Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1595: Too cheap

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The monk at Guixingge looked at Chu Yan at the moment, laughing wildly.

His face was full of pride and wantonness.

But after a while, the expression on his face began to freeze.

Although the smile is still on the face, it seems far-fetched at this time.

Confusion and embarrassment began to emerge.

Because not far away, although the blue flame was still burning, Chu Yan's body was still.

And not even a scream came out.

"Is it dead?"

After a while, the monks in Guishage couldn't help thinking about it.

He groaned a little, a fierce mang appeared in his eyes, and his arm flicked.

A thick black chain, like a black python, slammed into Chu Yan.

When the chain moved in the air, the sound of flooding came suddenly.

The surrounding void was shook and squeezed to fold, as if to break in the next moment.

The chain Fei shot in front of Chu Yan, turned around suddenly, and after a few clicks, she tied Chu Yan firmly.

And Chu Yan's body hovered still.

Not even the least bit of resistance was made.

Seeing this scene, the monk at Ghost Kill Pavilion was relieved.

"It seems that the moment when it was struck by the nine dead ghost babies, it was already dead."

He snorted coldly, and looked poorly at Chu Yan. "It's really cheap for you. Otherwise, I was going to treat you ... eh?"

Before finishing speaking, the monk saw the chain that bound Chu Yan suddenly moved.

Then the whole chain broke.

Suddenly the monk at Ghost Killer breathed, his eyes widened: "What the **** ..." Hula—then, the burning green flame immediately went out.

Chu Yan stood unscathed, standing there, without blindfolded eyes, faintly looking towards the monk who killed the ghost.

Although it was just a faint glance, Immediately, the monk of Ghost Killing Court tightened his heart, and all his internal organs twitched.

"This, how can this ... Nine dead ghost baby Ray ..." "What you said ... is this ..." Chu Yan raised his hand.

A black skull, the size of an adult fist, was thrown in his palm at the moment.

Although it is impossible for the skull to make expressions, at this moment, the monk of the ghost killing can clearly feel that the resentment and the ghost in the skull are shaking, fearing, and afraid.

"..." His face turned blue and white for a moment.

Chu Yan's mouth angled up, revealing a taunting smile, when the skull fell back to the palm of his hand again, five fingers and one hand.

Clicking-With a desperate scream coming from the void, the skull was immediately crushed into pieces, blasted into dust, and frustrated.

"What ... break ... something ... become ... baby ..." Master Ghost Pavilion: "..." Watching the other person with a disgusting tone, crushing the remaining nine skulls one by one, The dust rose into the air, and the heart of Monk Killer Pavilion sank little by little into the bottom of the valley, only to feel that the whole body's blood was frozen at this moment, and his hands and feet became cold.

Not only because the other party was suddenly ten or 100 times more powerful at this moment, but also because in the process, he tried to connect with Nine Dead Ghost Infant Thunder and recall the other party, but could not get the slightest response.

The other side stood there, just the aura, and cut off the connection between himself and the magic weapon! "What the **** are you ...?"

Monk Ghost Court only felt that his throat was dry and he had swallowed hard, and asked hoarsely.

Although knowing that one should not give up, to his own ability, escape is still possible.

But he didn't know why, a desperate thought at this time seemed to be a tide, and he kept pouring into his heart, and couldn't stop it.

The other party was just standing there, but that terrible oppressive force seemed to be an ancient god, making him feel that his soul was going to be crushed into paper.

Immediately, the sweat drenched the robe of his body.

With each breath, the chest seemed to be pressed against a mountain, which was extremely difficult.

However, the monk who killed the ghost court was still trying to support him.

Even if sweat flowed into his eyes at this moment, which made his eyes sting, he also looked to Chu Yan, wondering how Chu Yan did it.

"You ... don't deserve ... know ..." Boom! In a word, Chu Yan took a step forward.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers were shaking, the sun and the moon were shaking, and the stars were falling.

Suddenly, Chu Yan came to Monk of Killing Pavilion: "Ask you ... a ... question ..." "Why, what?"

The ghost killer monk shivered.

If this scene is seen by any monk at this moment, it will be absolutely incredible.

A monk with a triple mind, in the presence of a monk with a heavy mind, is as weak as a little white rabbit.

"I'm worth ... how much ... money ..." "Uh?"

Monk of Ghost Killing gave a stun before he reacted to what the other party wanted to ask.

But this time, this guy asked what this did! Although I thought so, the monk at Ghost Kill was afraid to say anything.

He was pale, shaking his hand and raising a finger.

"One hundred million ... Lingshi ... um ..." Chu Yan frowned.

Monk Ghost Killed himself, almost fell from the air.

What a joke, one hundred million spirit stones, even the monks who invited the peak of the purple house are more than enough! Chu Yan saw the clue in the flashing expression on the other side.

His eyes narrowed slightly: "One thousand ... ten thousand ... spirit stone ..." Ten times less, the mood of this one suddenly became not so good.

Monk Ghost House also noticed Chu Yan's dissatisfaction.

But ten million is really not a small number.

In the ghost killing court, 10 million spirit stones, is the lowest price for the purple house.

But, but, you are just in a state of mind, so why ca n’t you make a shot at Zifujing-thinking of this, this monk in Ghost Killing Pavilion wants to cry.

Looking at each other's deformed features, the two big tears shouting in his eyes, the ruthless coldness in His Highness's eyes, such as the icy cold wind, almost frozen the surrounding area for hundreds of miles.

The original clear sky, at this moment, was covered with heavy clouds of dark gray and lead gray, which gave people a sense of despair that would collapse.

"Only ... a million ..." Chu Yan's dissatisfaction at the moment, afraid that an idiot could feel it.

Although he knew that if he acknowledged it, it would directly provoke the dissatisfaction and anger accumulated by the other party, but under the eyes of Chu Yan's oppression, the monk killing the pavilion was afraid to lie.

With two lines of tears finally flowing, he nodded.

Then Chu Yan's hand was pressed against his head.

Five fingers like a mountain, instantly made this ghost killing monks feel, the sun and the moon are upside down, the five elements are disordered.

"Too cheap ..." Suddenly, the monk killing the pavilion was like a meteor hammer, and was thrown directly by Chu Yan in midair.

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