Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1597: Tianya Haige

Eight days later, Chu Yan returned to Tianyazong.

The humid sea breeze made Chu Yan's spirit refreshed.

This time out, it can be said that there are constant twists and turns.

First, from the time he left, he encountered a sneak attack.

However, simply, after experiencing large risks, the benefits brought are also satisfactory.

Not to mention the rest, just the change in the realm is enough to make one's eyebrows exhale.

Among the disciples who entered Tianyazong with themselves, they must be the first to break through to the state of mind.

But at the time on the road of cutting spirits, the state of Chu Yan was not the most prominent.

After returning to Zongmen and reporting to Zongmen this time, Chu Yan's status in Zongmen will also be greatly enhanced.

After all, the state of mind is a watershed for monks on Xianxian Road.

After returning to Zongmen, Chu Yan went straight to Tianyazong's Tianya Haige.

Tianya Haige is responsible for personnel changes in the door.

This personnel change includes the promotion of the disciples, the elder's acceptance, the record of the position, and the production of the disciple's own card in the door.

Ordinary disciples, naturally, are not qualified to make natal cards by Zongmen.

Under normal circumstances, only when you reach the state of mind can you get the endorsement of the End of the World, then make a natal card and stand in the door.

Soon after, Chu Yan came to Tianya Haige.

The End of the World Pavilion was built on a lonely cliff on an island, towering soaring, giving people a sense of independence and love.

Moreover, half of this building is suspended in the air, giving people a sense of elegant beauty returning by wind.

Not only is the End of the World Pavilion, including the entire island, bathed in a soft light, letting people glance at it, there is a refreshing mood to bathe the morning sun.

Because there are many disciples and elders under the Tianya Sect, and the appointment and removal of personnel is very frequent, there are not many people entering and leaving the Tianya Haige at this time.

But no one will fly freely on the island.

Each monk fell on the edge of the island and walked to Tianya Haige.

Without important things, or with the permission of the Presbyterian Church, all Tianya Zong disciples are not allowed to fly freely in the area of ​​the Zongmen, or they will be severely punished without credit-this is the rule of the Tianya Zong, everyone must obey.

Chu Yan also acted in accordance with the rules and walked.

When he came to the gate of Tianya Haige, a white light suddenly appeared on the gate, covering Chu Yan's body.

Chu Yan raised a brow slightly, and quickly responded.

This is how Tianya Haige screens its disciples.

If a disciple is taken away by a demon, or if the great demon changes to the appearance of a Tianyazong disciple, under this aura, it will be broken into its original form.

The image of Chu Yan's figure soon appeared on the gate.

This influence is also Chu Yan, not evil or others.

This shows that Chu Yan has no problems.

Aura quickly withdrew from him and turned on another disciple who was preparing to enter the gate.

After entering Tianya Haige, although there were many disciples wearing robes, they seemed busy and uncluttered, and everyone was well-organized to handle their own affairs.

Chu Yan came to a magic wheel that was similar to a millstone, but three feet tall.

Around the magic weapon, a ladder was also set up. Many disciples gathered in front of the magic weapon, and took their identity cards on the magic weapon.

Chu Yan does it.

He took a picture of the identity jade on this magic weapon, and soon a line of small characters appeared on the magic weapon: "A seventy-nine."

Chu Yan looked up, and soon found the position marked by this number, which was on the second floor not far away.

Although the interior area of ​​Tianya Haige is huge, the design everywhere is very delicate, and there will be no congestion or long queues.

Chu Yan came to the room of Jia Qiu Jiu, and took the identity card on a plate in front of the door. The door of the room opened slowly.

After Chu Yan walked in, he immediately saw an old monk sitting in front of him.

Although the monks looked seventy or eighty years old, they had bright eyes and ruddy skin, giving them a strong sense of oppression.

If you change to another disciple, you will suddenly be oppressed in this realm at this moment. Even if you are not shaking, your face will definitely change.

But Chu Yan's spirit is extremely powerful, and along the way, the high-ranking monk who beheaded could not count both hands.

Therefore, others will intimidate the realm of intimidation, and when they come to him, they are commonplace.

So in the face of Zongmen elders, Chu Yan was not humble or humble, respectfully saluting: "Disciple Chu Yan, met the elders."

The elder looked up and looked at Chu Yan.

Suddenly, Chu Yan felt that the sense of oppression disappeared.

It's just that he didn't see it at the moment because of an eyebrow. The elder looked at the depth of his eyes at this moment, showing a look of appreciation.

"Chu Yan, what are you doing here today?"

The elder asked.

"The disciples have just been promoted to heaven soon, so come to ask the elders to record for the disciples."

After Chu Yan said it, he handed his identity card.

"Heart mood, good."

The elder nodded, "This is an important step for the fierce improvement of Xianlu. How long have you been worshipping Tianyazong?"

"By this month, exactly fourteen months."

Chu Yan said.

"Fourteen months, um, good ... um?"

The elder suddenly stared, looked up, and looked straight at Chu Yan, "You say it's fourteen months?"


Chu Yan nodded. "In May last year, the disciples just finished walking, there should be records on the identity card."

The elder injected a ray of aura into the identity jade.

In addition to indicating the disciple ’s identity, the disciples of Tianyazong ’s disciple ’s identity will also record some important events that happened to the disciple, as well as records of rewards and punishments.

At that moment, the elder's gaze swept away, and he immediately saw the relevant records about the road of cutting spirits.

When I saw Chu Yan who had just taken the path of cutting spirits and entered the End of the World, it was only a matter of diyuanjing, and the elder's breathing was suddenly delayed.

At this moment, Chu Yan felt that the atmosphere in the room had suddenly changed.

There was a deeper pressure than before, and a loud bang hit his shoulder.

Chu Yan looked up and looked at the elders without fear.

At this moment he could see that in the eyes of the elder, he looked brilliant, shook with shock, doubt, surprise, puzzlement, and vigilance.

Seeing each other's eyes, Chu Yan suddenly understood what the other party was worried about.

But before Chu Yan said it, the elders said it, asking in a serious tone: "Chu Yan, in just over a year, you have completed a whole big ascension.

It's not that I don't believe you, because Tianyazong has never lacked shock since ancient times, and is a talented disciple of a carp and a dragon.

But now I still want you to give me a guarantee, that is, you promised that you did not follow the evil way, did not cultivate the demons and demons, did not take the soul, and relied on your own efforts, and some adventures, to reach the state of mind today . "

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