Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1587: Genius

Bang! It was as if the entire sky suddenly collapsed.

The world collapsed, and Xinghe moved.

Chu Yan only felt a flower in front of her.

The next moment, there was chaos all around.

A blast of forest chill pierced his body, bone marrow, and spirit from all directions.

At this time, Chu Yan suddenly discovered that his body couldn't move.

In addition to the brain being able to move, the mind is still functioning.

His body became like a statue, without moving.

"There must be amazing adventures, otherwise, blood and blood would never be so magnificent, and the body would not be so condensed."

At this time, the voice of Prince Demon sounded.

This sound, wafting, makes it hard to tell where it came from.

It's like it's in a close place, it's like it's in the distance, and the next word sounds in my mind.

"The deeper the Devil goes, the harder it gets to reach the ground and the sun.

And your body is full of yang and surging.

If I can occupy your body, then I can use your body as an avatar, as a coordinate that I can come to the surface at any time. "

The tone of Prince Demon was full of pride.

After hearing what he said, Chu Yan immediately understood what the other party was about to do.

"This guy, wants to take the house!"

Realizing this, Chu Yan did not feel the slightest confusion.

At this time, instead he rang the gate of **** that he knew deep in the sea.

The guy behind the gates of **** has always been occupying his own body by his mouth.

Here comes another one.

Is his body so attractive to these guys?

Chu Yan hadn't figured it out yet, and suddenly felt the bitter chill, and squeezed into his body instantly.

This feeling is indescribable.

It's like someone mixed ice water, little by little, into a blood vessel.

Chu Yan felt that the blood flow in his body began to slow down.

The heart beats and the rhythm starts to slow down.

And his consciousness began to become lethargic.

"Sleep, sleep, when you fall asleep, your spirit will never exist, and your body, condensed to almost perfection, will belong to me.

Although you are still weak, I will make it very strong and become a sharp sword for the underground monster to attack the surface. "

The voice of the demon prince is full of deceptive taste.

In addition to feeling sleepy at this time, Chu Yan felt the drowsiness of the cold air flowing slowly, like water, slowly supporting him to move.

His body still maintained the previous posture without moving.

Chu Yan knows that this is the deity of the demon prince, and squeezes his soul out of the body little by little.

Or it is directly rolled.

"It will be so easy."

Unfortunately, Chu Yan couldn't control his body at this moment.

Otherwise, the devil prince will notice that the corner of his mouth will evoke an arc.

"Very good, I'm very satisfied with this body, it's really perfect.

This is the clone I've always dreamed of! Strong, concise and flawless.

Oh my God! The eight attributes are so amazing! You are simply a genius who has never been seen for years! Guys like you will fall into my hands today, the reward of Lord Demon! Hahahahaha! As long as I get your body, my status in the realm of the devil will also be greatly improved! Hahahahahaha! "

At the thought of being proud, Prince Demon couldn't help laughing.

The next moment, his tone became hateful, angry, and gritted his teeth.

"Give me all my soul!"

boom! The air around him seemed to explode at this moment.

The horrible giant claw squeezed suddenly.

Bang, bang, bang, like a million explosions.

Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles of underground, all billowed, shot wildly, and fell into chaos.

At this moment, it seemed like a world outbreak.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Chu Yier had no time to respond, so she was wrapped in a cape robe, turned into an electric light, and shot quickly towards the distance. In a flash, there was no trace.

"Brother——" Chu Yaner cried with tears in her eyes.

She wanted to struggle, but the cloak robe was given by her teacher, and with her strength, it was impossible to break free.

At this moment, when she was in danger, she immediately wrapped her up and left the scene quickly, and the matrix in the robe was automatically excited.

Chu Linger understood that once she left at this time, with her own ability, it was impossible to know what happened next.

In my mind, the scene of the clenched grip of the devil's claws kept reverting.

"Brother was caught in it ... brother was caught in it ..." Chu Xun'er's face was pale, his mouth murmured, and his heart seemed to be severely held by an invisible big hand.

Suddenly, she passed out because of grief.

The cloak robe was like a shuttle at the moment, wrapped her in it, penetrated an explosive mang, blasted out, and disappeared.

At the same time, all eyes on the devil's claw and the entire arm opened at this moment.

In the eyeballs, they even made bloodshot and kept squirming, making people creepy.

The magic flame soared into the sky, which constantly evolved all kinds of Warcraft, magic flowers, magic trees, and magic halls, as if the world of the underground demon, was called out at this moment.

At the moment, in the palm of the devil's claw, the void crumbled.

For a moment, Chu Yan's body became green, looking terrible.

But at this time, Chu Yan's body suddenly appeared a holy white light.

The light was clear, translucent, and clean. As soon as it appeared, it was like bright moonlight spreading across the earth.

The billowing magic light and magic flame were washed away instantly.

"what is this!"

The demon prince exclaimed.

He tried to devour the light with the magic flame.

But the light was not affected in the slightest, but at the moment seemed like a cocoon, enveloping Chu Yan.

At the same time, there is this ray of God's thoughts from Prince Demon.

The devil prince tried to storm several times, and found that he could not tear the white cocoon.

In other words, his divine thought is tantamount to being sealed in Chu Yan at this moment! What even surprised this strand of divine thought was that the connection between him and the demon's body was cut off at this time.

In other words, everything that happens next will not be known.

"What the **** is this!"

The demon prince of the Demon Prince roared again and again.

He searched carefully in Chu Yan's body, and could only feel that this white light came from the simple earring worn on Chu Yan's left ear.

When he was about to completely destroy Chu Yan's consciousness and soul, this white light inspired himself to protect Chu Yan while blocking him.

"What the **** is it! But what about sealing me up, I'm in his body now, so I can annihilate his consciousness and occupy his body! When I have complete control of this body, I think you can take me how about it!"

The demon prince roared, gritted his teeth.

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