Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1596: Behind the scenes

Zizi Zizi! The speed is too fast, the monk's body rubs against the surrounding air, and even a brilliant Mars blooms.

After a while, even the robes on his body burned and peeled off.

Because the aura in the body was suppressed, the divine master of the dignified state of mind, at this moment, could not even protect the true meaning of the body.

The flesh was like rubbing on a stone, exuding large swaths of blood.

After a few breaths, this ghost kills the monk and turns into a blood man.

The next moment, Chu Yan's arm swept violently, throwing the opponent from midair towards the ground.

boom! The body was in mid-air, like a meteorite, and then smashed into the lake, as if tens of thousands of shells exploded.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! The lake was all blown up a hundred feet high, revealing the bottom of the lake full of mud.

And the lake water poured down from mid-air like rainstorm.

At this moment, Chu Yan also crashed into the ground, struck hard, and stepped on the chest of the monk who killed the ghost.

boom! There was another loud noise.

As if the giant trampled the earth.

The bottom of the lake burst into waves.

The lake was running around.

The area of ​​this lake expanded continuously, engulfing the surrounding ground for dozens of miles before stopping.

The rainstorm fell from the sky, dense and dense, like a rain curtain.

But when it fell into Chu Yan and a range around him, he was pushed aside by an invisible force.

At this time Chu Yan's eyes were faint, looking at the monk killing the monks at his feet.

No one dares to underestimate the existence of the triple master of the heavenly state, even in Tianyazong.

If you have ever seen it, as a suzeraint, it is normal.

But at this moment, the monk in the ghost killing the court, his body was cracked, as if it was a broken piece of porcelain, fell in the mud, his eyes were full of fear and despair, looking at Chu Yan.

He already knew his end.

I also know that I have no chance of running away.

Now he just hopes that the other party can give himself a happy moment.

But at this time, Chu Yan seemed to not care about him at all, and started talking to himself.

"You said ... reap the soul ..." "reap the soul?"

Hearing these two words, a flash of fear flashed in the monk's eyes.

Although long ago expected, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to easily kill himself.

Because the other party must want to know who bought and murdered him.

Even the monk of Ghost Killing Court is done, and he will end up being tortured.

But at this moment when he heard that the other party was going to seize the soul, he couldn't help shaking.

This is the cruelest form of torture.

"You ... the level ... is too low ... can't take it ... his ... soul ... can't do it ... and ... back bite ..." At this time, another monk came to the ears of monk Killing Pavilion. Words of speech.

Hearing this, monk killing the monk couldn't help but wonder.

In this tone, why does it seem to be talking to whom?

But no one else around?

Monk Ghost Court was wondering, and suddenly his heart was cold.

I looked up and found that it was Chu Yan's dark eyes, and now I looked towards myself.

There is no sorrow or joy in the other's eyes.

But the more so, the more people feel fear and despair.

Because in the eyes of the other party, there is no you at all.

"I help ... you ... look ... well ..." Then, Chu Yan raised his hand and sucked, and put five fingers on the head of Monk of Ghost Killing Pavilion.


Monk's head was pinched.

Chu Yan: "..." "Too ... crisp ... bad ... meaning ..." Rare, the one behind the gate of **** blushed.

But the expression on his face was still serious.

At this moment, Chu Yan's palm was covered with sticky blood.

With five fingers loosened, the ghost killed the monk's body and fell into the mud.

Chu Yan raised his blood-stained hand and quickly made a few strokes in the air.

Suddenly, a series of runes written in blood hovered in the air.

After a while, the rune gradually penetrated into the void.

The void also slowly raised up like a mirror.

In the mirror, a picture appeared.

The picture is the image of a young man in a gorgeous dress.

However, at first glance, this son-in-law will pay attention to his aggressive pride.

The body looks like a golden dragon wrapped around his waist, purple gas lingering between his eyebrows, rich and noble, overtaking beings.

"You know ... uh ... okay ..." The voice dropped, the blackness in Chu Yan's eyes faded, and a pair of pupils became black and white again.

"His--" The moment His Highness regained control of his body, His Highness Chu could not help but took a breath of cold air and held his eyebrows with his hands.

The one who handed his body behind the gates of **** before didn't feel it.

At this moment, when I took over the body, I immediately felt a severe pain in my brain, such as being splashed with boiling water.

If it were not for his firm will and sudden sudden fainting pain, it would be possible.

Even so, Chu Yan stumbled a little, and then barely stood still.

Under the control of Reiki's instability, even the rainwater in mid-air poured down.

However, at this time being poured by the cold rain, Chu Yan felt the pain in his head and relieved it.

After taking a deep breath, he covered his forehead and raised the corners of his mouth.

At first he just shrugged slightly, but soon afterwards he laughed.

Although I almost suffered a big loss today, one thing was confirmed.

The triple consciousness of heaven and mind has no way to directly defeat him.

"That is to say, under the triple state of mind, I have a full blow of my consciousness. Immortality is also an idiot. If the triple state of mind is unnoticed, I will suffer a lot."

After the wet hair, Chu Yan's bright eyes were revealed at the moment.

Damaged consciousness cannot be recovered in a short time. It needs the assistance of medicinal materials and then cooperates with the cultivation of time.

However, this is only in the case of medicinal materials in general.

And now His Royal Highness is the most indispensable.

When I went to the Twelve Kingdoms Treasures, Chu Yan had returned to her spirits when she returned.

As for the pain after impaired consciousness?

Doesn't exist at all.

In this world, there are no incurable diseases, which cannot be solved by a strain of natural treasures of more than 20,000 years.

If not, then two.

Neither will work, then ten! His Royal Highness is now rich and has this confidence.

After the pain in his head was relieved, Chu Yan's thinking was no longer affected.

"Hey, I didn't expect that it wasn't the sneak attack that made you angry, but the price of a million spirit stones was low.

I don't know how much the spirit stone was in your time.

But now, there are really a million spirit stones.

When I first entered the Broken Star Tower, I had only one spirit stone in one month.

If it weren't for me ... oh no, starting from scratch, there would not be so many spirit stones for cultivation now.

As for the ambassador behind the scenes. "

Chu Yan's eyes fell on the picture of the Chinese clothing boy who was gradually dissipating at this time, and he smiled faintly: "I know who it is.

I have to go back to Tianyazong and promote my discipleship before I say it. "

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