Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1720: Chase

This deformed monster is covered with thick armor all over.

Coral and seaweed are entwined on the armor, showing a mottled smell.

Just move, water vapor around the body.

One pair of eyes seemed to be full of rivers and rivers, revealing the majestic power of the world.

At this moment, he pointed out the words, the countless shrimp monsters around him, beating Da'ao all at once, the sound was loud, as if thousands of iron rode on, and they were filled with a devastating atmosphere.


Chu Yan was too lazy to care about the other side's realm, suddenly raised his hand and held out in the air.

Click! A purple thunder fell from the sky.

Ascending the sky, there was no deep ocean.

The purple thunder, even in the sea, formed a large circle large enough to accommodate 10,000 people.

And Chu Yan holds this thunder, as if the gods are heavenly, and no one can rival it.

A dragon and snake rose from the ground, and the breath of heaven and earth suddenly burst out.

"Zixiao Thunder Dragon!"

With a loud shout, Chu Yan held Lei Guang in both hands, like a spear, slamming his head towards the sea.

boom! Suddenly, the sea was detonated as if a hundred times the power of the tsunami had completely erupted.

Rumble! The waves burst and struck with millions of pounds and millions of pounds of force.

The group of siren was completely out of control, and all of a sudden they were caught in it, and they were crushed into meat sauce in an instant.

With a blink of an eye, the sea was stirred by the smashed corpses and blood like a big pot of sticky porridge.

But this porridge is black at this time, just like a swamp.

Just pointing to Chu Yan, the morphing demon who was so angry that it was almost the first wave of shock.

Lei Guang burst into a dragon yin and landed on top of his head, tearing him into a puff of blood.

The spirit is also in an instant, soaring.

In a blink of an eye, my body died and no trace was left.

The purple thunder light erupted at this moment, screaming and roaring, and shuttled back and forth among the rolling waves.

Everywhere he went, the void collapsed.

The endless Krakens have become pieces.

The blood of the monsters was released, and even the sky was red, as if bleeding.

Looking at it, it looks like purgatory.

Chu Yan was standing still.

The thunderous thunder, forming a ring of thunder, protected him.

The surrounding collapses and huge waves did not affect him in the least.

Killing so many monsters, Chu Yan did not leave immediately.

Because at this time his consciousness had been captured, in addition to similar crowds of sea monsters, two familiar big monster breaths are also rushing at this moment.

Chu Yan immediately determined that these two breaths were the two that had previously attacked himself.

"But why is one missing?"

Chu Yan couldn't help groaning, "Is there another one, hiding in the dark, wanting to sneak attack?"

While thinking so, Chu Yan waved his arm.

Click! Click! Two beams of thunder immediately opened a channel in this **** wind.

Along the passage, he stepped on the board of heaven and earth, flew out, hovered over the sea, stood with his hands in his hands, and looked distantly into the distance.

In a short moment, he saw that in the distance, the sky was filled with countless sea monsters.

Large seas of horrible shadows also infiltrated into the sea, and brought great oppression.

Amazing monsters are connected to each other, as if the sun and the moon are polluted.

Chu Yan's swift understanding instantly locked a big demon in the sky, and two big demon deep and shallow in the sea.

The sea monsters flying in the sky were like sea birds.

But these seabirds are human-faced beasts, with male and female looks. Although they are only the size of a child, their mouths seem to open to the ears.

There was a mouth, revealing the denseness inside, like the sharp teeth of a small dagger.

According to this situation, I am afraid that a mouth can directly crush a child's head.

And Chu Yan's consciousness is locked in one of the siren, almost the size of an adult.

From the appearance to the figure, the sea monster is like a young woman, but the arms are colored wings that are close to one foot apart, the feet are also hook-like, the eyes are sharp, and the magical gods flash in them.

When flying, a blood light, if there is nothing, is always with her.

"Shaped Demon."

Chu Yan secretly said.

If it's just a generalized monster, then Chu Yan will not let her pay special attention to her.

The main thing is the blood lingering around the banshee.

It seemed to be full of some kind of mysterious and strange divine thoughts and Tao Yun, so that Chu Yan unconsciously, he was vigilant.

Siren in the sky and the sea, Chao Chuyan approached very fast.

The **** sea of ​​dead bodies behind Chu Yan seemed to have no deterrent effect at all.

For a moment, these siren came to a place less than thirty miles away from Chu Yan.

At this time, the dark shadows spreading suddenly in the sea.

The surface of the sea also rises high.

The next moment, the billowing sea water rose into the sky.

A breath of breath spread quickly.

The void was distorted, and a roar of steel plates was heard.

The huge waves surged, and the horrible waves were suddenly formed. Immediately, a wall of water was formed, covering the mighty thunder, and beating towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan snorted coldly, swallowed up, and raised his palm to shoot.

"Taiyi leaves the fire knife!"

Baizhang light blade, slammed, cut off the wall of water.

The boiling sea is sizzling.

Hot steam gushes all directions.

The next moment, a chain, thicker than a human waist, appeared to Chu Yan's chest without struggle.

Immediately afterwards, alas, chains appeared in mid-air.

These chains, as if connected in the void, spread for dozens of miles, dozens of miles, and even the ends of the ends could not be seen at a glance.

At the same time, these chains are of varying lengths.

Some are thicker than a fat man's waist, while others only have a pinkie.

These chains, revealing a strong demon and murderous spirit, instantly formed a dense net, blocking Chu Yan.

There is no way to heaven, no door to the ground.

This seemingly familiar scene made Chu Yan squint slightly.

The next moment, a horrible shadow suddenly appeared above his head.

Looking up, Chu Yan immediately saw that a large seal penetrated the clouds, descended from the sky, and rolled towards him.

Layers of void, crushed like glazed glass.

The space around Chu Yan was shaken and shaken violently.

That chain of chains was also rattling, water vapor appeared on the surface, and in a short time, ice thorns were condensed, revealing a frightening cold.

"The tricks are repeated."

Chu Yan said faintly, "Change the soup without changing the medicine."

Suddenly, the big seal changed to the size of a towering mountain and fell to the top of his head.

And the chain that suddenly grew dense with icy spines, like a python hunting, suddenly swept up, tangling towards Chu Yan.

"Zhiyin Ghost Shield!"


Chu Yan's eyes narrowed and he sang loudly.

Suddenly, the whole body's aura and blood flew like a volcanic eruption.

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