Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1594: Unwilling to collide

Chapter 1594 "How can this guy's consciousness be so strong!"

Under the cloak, the monk's face was distorted.

On the one hand, it is caused by horror, on the other hand, it hurts.

When he sneaked into Chu Yan before, he felt like his head had hit an iron plate.

I was shocked and suspicious at that time.

If not, he will not hesitate to move.

When Chu Yan hit him again, the feeling was almost like a normal person, and he was hit hard with an iron rod on his head.

And there were several nails embedded in this iron rod ... When receiving this task before, he still felt that although the other party was a disciple of Tianyazong, he was half-level higher.

But no matter how you say it, it is the triple state of mind.

The realm is so much higher than the other side that it is never overturned in the perineal ditch.

However, at this moment, after colliding with Chu Yan's consciousness, the monk who killed the pavilion had a bad idea in his heart.

Although the capsized ship in the ditch is not so much, it would be shame enough if it was embarrassed by a newcomer to the sky.

With that in mind, Monk of Ghost Killing Court hurriedly operated Reiki, trying to calm the pain in his head, while looking at Chu Yan.

Looking up at Chu Yan at this moment, he was startled again.

The opposite Chu Yan was looking at him at this time.

However, it may be that the consciousness was damaged so much that they hurt the body. At this moment, Chu Yan's eyes became blood red, his mouth opened, and his mouth was full of white teeth. At this time, he was soaked with red blood.

"I want you to die!"

Tian Yan's heavy words, said fiercely at this moment.

The words fell, and another conscious attack struck.

The magical technique is traceable.

The opponent's realm is so much higher than himself, it will inevitably be avoided by the opponent.

However, there is no trace of the attack of consciousness, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

And just suffered a loss in consciousness, and with His Highness Chu's temperament, naturally, in this regard, he must find his place.

boom! This time, there was a muffled sound in the void.

Chu Yan had a splitting headache, so dark that it was in front of her eyes.

But he narrowed his eyes and looked at each other.

The monk killing the pavilion tilted his head back. After a moment, he covered the mask on his face and became wet, with a dark red infiltration.

"You! Dare! Hurt! I!"

Severe pain and shame turned into boundless anger at this moment, and the monk spit out four words in the teeth of the monk.

Suddenly, he seemed to be transformed into a murderous knife rising from the sea of ​​blood, to cut everything and kill everything.

And the first goal is to break Chu Yan into pieces.

"Not just to hurt you, I want to kill you!"

Chu Yan smiled as he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Aurora sky cut!"

Monk Killer Pavilion burst into drink.

But he didn't move.

Chu Yan's head suddenly felt like it was being drilled into by a drill bit, and then twisted wildly.

For a moment, the body couldn't control the spasm.

There was blood pouring out of the eyes, nose and mouth.

And if you change to any other monk with a heavy state of mind, your head may be blasted into pieces at this time.

Shouting supernatural powers in his mouth, but sneakily attacked with his consciousness, and when he saw success, the monk of Ghost Killer showed a smirk, "You are still too tender, as long as the killer can kill the target, he will use any means."

After saying this, he redrawn his sword.

The golden sword-mang, with the horror of the corpse's blood, the blood river collapsing, rushed to Chu Yan in an instant, as if the river was a mighty river, annihilating everything.

"Aurora sky cut!"

Huh! Jian Mang condensed into a bunch this time, extremely sharp and extremely sharp, as if piercing through the eyes of all false gods, straight toward Chu Yan's brows! "Dead!"

At this moment, the whole world, the area of ​​hundreds of miles, and the space are constantly trembling under the might of the sword.

More than ten miles away.

The skin of Chu Yan's body was cut out of thin blood rings at the moment because of the rupture of the void.

But at this moment, Chu Yan's closed eyes suddenly opened.

There was silence in his eyes.

There was no trace of whiteness.

Monk of Ghost Killing House can clearly see his reflection from the other person's eyes.

Seeing this scene, he shivered.

I don't know why, I feel a little flustered.

The next moment, the monk killing the pavilion felt that Chu Yan's body revealed a horror of ancient times.

Cruel, fierce, brutal, disaster, destruction, all kinds of breath of destruction and despair, spontaneously emerged.

As if at this time, heaven and earth were in great calamity, everything and all spirits would be frustrated and destroyed.

"This is ..." A hesitation in Monk's Killing Pavilion monk's heart, at this time, saw Chu Yan raise his hand and grasped Jianmang.

Obviously, he could pierce through the sharp swords of the void. At this moment, he was caught by the other with his bare hands, and then he held it.

Jin Guang crackled, broken layers by layers, such as the shooting of the stars left only the blade thickness of the little finger.

Chu Yan held the sword and twisted it again.

Squeaky squeak-the thin long sword was twisted into a twist.

All the inscriptions and formations inside are broken.

A piece of magical artifact, in an instant, turned into scrap copper and iron.

The monk at Ghost Killer took a breath, and the look in his eyes had changed from shock to deep horror.

At this moment he only felt that his soul was held by an invisible hand.

Life and death are only between each other's thoughts.

"To escape!"

This is the first reaction of the monks to kill the monks after returning to God.

But at this moment, he saw Chu Yan's mouth ticked.

Although he didn't make a laugh in the end, the mocking look was felt even by a fool.

But at this time monks could not control so much.

When he patted the storage bag, in a moment, nine fist-sized skeletons had green eyes in his eyes, surrounded by a circle, and flew towards Chu Yan.

"Nine Dead Ghost Baby Thunder!"

As soon as the magic weapon was shot, the mouths of the nine skeletons opened together, and the sounds in their mouths seemed to be hundreds of thousands of babies crying sharply, digging into human ears, rubbing against their eardrums, making people scared, The heart seemed to stop beating.

At the same time, every skeleton was burning, as if it were a fireball, attached to Chu Yan in an instant, just like the bones of the cheekbones.

Suddenly, Chu Yan's whole body burned with the terrible green flames of the sky, as if turned into a human torch.

The monk at Guixu Pavilion took the opportunity to loosen the handle of the sword, backed up by one hundred feet, and looked at Chu Yan who was burned by the flames. His eyes were full of hatred, and he laughed again and again: Get it in your hands.

This magic weapon was made by sacrifice of the liver and blood of nine hundred and ninety-nine deceased babies.

Once you are hit by this magic weapon, you are tantamount to being one of the most vicious curses in the world, and you will be tortured to death! These ghost babies will bite your muscles, **** your blood, and devour your soul! And in this process, you will feel clearly until the soul is annihilated! "

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