is not as simple as being divided.

Until then, you will be tortured for life, ha ha ha ha ha! "

During the storm, the crazy laughter of the Silver Armor Demon came.

Chu Yan frowned slightly.

From the tone of the other party, he instinctively determined that what the other party called "hungry and thirsty" is not as simple as eating and drinking.

Then contacting the words "unforgettable torture in a lifetime", Chu Yan suddenly felt that his guess was correct.

The demon looks normal in front of him, but he is actually a pervert.

Squeak-squeak-the constantly condensed storm, more and more like two mountains at this moment, like the palms of the demon's constantly closing, to suppress and destroy the central Chu words completely.

Originally like a large ball of purple yin and nether shield, at this time it was also constantly distorted and deformed, and the light also appeared a dim trend.

Not to mention the possibility of the Ziyin Nether Shield being broken, Chu Yan's character is not passively beaten.

No reason, has been shot by the silver armor demon.


With a dull complexion, his eyes narrowed, Chu Yan raised his right hand, his light flashed, and a long sword with a dazzling light, spun out, revealing the taste of lore.

"White Emperor Breaks the Sword!"

"Black soul ghost sword!"

"Wan Zhong Yue Ling Jian!"

"Vast vast broken sword!"

Xuanmen eight must sword array, eight swords together, can form purple house.

Although only four swords formed the sword formation at this moment, the world and the earth collapsed all at once.

The slump that was originally suppressed immediately changed.

Four long swords, slowly moving with Chu Yan's action, suddenly felt a myth and burst into the sky.

The twisted faces around me seemed to feel the emotion of fear at this moment. They let out their wailing and desperately, trying to drill back and escape.

"Want to leave?"

Chu Yan sneered, turning his left hand, and raging fire, like Tianhe collapsed, poured out, "Back to the next day bottle!"

boom! The billowing flames instantly melted the storm in front of it and created a large cave.

The storm was solid and approaching the entity. It was burned at the moment, and it was like a candle.

Countless faces are instantly destroyed.

A series of sharp screams cried, almost shaking the eardrums of people.

Before this big cave was closed, Chu Yan's right hand moved and the long-awaited sword array burst out.

"Xuanmen Eight Defeated Sword Formations!"

The four swords, staggered, astonished like Changhong, as fast as lightning, sharp and sharp, extremely fierce, each sword light seems to have spirituality, turned into the spirit of Kendo, no one can stop it.

"All Souls Killed!"

"Yuhe Youdu!"

"Jianling Peaks!"

"Xinghe Thunderstorm!"

Cutting, flooding, mountains, and thunder, all impacting and rubbing together, become more sharp and powerful, every time you swing, it seems that you can cut off the Tianhe, crack the floating clouds, and cut the yin and yang.

Countless faces were suddenly penetrated, shredded, and blown up.

During the storm, it seemed like hundreds of millions of gas mines exploded at the same time, banging banging, crackling, blasting into the sky and sinking, destroying the Five Elements.

Suddenly, the storm was opened up and destroyed, blowing into countless air currents, flying through the sky, a friction, all blooming a series of Mars.

Martian Martians are connected, like a big sun fire dragon, coming to earth.

In the light of fire and storm, Chu Yan stood upright, four swordsman, in front of him, cut vertically and horizontally, every cut, as if the arrows were thrown together, Tianhe flooded, mountains fell, and thunder hit the ground.

All the evils around him were strangled and suppressed in an instant, showing a unique power.

At this moment, even if he breathed a breath, it seemed that the dragon was singing, and the stars were shaking and falling down.

In this scene, Chu Zhuer was stunned. In his eyes, the water was flowing, the light was floating, and a heart was almost ejected from the chest.

At the moment of the storm's destruction, a blood arrow was sprayed out of the Silver Armor demons, as if they were severely hit, and the light of the bone spurs on their bodies was also dimmed in a short time. , The feeling of early recovery from serious illness.

He gasped, his eyes full of anger and wonder.

"How is this possible! How can this guy escape the day of birth! I want the land demon ..." This time, before he finished speaking, he felt a majestic gust of wind sweeping across.

As soon as he looked up, the silver armor demon saw Chu Yan stepping forward. In an instant, he came close to him, his body stretched out, and a horror arc was shot in every muscle in the whole body, showing the world ’s horror and horror. Outrageous outbreak.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

boom! The sound of blasts, such as flat mines, shook the entire sky to collapse.

The flame light blade, when it was empty like a giant blade wielded by the **** of heaven, fell on the body of the Silver Armor.

Hunting for flames, aggressive, rolling, constantly rolling, as if the chariots of the ancient War Gods marched against the demons, crushed all the way, severely chopping the silver armor demon from mid-air to the ground, smashing the ground crazy and cracking, all the way Push forward.

The horrible shock formed concentric circles on the ground, rolling in waves, and pounding wildly around.

The Silver Armor Demon sent out an amazing scream and screamed. The front was constantly persecuted by the Flame Blade. His back was on the ground and rubbed out a series of Mars.

His body, at this moment, seemed to turn into a hot soldering iron.

"Ah ah ah ah! I won't let you go! I won't let you go! I'm the devil's son! You treat me like this! You will be permanently cursed! To kill you! I must crush you to pieces! "

The hundred-foot-long flame light blade was like a giant wheel, pushing all the way forward, leaving a ditch of tens of feet on the ground before stopping.

At this time, the surrounding air was almost completely burned and turned into a vacuum zone.

All the gravel on the ground melted and solidified, like cooled magma.

At this time, I am afraid that an iron plate is thrown on the ground, and after a while, it will be melted into molten iron.

In the distant sky, Chu Yinger hid in the shadow behind a big stone, watching this scene quietly.

In her eyes, you can see full of attachment and like.

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