Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1757: Give you treasure

When Chu Yan returned, it was late October.

After that, he closed the palm and arm of the monk killing the monk Zifujing Monk, and waited until the refining was completed, and the time had reached the middle of November.

Twenty days passed in almost an blink of an eye.

Thanks to Chu Yan, because the fire of life itself is strong and fierce, you can refine the body of Zifu Jing in the state of mind, and you can also refine so quickly.

Change to any other monk of the same rank, let alone do it boldly, I am afraid to think about it.

At this point refining was completed, Chu Yan immediately came out of the palace and found Lin Miaoran.

Following Miaoran's suggestion, Lin Miaoran has been consolidating the foundation, and has not rushed to use the body of clear jade to improve her realm.

At this time, the realm of her triad, Yuanyuan, was nearly perfected.

During promotion, some minor problems and hidden dangers that existed and may exist have now been eliminated.

Without exaggerating, Lin Miaoran's realm foundation at this time, let Chu Yan see, can not help feeling envious.

"Can you do that?"

Looking at Chu Yan at this moment, Lin Miaoran looked bright and asked with a smile.

"no problem."

Chu Yan nodded, a fingertip bounced, and a diamond-shaped crystal flew to Lin Miaoran, hovering in front of her eyes.

"what is this?"

Lin Miaoran looked over and asked curiously.

The next moment, her face suddenly changed.

A tidal wave, with her breath, began to rise continuously, and the pressure could not be suppressed.

"Calm down and comprehend carefully."

Chu Yan reminded her.

That diamond-shaped crystal was made by the palms and arms of the monks in Zifujing.

Although it is just a small piece of the source of life and pure aura, it is definitely enough for Lin Miaoran to use in his promotion.

The only surprise was that I didn't expect the effect of this crystal to be so good.

Lin Miaoran rammed for so long and waited for so long to be promoted, even after looking at this crystal, he couldn't hold back.

At the moment Lin Miaoran sat down with her knees crossed, and a ray of aura gathered into a tide, forming a storm around her.

Chu Yan quickly shot, laying out multiple formations around her, and then retreated to more than twenty miles away to protect her.

This distance will not disturb Lin Miaoran's perception and promotion, and if there is any problem, he can quickly help.

At this moment Chu Yan stopped here and watched quietly.

Looking at this spiritual tide that is almost condensed into Qiongjiangyuyu, Chu Yan silently estimated in his heart how far Lin Miaoran would make his way this time.

Just then, two figures flew over from a distance.

Strictly speaking, it was Master Ziteng Zeng Bi, who flew over from the distance, holding on to Puyangyi.

After falling to the ground, Zeng Bi threw Yi Yangyi aside, nodded towards Chu Yan, and then his eyes were immediately attracted by the spiritual tide produced by Lin Miaoran's promotion at this time.

"So pure reiki!"

Glorious light in Master Bitong's eyes revealed a very surprised look.

The next moment, she was shocked again: "So rich source of life!"

She turned her face and stared at Chu Yan with her eyes wide open: "Where did you get it?

What kind of treasure is this? "

According to Zeng Bi's thinking, I can only think of Chu Yan as making elixir from heaven and earth, and then let Lin Miaoran take it.

But at this moment, she realized that the situation was completely different from her imagination.

This life source and aura was absorbed from Lin Miaoran from the outside to the inside.

It is not the change caused by the volatility of the medicine after taking the medicine.

Of course, Zeng Bi had never dreamed of it. Chu Yan would even create a monk in the Purple House, then chop off the opponent ’s arm and bring it back for refining.

"You don't need to worry about this."

Chu Yan shook his head.


Zeng Bi nodded without asking.

She looked back at Lin Miaoran, and there was no lack of envy in her tone: "There is such a pure aura and the origin of life. Her promotion this time will definitely have far better results than expected.

After all, it is a natural body of clear jade, and the foundation that has been so stable for so long is almost close to great consummation. "

When Lin Miaoran was in a stable state, Zeng Bi looked in her eyes, so she was especially clear.

After hearing Zeng Bi's envious tone, Chu Yan smiled, raised his hand and wrapped a small piece of crystal with aura, and handed it to Zeng Bi: "Here you are."

Zeng Bi first felt a moment, then immediately felt the source of life and aura contained in this crystal, and then heard the words of Chu Yan, the whole person was stunned, showing an unbelievable look: "What did you say?"

"Give you."

Chu Yan nodded, "You are now the two major accomplishments of Heaven's State of Mind. With this auxiliary practice, within two years, try to see if you can impact the completeness of Heaven's State of Mind.

do you want?

If it's too little, I won't give it to you. "

"Hey! It's all taken out, how can it be taken back!"

Zeng Bi took it jokingly and felt it carefully.

With excitement and excitement, her body was trembling faintly.

The closer the source of life and the aura from the monk's body refining, the more obvious the feeling is.

If it wasn't for his face, Zeng Bi could not wait to immediately hold the crystal and go back to meditate and practice.

"When Miao Ran's promotion is completed, you can retreat for a while."

Chu Yan said as she knew Zeng Bi thought, "I will be on the island for the next few months."

Zeng Bi took a deep breath, calmed her mood a little, and glanced at her, saying, "You just want a more powerful thug."

His heart was pierced, and His Highness Chu did not turn red, and even his breathing did not change. Frankly, "This is one of the aspects. The other reason is that you have worked hard this time, and it is due."

Chu Yan's thoughts did have the reason Zeng Bi said.

In the future, if he is not on the island of Xinxin, or even owns the Dongfu fairyland, when he is absent or retreat, a deity master with double minds and even triple minds will be more deterrent. Zeng Bi is now big.

The stronger a thug is, the more secure it is.

Another reason, Chu Yan just said.

Zeng Bi's present performance is also worthy of giving her some benefits.

After recognizing the reality and smoothing the edges and corners, it was indispensable for Master Bitong to spare no effort in order to improve the strength of this group of friends. It is also incumbent on him to protect the island of Xinxin on weekdays.

If we don't give rewards in this way, it will inevitably make people chill.

The reward given by Chu Yan also greatly exceeded Zeng Bi's expectations.

After all, for the monks, there is nothing more exciting than raising the realm and extending the longevity.

So Zeng Bi was so moved at this time.

After speaking with Zeng Bi, Chu Yan suddenly felt a little weird.

Looking at that strange feeling, I immediately saw the side not far away, and Li Yangyi looked at him with an eye on his face, and his expression stopped.

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