Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1593: Ghost Kill Court


Suddenly, the situation was turbulent and the waves were rolling.

The light is shining and the formation is up.

The whole void is now shrouded in a mysterious power.

Pulled around and moved the whole body, into a while and fell into the abyss.

But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly felt a vast and unparalleled power, as if the **** of heaven opened the mountains and broke the sea, and rushed out from the void.

Chu Yan's body reacted at this moment, the hair on his arm, the roots were upright, and the whole body's muscles were tight.

Huh! The next moment, a golden light, like tearing a layer of water curtain, broke a thousand-foot-long crack in front of Chu Yan.

Around the crack, a series of formations were destroyed and exploded.

Ground water, fire and wind, gushing together.

The boundless killing intentions lock Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan only felt as if he had added a knife and axe, his back was chilly, and between his breath, his internal organs seemed to be frozen.

"Triple state of mind!"

In just a moment, Chu Yan responded.

This chaotic array was obtained from the monsoon pond, enough to withstand the monks at the peak of the double peak of the state of mind.

But now, he was torn apart by the other person.

Then the realm of this monk attacking himself can be imagined.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan, like his arm, immediately cut out a burning flame blade.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

"Aurora sky cut!"

The other party also gave a cold drink.

Huh! boom! Hundred-foot-long sword and sword awns collided fiercely in the middle of the air, turning into a horrible spiral, and whining fast, in a split second, they shattered the entire tens of miles of void, and then exploded.

Suddenly, the deafening noise was like a million male teachers, shouting a word "kill".

Between heaven and earth, there is a breath of blood and fire.

Turbulent air flow, Chu Yan suddenly flew out.

This fight caused Chu Yan's right arm to feel sore and short of breath.

But at the same time, a cheerful feeling also emerged spontaneously.

My heavenly state of mind has become a small success, and the positive and the heavenly state of mind have a triple fight, but I have only suffered a small loss! And in the normal case, as long as you move your fingers, the triple state of mind is enough to grind a heaven state of mind into powder! Even if this day's mood is heavy, it is a heavy completeness.

In front of the triple state of mind, that is a fat ants.

One trick was not able to kill Chu Yan, the monk who attacked was obviously surprised.

For a moment, he did not shoot again, but hovered in the distance, his eyes were cold, looking at Chu Yan.

At this time, Chu Yan also had the opportunity to look at the appearance of the other party.

The other person's body was wrapped in a black cloak, showing only a pair of eyes.

But these eyes, like a poisonous snake, make people feel extremely cold, which shows the coldness of the ancient well and the coldness of the glacier, as if there is no trace of emotion.

And the black cloak on his body is sometimes wide and sometimes close to the body as the wind changes, and the surface appears from time to time with twists and twists, and ordinary words.

These words make up a big character.

Vaguely, it can be seen that this big character is a "ghost" character.

"Ghost Kill Court!"

Chu Yan frowned and frowned.

Although he was not originally from the kingdom of Baoxiang, when he came to Tianyazong, Chu Yan also knew about the major forces of the kingdom of Baoxiang.

The largest Xiuxian ancestor in the kingdom of Baoxiang is Tianyazong, and there are countless schools and families of various sizes.

In addition, there are as many casual organizations as stars.

Because there is no blessing from the family and the ancestors, the path of repairing immortals is much more difficult, so many casual repairs will unite to form some organizations, which is tantamount to warming up and taking care of each other.

Most casual organizations are for self-protection, so that when they are bullied, no one helps.

But there are also some casual organizations, for some reasons, they can get involved in some industries.

What is more normal is the cultivation management of Lingtian, and the **** of the caravan.

But there are still others that will look a lot bloodier, such as killing more goods and so on.

When Chu Yier and Chu Yan were in Longji Mountain before, the monks in the bandits did this kind of work.

However, the bandits in Longji Mountain are all petty.

And this ghost kills the court, in the entire treasure to go to the kingdom, but is notorious.

One of the reasons is that this ghost killing court is a killer business.

Another reason is that in the realm of killing ghosts, there are many real people in the realm of purple house! There are real people in Zifu town, not to mention a casual organization, even if they are the founding school, they are eligible.

You must know that the six major gates of Yunaojiang Kingdom have no real people.

In addition to a real person sitting in the town, Ghost Killer also has a number of Heavenly Heart Masters as masters to perform assassination missions.

Because of this, once the mission that the ghost kills the court, it rarely fails.

There was even a saying in Baoxiang Shangguo: there is no one who can't be killed in three days without a ghost killing the court.

But of course, the price of each of them is also extremely expensive, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

These messages flashed in Chu Yan's mind at this moment.

He drew a corner of his mouth and grinned, "It turned out to be the killer of the ghost killing the court. It seems that the employer has really put down the money."

"After all, the disciples of Tianyazong are not easy to mess with."

The other side spoke coldly.

The sound coming from under the cloak seemed to be shivering as if the metal was rubbing.

"Since you know that I am a disciple of Tian Yazong, and dare to take this order, aren't you afraid that Tian Yazong will destroy your ghost killing court?"

Chu Yan smiled rather than laughed.

Chu Yan's remarks were ridiculed and sarcastic, but when he heard each other's ears, the monk who killed the ghosts felt that Chu Yan was afraid of terror, and he was insane.

A pair of clear contempt was revealed in the eyes under the cape.

However, the sound is still as cold and killing as before.

"Dead disciple won't speak."

Huh! The other party's voice did not fall, Chu Yan felt suddenly as if there was a thunder blast in his ears, followed by a buzzing in his head, followed by a sudden pain in the river.

"God attack!"

Chu Yan's breathing was stagnant.

The opponent's realm is obviously so much higher than himself, but he is still so cautious. He first attacks with the sense of God and puts himself in a state of unconsciousness for a moment.

However, at this moment, Chu Yan was in severe pain, and Chu Yan's reaction was not slow at all.

The instinct formed in the struggle of life and death countless times made him react instantly.

Realizing the moment when the other side sneaked in with God's knowledge, Chu Yan himself condensed God's knowledge and slammed in the direction of the other side.

"Woo--" In the midst of the air, there was a snorting moan. The ghost killer monk who had been ready to slay, and covered his head with his hands, almost hurt to plant it from the air, and backed up more than ten steps. After stabilizing her body, she looked into Chu Yan's eyes, revealing doubt and horror.

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