Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1688: The discovery of Li Yangyi

Seeing Chu Yan's solemn question, everyone looked at each other, thought about it, and finally shook his head.

"We haven't received any news recently, and no news came from the identity card."

Lin Miaoran said.


Chu Yan muttered and fell into meditation again.

After confirming that the message from the paper man is about the return of Emperor Taiqing, Chu Yan can be sure that this five-year period is definitely not a random time.

Emperor Taiqing will definitely choose an extremely important day and announce his return.

"If this is the case, then there should be more news coming soon."

Chu Yan said.

He decided to find a chance later to see the two hidden stakes he had planted in Ziwei Gate.

They haven't been beaten for a while, and now they need to be made not to forget their identities.

After seeing a little nervousness on everyone's faces, Chu Yan groaned a little, and decided not to talk about the return of Emperor Taiqing for the time being, but just told them that in the future, they should try their best to improve themselves, because some big things may happen.

This is to prevent affecting the emotions of everyone.

Cultivation does not naturally require too much entrustment.

Now that everyone has chosen to leave the Xinxin Island, they are ready to practice hard.

But of course, this departure is not a separation, but it is not permanent on the island of Xinxin.

If anyone has any feelings or lacks the elixir, they will definitely come over from time to time.

Therefore, there is naturally no such sad mood at the scene.

On the contrary, everyone saw that Chu Yan understood himself and supported himself, and suddenly became relaxed.

What's more, Chu Yan's realm has become their goal and role model, giving them more motivation.

Now that everything is settled, everyone on the scene has not continued to consume time here.

After listening to Chu Yan's story about the trip to the West Sea, they returned to the palace and continued to meditate.

However, after the others left, Li Yangyi stayed in place and did not leave.

Since Li Yangyi was rescued by Chu Yan accidentally in the Sansheng Mountain, Chu Yang seems to have fixed her thigh.

And he held it very straightforwardly, without any false concealment.

Because Chu Yan knew each other in Changqing Town, and had never been guilty, he left the other party alone.

And Pu Yangyi does have his own unique skills.

At this moment, looking at Li Yangyi's utter reticence, Chu Yan couldn't help but laugh: "Just say something directly, don't you see that the fate that entangled my fate has appeared again?"

"Can you still laugh?"

Pu Yangyi's eyes widened, and she immediately arrived, "No, your life has never been seen since that time."

After hearing what Yang Yangyi said, Chu Yan was quietly relieved.

That death gas, of course, refers to the influence on the life of the person behind the gate of hell.

After returning from Sansheng Mountain, Chu Yan sometimes would be willing to actively give control of the body to this, also because the dead energy disappeared.

Now that the dead energy has disappeared, it also means that the influence on the gate of Hell has now disappeared.

However, Chu Yan did not completely relax his vigilance, maintaining a state of tightness outside and inside.

At this point, he looked at Li Yangyi and listened to the other side continued: "Chu Yan, when you chose this island, someone chose it for you or yourself."

"Any questions?"

Chu Yan asked.

"I have seen this island. The dragon and snake in the sea of ​​clouds are definitely a blessed place.

But the point is not this, but there. "

When Pu Yangyi spoke, her finger was facing southwest.

Looking at each other, Chu Yan's heart moved slightly.

When I first came to Suixin Island, the one behind the gate of Hell had said that the sea eye in that direction had something unusual.

But when Chu Yan inquired carefully, the other party began to pretend to be dead.

Li Yang is among the crowd and has a unique ability that is hope.

His aura is from talent, second to none.

At this point he also pointed out that there was a different direction there.

"There's a Reiki Sea Eye."

Chu Yan explained to the other party: "The surrounding islands are more or less covered by these auras and sea eyes. It is exactly the same that the islands will be aura and a blessing on the island."

"Not just that."

Li Yang shook her head intently. "There is a killing breath there, on the bottom of the sea."


This news surprised Chu Yan.

At the same time, he heard a deep hum in the depths of the sea.

The one behind the gate of **** was still proud and did not speak, so Chu Yan continued to ask Pu Yangyi: "What do you see?"

With Chu Yan's understanding of Yun Yangyi, although this guy usually seems to have no ambition, even occasionally, it makes people feel that he is doing something incredible and has no rules.

But in fact, Li Yangyi is a very delicate person.

Since he stayed alone at this time and told Chu Yan that the sea eye was abnormal, it must be carefully observed and thoughtfully, and finally came to Chu Yan to explain.

In order to reassure the other party, Chu Yan also told Puyangyi that this island built for the Master of Heavenly Mind, including the sea eye, was arranged by the Purple House in Tianya Sect, and there would be no hidden danger.

Therefore, there should be no danger in the sea eye, he can safely say what he saw and guessed.

"I have carefully observed that the aura of the sea eye covers thousands of miles around. Your free island is also responsible for its aura.

But in this aura, there is a very subtle killing breath.

This breath, according to my speculation, should come from a very deep place below the sea's eye.

And it can condense into such a powerful killing breath, and even leaked from the eyes of the sea, I guess, that place is either the remnant of a tragic battlefield, or the home of a monk with a very deep killing barrier . "

Having said that, Pu Yang smiled embarrassedly and touched his chin. "But Chu Yan, you said, since there are real immortals from the Purple House, they should have no reason not to find this killing. It's mad. "


Chu Yan immediately affirmed Yun Yangyi's words.

The man behind the gate of **** pointed out that there was anomaly there, and now Li Yangyi said it again, Chu Yan naturally determined that there was a great possibility there was something unusual.

"It's possible that the elders of Tianyazong did not find there.

For example, the elders who arranged the islands and the sea eyes were not good at looking.

For another example, because the islands and sea eyes were arranged, the pattern of the sea floor in that area was triggered, so the killing gas was leaked out.

Another possibility is that if it is really a powerful place to return to the market, then as time goes by, the formation method covering the place to return to the market is broken, so a breath leaks out. "

Having said that, Chu Yan paused and pointed to the island under his feet.

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