Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1585: Land Demon Prince

Chapter 1585 Chu Chuer's heart beating wildly, his face blushing.

If you don't cover your mouth with your hands at this moment, I'm afraid I'll call out.

"My elder brother is so good, my elder brother is really so good! It ’s not long before I was separated, my elder brother was promoted to the state of heaven, and even this underground devil's son is not his opponent! It is indeed my brother, my favorite Brother! Brother will definitely become stronger. "

At this moment, Chu Yan'er's eyes were reluctant to move away from Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yaner saw Chu Yan suddenly turn his head and shot his eyes at this side.

Such as electric eyes, she immediately trembled her heart, and her brain suddenly hurt.

"No, it was discovered by my brother!"

Chu Yan'er was shocked at the same time, and at the same time he was happy: "My brother's knowledge is so powerful!

Although thinking about it, Chu Yier's movements did not slow down in the slightest.

Her body shrank into the cloak again.

At this time, the cloak also exuded an aura, completely locking the breath of Chu Linger inside.

In this way, and hidden in the dark, it will not be easily found.

Chu Yan now looked towards the distance.

Just now, he felt a spying glance.

But at this time, the faint glance disappeared.

And his consciousness could not detect what was there.

But Chu Yan wouldn't think he just felt wrong.

He believed his judgment.

"Maybe some other underground monster."

Chu Yan shook his head.

Now that the other party has retreated at the moment, it doesn't need to be controlled for the time being.

The underground monster who looks extraordinary now is the focus now.

Landing quickly, he came to the silver armor demon, Chu Yan's eyes narrowed, and he looked at the other side.

He had just been struck and cut by Chu Yan. Although his upper body was almost torn in two halves, he was paralyzed and unable to move at the moment, but his body is now healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A thick stream of black juice poured from his wound, like a paste, extremely sticky and broken.

At this moment, little by little, sticking his broken body together.

"Resilience is so amazing."

Chu Yan looked at each other, but he didn't care about the other's grievous eyes.

"You can't kill me, I have been blessed by the ancestors of the land demon, and have an immortal body."

The silver armor devil sneered, his teeth clattered, revealing an incredibly strong taste.

The breath of hatred manifested in his face at this time.

This blood feud seems to be exhausting the waters of the world, and there is no way to clean it up.

"Even if you cut me into pieces and grind them into powder, I would be born again under the blessings of the ancestors of the land demons. I will never die. Kill, and return you today's pain a thousand times, ten thousand times! "

The silver armored demon gnashes his teeth, as if he was biting and chewing Chu Yan's flesh in his mouth.

But to his surprise, after hearing his narrative, Chu Yan not only did not show a look of worry or fear, but showed an interesting look.

For a moment, the Silver Armor Devil was a little confused, not sure if Chu Yan understood him.

But Chu Yan's eyes looked at him at this time, but it really made the Silver Armor inexplicably feel panic.

"Eternal life doesn't seem to be interesting."

Chu Yan took out Yan Yan, "I think you might be useful to me."

"it works?"

The silver armor demon was stunned.

The next moment, the sword light waved, and his body was suddenly unloaded by Chu Yan.

His head, torso, and limbs were cut off.

"what are you going to do!"

Seeing that Chu Yan really seemed to have an idea, the silver armor demon immediately panicked.

"An immortal puppet, I think it is quite important for me to improve my strength."

The expression on Chu Yan's face relaxed a little, as if thinking of something.


The silver armor demon stared, and then became furious, "You want to make me a puppet!"

"Otherwise do you think?"

Chu Yan thought about it, took out six storage bags, and put the body of the Silver Armor Demon into these several storage bags separately.

In each storage bag, there is an independent void.

In this way, you are not afraid of the silver armor demon recovering.

But when the head of the silver armor demon man was put into the storage bag, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the face of the silver armor demon man: "You really think that when you enter this underground city, you can Go out? "

Chu Yan was moved.

The next moment, he found that the solid ground beneath his feet suddenly turned into silt.

This silt has an amazing suction, as if there are countless evil spirits in it, grabbing Chu Yan's legs and feet and dragging him down.

Immediately, Chu Yan's two calves fell into the mud.

"My father is a prince of the underground monster, enough to make your Zifu monks stunned. Do you think that you have a chance to escape?

The silver armored devil's head giggled again and again, revealing an extremely proud look.

Chu Yan's face remained unchanged, and his gaze quickly swept around.

In the blink of an eye, the extent of the mud has spread to an astonishing extent.

At this time, Chu Yan's eyesight has turned into a swamp.

Moreover, his body was sucked again, and he was completely swallowed by the mud below his waist.

Chu Yan wanted to run Reiki and fly out of the mud.

But his body just flew up an inch and was dragged back by the mud.

This time, the lower abdomen was swallowed.

Mud with an indescribable horror, he slowly squeezed towards him.

The silt surging a little, there will be a dull sound, as if the void is being twisted, the force field is twisted.

Thanks to Chu Yan's body condensing, if it is now a piece of steel, I am afraid it has been deformed.

"You're not trying to make me a puppet. Now it seems that the person who said this sentence will become me."

The silver armor devil laughed proudly.


Chu Yan shoved the other's head into a storage bag, and then looked around.

In this moment of work, not only did his body sink again, the silt was almost approaching his chest, but the entire swamp began to bubble up, looking like it was boiling, more like something that had to be drilled out. .

"Let the Purple Mansion smell the wind?"

Chu Yan sneered, "I really have this strength. I have already torn the void directly and came to the scene. Where will it take so many twists and turns, the most is the coming of God's thoughts. Really when I fear you?

World Chessboard! "

Raising his hand, while the world chess board appeared over his head, Chu Yan grabbed it.

"Get up!"

Huh! The heaven and earth chessboard rose into the sky, and Chu Yan was pulled out at once.

Chu Yan turned over, jumped onto the world chess board, and looked down.

At this time he discovered that this mud, at this moment, with the emergence of large bubbles, was slowly condensing into the shape of a human face.

At the same time, an air of evil, gloom, barbarity, despair, and horror, like a big hand, was slowly covered.

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