Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1687: Paperman

Shen Qing regards Chu Yan as the best teacher.

"I want to be the sharpest sword and protect the best teacher in my heart."

This is what Shen Qing wants to say.

If students choose to leave, Chu Yan will not stop.

But Chu Yan was also thinking about whether he would teach the other party something before the other party left briefly.

Shen Qing's perseverance is impossible to change in this life.

That was her heart, and forcing her to change could lead to bad results.

Therefore, Chu Yan intends to make the other party stronger through exercises and techniques.

When Shen Qing fought, she liked to go forward.

Regardless of whether there are any traps in front of you, what are the traps, I will just push past them-this is Shen Qing's style.

In this case, Chu Yan considered that when Shen Qing rushed forward, the horror of the ancient beasts existed.

In this way, no trap can hurt her. Chu Yan, as a teacher, has no protection and can be more at ease.

Chu Yan was thinking about this. Su Xinyu, who had not spoken before, said at this time: "In fact, Chu Yan, we all got a lot of help from you, so we also hope that we can become stronger. It can be your help when you need it, instead of always receiving your blessing and help. "

This sentence immediately made Chu Yan's heart warm.

He regarded everyone as his brothers and sisters, and knew that he had received selfless help from almost everyone present when he first set foot on the fairy road.

Su Yuqing's strength was in favor of public opinion and gentle encouragement; Li Xiu, Jiang Panmeng, and others provided help and spiritual medicine for their cultivation; Uzrama's self-help and rescue ... He is helping everyone and is returning to everyone, but In Chu Yan's mind, he never explicitly marked these things, and then hoped that everyone would give him back.

But it is clear that these Chu Yan presents are regarded as the most important partners in life today, and they hope to stand side by side with Chu Yan, rather than just obtain it blindly.

"Chu Yan, friends should support each other, you have done enough for us.

If something comes up in the future, we hope we can help you. "

Su Jianyuan had a rare serious moment.

"it is good."

Chu Yan nodded.

No more words are needed, as is the case with friends. The emotions to express are here, and everyone will understand each other's thoughts.

This time, everyone's decision made the relationship between them closer.

But Chu Yan did not let everyone leave immediately.

After understanding Li Xiu's thoughts, Chu Yan also thought quickly.

The main reason for bringing everyone to the Island of Hearts was to worry about the oppression of Ziwei Gate.

But now, Jin Zhuying and Yun Xiao Zhan who have contradicted themselves publicly have fallen.

And now Tang Lixing [pencil novel www.qbxs.me] and stood aside with himself.

In a secret talk before, Tang Lianxing promised to Chu Yan that when she returned, she would restrain Ziweimen's disciples, and not come to trouble with Chu Yan and others, otherwise, she would deal with them by door rules.

Although there are still some doubts about this matter, Chu Yan still chose to trust Tang Lixing first.

But I can't completely believe it. After all, even if Tang Lixing made an order, Ziweimen was not her Ziweimen after all.

The Sky Warrior also has close friends, and Jin Zhuying also has friends.

So Chu Yan intends to prepare more magic weapons, runes, and various remedies for rehabilitating injuries, replenishing aura, and violent poison before the people leave.

These things are indispensable.

In addition, after everyone left Suixin Island, Chu Yan was also relieved that they could get the care of Kong Xian.

You know, Lord Kong is still in Yuanyuan, and there is no island of his own.

After explaining their thoughts and the crowd, everyone nodded and praised Chu Yan for his delicate thoughts.

Relying on their blood, they did not consider this thoughtfully.

It takes a few days to prepare these things.

Moreover, everyone was not in a hurry to leave the Xinxin Island, so they agreed to leave after a few days, after Chu Yan was ready to give them their storage magic weapon.

After discussing this matter, Chu Yan looked at Lin Miaoran again: "Did you just say that there are two things, what else is there?"

Lin Miaoran frowned, and said, "The other thing seems a little strange."

"How to say."

Chu Yan said.

"Just five days before you come back, suddenly an old lady comes outside Suisse Island and says to take a word for someone."

Lin Miaoran said.

"What is it?"

"The old lady said that the bells hanging in the temple will ring the feathers soon, and you need to prepare early."

Lin Miaoran said in one breath, and then hurriedly said, "This sentence just makes people listen to their brains.

Then after the old lady finished speaking, the whole person suddenly became a paper man half a foot tall, and when it was blown by the wind, it turned to ashes and disappeared completely.

Because I didn't know who this person was, I didn't open the defensive array to let her in, but I just talked to her through the array.

Do you know what she meant? "

Chu Yan inquired Lin Miaoran's mouth again and again, confirming that he had never seen the person before, and then fell into thought.

"I don't know many people in The End of the World.

If Kong Xian and Yun Nishang were looking for me, they would not need to use such magical powers with the help of paper people.

Moreover, from the point of view of the method of destroying the paper man after the news was conveyed, this person also does not want others to know that the paper man has been here.

So secretive, the elder who knew in the End of the World would not do so.

Paper people aren't the same, Zhuang Die can also rule it out.

The content of the paper person is obviously not the simple meaning in the discourse. It must contain deep meaning and convey to me some kind of information that I do not want to be known to others.

It is not convenient for me to come, so I use paper people.

The information conveyed must also be secret, and conveyed by the mouth of others without being known to others. Only I can understand the meaning.

The paper man turned to ash and destroyed the traces.

Yes! "

As soon as Chu Yan's chord moved, Tang Lixing appeared in his head.

These conditions are the only ones that meet her.

Confirmed the identity, then the meaning of this sentence is well understood.

"The bells that hang high in the temple will ring the feathers soon, so you need to prepare early."

Chu Yan pondered carefully and suddenly his eyes brightened.

"The bell hanging high in the temple must be the Taiqing Emperor who is now promoted in the void.

Soon after the sound of feathers.

Yuyin is the fifth tone in the emblem feather of the palace business horn, that is five years.

Five years later, the Emperor Taiqing will be promoted and returned! "

This process of thinking seems to be a lot, but in such a moment, in Chu Yan's mind, it was only a moment when he fully thought about it.

"Tang Lixing reminded me that the emperor of Taiqing came back earlier than expected.

But how come so early! "

Seeing that Chu Yan was silent, everyone looked at each other and didn't know what happened.

Lin Miaoran asked softly, "Chu Yan, did you think of anything?"

Chu Yanwang looked at her: "During my absence, is there any news in Zongmen about what will happen in the next few years?"

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