Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1719: Blood stained the sea

The confession of Chu Yan has long since spread, and has spread to the surrounding hundreds of miles.

After a sudden change in the sea breeze, it didn't take long for his consciousness to catch a change in the sea ahead.

He was flying very fast, and the opponent was coming quickly.

Therefore, in just a few breaths, Chu Yan saw the distant sea surface and blasted the waves.

The waves rolled, and the roar of a landslide broke out.

The billowing sea water was lifted by a large film, and thick foam was swelled.

In the waves, thousands of silver sea fish, tens of thousands, kept jumping out of the sea, and then fell back.

Each of these marine fishes is close to Zhang Xu, with a silvery body and sharp body, like a spear, and the sun shines, and at this moment there is a shivering cold light.

And these sea fishes have short wings on their backs. At this moment, they flap quickly, making them more amazing when they fly.

Almost in a blink of an eye, this large group of fish monsters rushed to the place less than ten miles in front of Chu Yan.

The next breath, they will reach Chu Yan.

Each of these fish monsters has reached the strength of the monk of Diyuan Realm.

And the monster's body is powerful, especially these fish monsters. Each high-speed impact is like a flying sword.

Ordinary monks are inattentive, even if they have robes and armor on them, they will be punctured.

If it is penetrated by so many fish demon holes, it will become a piece of fleshy meat in an instant.

"Faster than expected."

Looking at the sharp silver light moving in front of him, Chu Yan swept away, and suddenly found that in the other two directions, there were also large areas of sea monsters approaching.

Obviously, the bluish spot gave the Kraken the best information.

Every move of Chu Yan is in their grasp.

But Chu Yan was not panicked at this time.

The only thing that made him feel a little tricky at this time was the ghostly ghost of the dragon.

As long as the other party doesn't move.

The Siren who came to contain him at this time would not pose much threat to him.

A piece of silver light suddenly erupted in front of Chu Yan at this moment.

The sun fell straight and reflected on these fish monsters, as if a scorching sun rose from the sea.

The dazzling light can almost blind people's eyes and instantly melt an iceberg.

"Irritated sword!"

Chu Yan raised up the flame, Jian Feng was angry.

Bang! The sweeping Jianmang, with the taste of killing, blood, and flame, turned into an exercise, and the hundreds of fish monsters rushing to the front were chopped into pieces.

Blood and pieces fell down like a torrential rain.

The seawater was suddenly filled with blood.

Fish intestines, fish gall, and other internal organs are constantly undulating as the sea water surges.

Chu Yan also rushed into the fish monster at this moment.

For a moment, in all directions, there were reflected silver rays.

The wings of the fish monster trembled together.

Buzzing buzzing, as if the blade was pressing his throat.

The air was torn apart instantly.

The sharp edge sweeping through the air flow split into Chu Yan.

In the past, this level of sharpness would be enough to cut a piece of steel as easily as tofu.

But at this time, when I met Chu Yan, he was bounced off instantly.

Not to mention Chu Yan's body, even if he left a mark on his skin and cut his hair, there was no way to do it.

The rushing edge formed by these airstreams exploded on Chu Yan and was bounced off. They immediately collided with each other, and dazzled Mars around Chu Yan.

Silver light, Mars, at this moment, seemed to melt into the void.

Large swaths of sea water were transpired in an instant.

At this time, Chu Yan raised a finger in the middle of Mars.

Fingertip blood swallows and condenses.

A devastating atmosphere spread around, and in a moment, enveloped the scene.

The group of fish monsters suddenly seemed to encounter natural enemies and encountered extremely horrible things. Before that, they were in order. At this moment, it was like blasting a pot, panicking and ramming everywhere, trying to escape.

When the fish monster was in a panic, he even pierced his companion, and then poked at the companion, banging around.

And Chu Yan's technique is condensed at this moment.

"Finger finger!"

One arm waved.

boom! It seems like a flat mine.

A large swath of blood pours out with the breath of corpse blood and landslides.

Each line of blood was extremely sharp and eye-catching, intertwined, and cut out around.

Huh! The fish monsters around Chu Yan, swarms, were cut into pieces when they were encountered.

And the destruction of the rhyme contained in the bloodline made these fish monsters instantly lose their vitality.

Large corpses, mixed with blood viscera, fell from the sky, crashed into the sea, and smashed red waves.

For a moment, 80% of the fish monsters originally responsible for enclosing Chu Yan were killed.

The remaining 20% ​​fled madly.

Chu Yan opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of Shenlei.

With a bang, the power grid poured down, and the remaining 20% ​​of the fish monsters were instantly scorched to 10%, with a strong aroma all over, and their belly was up, and the dumplings generally fell into the sea.

Above the sea, it was suddenly filled with a strong **** smell.

The sea water was also red and black at this time, exuding a horrible smell.

The large number of corpses made people take a look and fled when they turned.

After killing the group of fish monsters, Chu Yan didn't stop, and immediately stepped on the board of heaven and earth and turned his direction.

This time, he rushed towards the most powerful group of sea monsters that were detected by the gods.

After a while, Chu Yan's eyesight, where the sea and sky border, a shadow spread over dozens of miles and came towards his own direction.

The surface of the sea, although it looks undisturbed.

But under the sea, there is a surging current.

The black shadow, showing a heart-warming taste, seems to be constantly eroding people's hearts when it is surging in the sea.

"Get out! Taiyi is off the fire knife!"

A palm shot.

Suddenly, the golden red light blade was burning and hunting. In an instant, it stretched hundreds of feet. From top to bottom, a whistling sound appeared dozens of miles away and cut into the sea.

boom! The surface of the sea suddenly became like a piece of butter cut by a burnt red knife.

The boiling sea water exploded.

Large corpses of octopus and sea shrimp spewed out on both sides.

Each of these octopuses is several feet long, and the sea shrimp are each taller than a person, and the shrimp shells are harder than steel.

But at this time, Chu Yan killed hundreds of heads with an air knife.

And Chu Yan's blow seemed to be a cannon, breaking the silence.

The sea surface was suddenly boiled, and large groups of octopuses and shrimps floated out.

Each giant octopus is like a house.

Groups of shrimp monsters, surrounded by each other, held up Da'ao, a pair of eyes, glowing bloodthirsty, staring at Chu Yan.

The next moment, a few figures, after these thousands of sea monsters, surfaced.

These are truly-the transformed monsters! "Monk, die!"

One of them turned into a big demon, pointing at Chu Yan, screaming angrily.

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