Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1721: Unstoppable

Crackling! The chain came fiercely.

But on the Ziyin Nether Shield, it immediately cracked and shattered.

At this time, with the promotion of Chu Yan, the Ziyin Nether Shield became stronger, without any effect at all.

Not only did the crystal wall not break and crack, even the light was stable without any change.

Chu Yan raised his head and moved forward, his fingers spread out, and the boiling atmosphere continued to extend, like Taiko Qingtian, to suppress all evil.

The whole body of aura, at this moment, seemed to penetrate through the boundless sky, magnificent, and the sun was shining.

"Hongmeng Xinghe array!"

Suddenly, a galaxy, dazzling, rose to the sky, collided fiercely with the big seal that fell, and exploded.

Countless stars exploded into sky-wide meteors, wiping out hot flames, and bursting into the sky.

Bang Bang Bang! Layers of emptiness were broken down at this time.

The fire was shining, as if it were the most dazzling firework in midsummer.

Da Yin trembled in the air, and suddenly, the surface was full of cracks, and it flickered a little, and was suddenly hit by a shooting meteor into a sieve.

And that chain was also involved in the hurricane, and was pulled fiercely, and it suddenly shattered like a rotten mud and fell towards the sea.



The sound of vomiting blood followed.

The big demon incarnate of the tooth shark, and the big demon in the form of a turtle, at this time appeared in the form of a distant sea.

Both of them looked dispirited at the moment.

The sharp tooth shark's mouth is full of blood, and the teeth don't know how much it has broken.

One arm, from the finger to the arm to the chest, was covered with cracks, the bone was deeply visible in the wound, and blood seemed to pour out at this time.

The turtle-shaped demon, the turtle's shell on the back, was divided into two from the middle, and blood was pouring out, and the sea under his feet was stained red instantly.

At this time, the two transformed monsters were looking at Chu Yan, and their eyes were full of fear, as if they couldn't understand, the other party was just the duality of the heavens and the mind.

They joined forces and were not only repelled by each other, but also badly hit by each other.

At this moment, the two monsters on one side of the hegemon couldn't help shaking.

"It was the two of you who attacked me before."

Looking at these two transformed monsters, Chu Yan sneered again and again.

He swept away, and found that the farthest place, the evil spirit of the Hualong Great Demon, has not changed at this time.

Reconnecting with so many Krakens here, he tried to block himself from the scene, and Chu Yan's thoughts turned quickly. Immediately, he figured out why.

"They are all subject to the trend of that dragon! That really is as tricky as I thought, only that one.

As for the big monster transformed by seabirds ... the blood ring is a bit weird and worthy of careful treatment. "

Chu Yan was secretly alert.

Thoughts fluttered in his head, but Chu Yan's words and actions did not stop there.

He obliquely looked at the two terrified transformational monsters, and suddenly took a step forward, his body shot violently, as fast as a meteor lightning, and shot violently towards the sharp tooth shark and the turtle big monster.

"Sneak on me, then die!"

Bang! Large areas of seawater were lifted by Chu Yan's air at this moment.

Looking at the sea at a glance, it seemed as if divided into two.

At that moment, the two big demon were shocked by Chu Yan's momentum.

A pair of eyes said anger and unwillingness, but they had been out of control at this time.

"This queen is here, where can I get you for wanton!"

At this moment, the banshee transformed into a seabird screamed, her wings flapping.

Suddenly, two tornadoes rolled up on the surface of the sea, like dragon streams and towering pillars, coming towards Chu Yan.

The whizzing wind was enough to completely destroy a city and level it in an instant.

"Give me up and stop him!"

At the same time, with the order of the banshee, those seabirds and beasts looking at each other speeded up, issued a sharp, harsh sound, and came towards Chuyan at a rapid pace.

Passing by that wind, the speed of these seabirds and monsters suddenly accelerated several times.

One was so fast that people couldn't catch their eyes. In an instant, they went to Chu Yan and opened their mouths one by one, biting towards Chu Yan.

The fangs and teeth of these seabirds and monsters, even if they are reinforced iron bones, will be torn apart alive.

And with such a large number, I am afraid that even if it is a triple state of mind, if you are not careful, you will be pulled into a bone before a moment.

"People I want to kill, no one can keep them!"

Chu Yan took a big breath and grabbed it in the air.

The surface of the punishment, the purple thunder, rose again.

"Zixiao Thunder Dragon!"

The heavens descended from the thunder, and then passed through the hands of Chu Yan, as if they were a hundred feet, a thousand feet long whip, beating and dancing in the air.

Crackling! The group of seabirds and monsters flying to Chu Yan was exploded in place as soon as they were touched by the electric light. The whole turned into flesh and blood.

And this **** thunder is constantly expanding, almost covering a void, like a cage to kill seabirds.

As soon as the seabirds and monsters got in, all of them turned into blood rain and poured down.


The banshee exclaimed. Suddenly, her face became even more angry, and she gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Yan. Her eyes were full of hatred.

Chu Yan didn't look at her at this time and forced herself into two tornadoes in one step.

The next moment, these two tornadoes were forced by his momentum.

The original distance was only a hundred feet, and this one was pushed away dozens of miles directly.

"I am going to kill you!"

The banshee missed again and again. At this moment, she was furious and screaming, and in her narrow eyes, blood was made.

But at this time, Chu Yan had already come to the two monsters with five fingers and claws.

"Angry Dragon Strangling!"

The sharp tooth shark subconsciously raised his hand to stop.

boom! His upper body was directly smashed by Chu Yan.

Flesh became radiation that was connected to each other, and flew away, creating a dense blood spot on the sea.

The Turtle Demon seemed to be back at this moment, and hurriedly drew his head and feet into the turtle shell.

Although the turtle shell was cracked by Chu Yan before, it is still his toughest magic weapon.

Chu Yan sneered, his waist twisted in the air.

"A thousand dragons break the army!"

Turn around and kick out.

At this time, he performed this martial art, and the power was far beyond what he could have in the past.

The power is as big as a meteorite hitting the ground, a flat mine, and a steel mountain can be instantly broken.

boom! The turtle monster's body suddenly exploded like a firecracker.

The broken body sprayed out in all directions, and could not die anymore.

At this time, Chu Yan hovered in mid-air and turned to look at the banshee flapping her wings: "What is it, it's your turn now."

After being swept away by Chu Yan's eyes, the feathers on the banshee's wings suddenly stood up.

Continuously, she was able to easily break through the magical powers, and she saw him killing and transforming a big demon like a slaying chicken tile dog. Even if she was stupid, she knew that she was not a rival to Chu Yan.

At this moment, often around, her body was cold, she just felt isolated and helpless, straightened her neck, and shouted in the direction of the distant gas: "Master Black Dragon, save me!"

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