Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1758: Steady promotion of Miss Lin

Chapter 1758 Pu Yang intended to be a small group in Chu Yan, in fact, his position was awkward.

His initial relationship with Chu Yan only met in Changqing Town.

A few years later, they met again in Sansheng Mountain.

And Li Yangyi always gives people a sense of indecent and mysterious.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for such a person to gain the trust of others.

However, Chu Yan chose to leave Puyangyi on Suixin Island and accepted him.

After all, it's because of Li Yangyi's traditional attitude.

In Changqing Town, even if it was the competitive relationship of Xianlu quota, Li Yangyi did not oppose Chu Yan and even chose to quit.

Chu Yan can feel that Pu Yangyi is always avoiding competition and conflict with herself.

And Pu Yangyi also has a technique of hope that others do not have.

Whether it was Chu Yan deadly at first glance at that time, or later the killing gas leaked in the eyes of the sea.

This was all Chu Yan's other partners and even the teacher never discovered.

Although there is no clear reason, Chu Yan's intuition tells himself that Pu Yangyi is on his side, and he can stay.

So Li Yangyi is now on the Xinxin Island, and sometimes also plays the role of a think tank.

The realm of Li Yangyi is among the middle and lower group of Chu Yan's partners, which is higher than Furui and Su Xinyu.

And he never showed his strength.

In other words, no one has ever cared about his strength.

But at this moment looking at the stern look of Pu Yangyi, Chu Yan was moved.

A man who is obviously mysterious, but makes people always subconsciously ignore his existence-such a character can never be a general generation.

Chu Yan was secretly alerting himself at this moment.

When I was in the past, I was a little too concerned about Li Yang.

This guy deserves more attention.

He must have hidden himself for some reason.

This person cannot be underestimated.

The thought moved slightly, Chu Yan flicked his fingertips, a piece of crystal smaller than Zeng Bi's piece, flew in front of Li Yangyi.

"Thanks to Haiyan last time."

Chu Yan laughed.

"Not worth mentioning. Not worth mentioning."

Li Yang Yi waved his hands again and again, hehe smiled, and received the crystal.

Feel it carefully, and all of a sudden, his face flushed with excitement.

At this time, Chu Yan seemed to inadvertently ask, "What's your opinion on the wonderful promotion?"

After hearing this, Zeng Bi looked at Chu Yan with a doubt.

In her opinion, the realm of Li Yangyi is so far behind that of Lin Miaoran. What effective opinions and opinions can she have?

But Zeng Bi also understands that Chu Yan is definitely not the kind of person who is so bored that he has nothing to say.

He asks this now, and so he must have his reason.

So Zeng Bijing waited for Li Yangyi's answer.

At this time, Pu Yangyi focused on the crystal. When he heard the question of Chu Yan, he subconsciously replied: "The most taboo thing for a monk to promote is to be brave and advanced. As a result, the foundation is unstable. It is a direct death, called the genius who has not grown up in other populations.

The other is to just seek stability. Although the foundation is solid, but it loses the enterprising heart, and in the end cannot go further.

Lin Miaoran is born with clear jade, and she has the strength and strength to make breakthroughs all the way, but in the process, she can also take into account both the consolidation of the road and the determination to forge ahead.

This state of mind, among ordinary monks, can be said to be one of them.

So you want me to say that her promotion will be smooth and smooth, and there will be no problems at all.

The only thing to worry about now is whether she is promoted one or two levels.

Well, it depends on how she grasps ... "

At the beginning, Puyang talked eloquently.

But at the end, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

When I looked up, I saw Zeng Bi's surprised look at herself.

Suddenly, Pu Yangyi felt a layer of cold sweat behind her, so she quickly changed her tone, from an affirmative statement to a hesitant question, hoping to save a little.

Li Yangyi was cold at the moment.

Did you just say too much?

But Chu Yan didn't seem to care.

He nodded and said, "You think the same as I think."

"A wild guess, a wild guess, I didn't expect to be hit."

Li Yangyi hurriedly wiped the sweat on her forehead and glanced at Chuyan from time to time.

After a while, seeing that Chu Yan didn't seem to care about it, Li Yangyi's heart lifted up.

These small actions of Pu Yangyi fell into Chu Yan's eyes at this time, which further confirmed some of Chu Yan's speculation.

But he said nothing and refocused on Lin Miaoran, who was more than twenty miles away.

With the formation of Chu Yan, Lin Miaoran had no heart at this moment, and absorbed the source of life and pure aura.

The extraordinary speed of Qingyu's body to draw and practice is extremely extreme at this moment.

After a few hours, Lin Miaoran's realm began to break through.

The puppet of Diyuanjing was torn in front of her like a piece of paper.

The time to break through and stabilize the realm took less than a day, and Lin Miaoran's realm steadily stopped at the three major achievements of the Yuanyuan Realm.

This speed made Zeng Bi and Li Yang astounded and envious.

Zeng Bi is here. Although she is almost a higher level than Lin Miaoran, when the Yuan Dynasty was promoted, it took her seven or eight days to stabilize.

"Talent ... is enviable."

Master Bitong, also known as a genius, couldn't help sighing at this moment.

But her voice didn't fall, and a large tide began to converge towards Lin Miaoran.

The realm of the three major accomplishments in the Yuanyuan Realm that Lin Miaoran just stabilized has actually climbed sharply.

Looking at the posture, directly forced Mie to pass.

"Just started?"

Zeng Bi's eyes widened instantly and she exclaimed.

Pu Yangyi took a quiet look at Chuyan.

He had said this prediction before.

Chu Yan had already expected this.

In this world, no one knows Lin Miaoran's state better than him.

Regardless of the preparations made before or Lin Miaoran's state of mind, this step-up promotion is bound to happen.

The tide was rolling, this time lasting about twenty days.

In the past 20 days, Lin Miaoran successfully broke through to the territorial perfection.

And with the help of the monks of Zifujing's life and pure aura, it would take a long time to lay a solid foundation, which was directly stabilized to a level of 70%.

If Lin Miaoran wanted to impact the state of mind, it would have taken five years, but now this time has been shortened to one year.

Not only that, because Daoji is stable and approaching perfection, as long as there are no major accidents, the probability of success in the future when it hits the state of mind is much higher than that of ordinary monks, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

And all this is expected by Chu Yan.

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