Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1586: Where to escape

The archaic, wild and evil atmosphere enveloped the scene at the moment.

In the swamps that came out one after another, at this time, even bones were pouring out of it, up and down, ups and downs.

At first glance, it seemed to be a purgatory on earth.

At this moment, like the source of evil thoughts, the ancestor of the devil is about to come to the scene.

After just a while of effort, the human face condensed by the swamp has become very clear.

The mouth is like a mountain, and the eyes are like a black hole. It is like opening a mouth to breathe, you can swallow the galaxy into it, and let the whole world fall into darkness.

"Who dares to hurt my son-in-law."

The mouth of his face was pursed, making a thunderous noise.

This sound, constantly rubbing and oscillating in the void, became louder and louder, like thousands of horses and horses rushing in people's hearts.

Chu Yan's face suddenly changed, feeling the blood in his body, all suppressed.

The Prince of the Underground Demon, even if it is a divine thought, can bring so much pressure to people.

This is true of Chu Yan, but Chu Dier in the distance can hardly breathe.

A playful face, now white and bloodless, cold and uncontrollable.

If it were not for the protection of the cloak robe, at this moment, I am afraid she had been killed alive.

"It's you!"

It was also at this time that the previous words had not fallen, and the eyes of this face were looking at Chu Yan.

Almost at the same time, a dark green flame was burning in the eyes of a black hole.

Suddenly, above the ground, two green suns seemed to rise, overcast, and filled with magic.

There was no wind around, and there was a billowing wind, and there were strange sounds of yin and yang everywhere, which made people feel as if they had come to the world of demons.


Seeing this scene, Chu Yan did not hesitate, urging the heaven and earth chessboard and flew towards the road when it came.

Obviously, although it is condensed at this moment, it is just a god's thought of Prince Demon.

But its strength comparable to that of Zifujing is definitely not for fun.

At this time, if you are positive, you will definitely lose.

Avoid the edge first and see if you can find an opportunity.

This is a plan made by Chu Yan between Dianguang and Flint.

At the moment, he didn't hesitate, stepping on the chessboard of the world, and in an instant, shot a distance of more than ten miles.

"You dare to escape!"

The face was twisted, and the sound of a torrent of torrents erupted with the entire swamp.

With the deafening roar, the entire underground void was trembling, shaking people's hearts, as if the next moment would be completely broken and collapsed.

With a bang, the swamp exploded.

The surging mud water gushed to the height of dozens of floors in the air.

The next moment, these muddy waters condensed into a heavenly face in the air, like a tsunami, rushing towards Chu Yan.

The winds swept around, and the magic was soaring into the sky, and numerous demon forms emerged.

These demons, howling and snarling loudly, are like the army of demons, the ocean of demons, the world of demons, and they want to completely engulf Chu Yan.

The wind was hunting, the air flow was like a knife.

Chu Yan's face remained unchanged, but in his eyes, a solemn look gradually appeared.

At this moment, he felt the pressure never before.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

Suddenly, Chu Yan backfired with a flame blade.

The light blade slashed into the void.

If it had been in the past, at this moment it had cut at least a few hundred feet away.

But when it was cut into the void at this time, it seemed to be cut into a steel plate, nourishing, rubbing a large area of ​​Mars along the way, and the speed dropped at least ten times.

Countless demons, like their deaths, swooped towards the blade of flame.

Within a distance of fifty feet, the light of the Flame Blade flickered a few times, and then suddenly went out.

Seeing this, Chu Yan frowned.

"You still want to resist, leave my son-in-law, and be obedient to death!"

The giant face laughed again and again, pulling up sharply, and then pulling up again.

These cracks seem to be endless at this moment.

This giant face keeps rising, and it gives people a feeling of unparalleled world support, like a giant giant shore.

Chu Yan's breathing was stagnant, and a sweet smell came from her nose and mouth.

The other person is so imposing, so terrifying! At this point, it was just a ray of divine thought, if the ontology came—if it was an ordinary monk, I was afraid to be desperate at this moment.

But Chu Yan's heart suddenly rose to the point of dissatisfaction.

"I stepped on the Immortal Road, all the way through the thorns, so that I never flinched, walking forward, walking on blood.

Those who stop me, those who block me, and those who block me all kill them one by one.

Even if you are the prince of the devil who is comparable to the purple house, I will not lose today! "

With that thought, Chu Yan suddenly felt a pride.

The brightness in his eyes became more and more brilliant, and his spirit was flying.

Standing on the chessboard of heaven and earth, Chu Yan's back is quite straight at the moment, like a javelin, piercing the sky! The image of the demon who emerged from all around seemed to be deterred by his momentum at this time, one by one showing his fear, and dared not come forward.


It seems that the change of Chu Yan was discovered, and the giant face made a sound of doubt.

The next moment, a starburst-like laughter erupted: "Are maggots really think they can turn the sky?"

The eyes of the giant face suddenly seemed as if they were burning, and the horrible green light expanded tenfold, and they all looked bleak for hundreds of miles.

All the places hit by the green light melted and turned into mud.

The ground turned into swamps, and the cliffs around them melted like candles, and a large swath of mud fell overhead and smashed into the swamp, sending a thunderous roar.

The robes of Chu Yan's body, which were illuminated by the tragic green light at this time, seemed to be poured with sulfuric acid, sizzling, emitting blue smoke, and began to corrode.

"Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"

"Blood River Light Armor!"

Huh! Two protections immediately shrouded Chu Yan.

Although the power of the magic flame is endless, but at this moment, it can't stand the words.

But the moment I saw the bright armor of the Blood River, the mouth of that giant face suddenly uttered a loud roar of surprise: "The blood is solid, you can do this step! That's great! Your body, I want Now! The magic hand covers the sky! "

The giant face's mouth widened again.

If this giant face is a normal person's face, its mouth has now opened to an exaggerated degree, and the corner of the mouth may be torn to the back of the head.

Rumble Rumble! The next moment, a loud noise sounded, shaking the mountains and rivers, and falling stars.

A demon arm as thick as a mountain peak caught from the mouth of this giant face.

The demon arm was burning with flames, and it was full of dense eyeballs. I don't know how many there are. At the moment, I blinked and saw that the human scalp was numb, and the throat was hairy.

The palm spread out, the five fingers continued to stretch like blue sky, and the black pressed one piece, and grabbed in the direction of Chu Yan.

The speed of the magic palm is hundreds of times faster than the speed of this giant face moving forward. Almost instantly, he came to the back of Chu Yan, and then slammed it with Chu Yan and dozens of miles around him. The range, dragging a curtain, grabbed it.

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