Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1759: Appointment time

The muffled thunder in the sky made meditating Chu Yan open his eyes.

Step out of the palace and look out at the sea.

The large array of Suixin Island and the large array covering the entire Tianyazong area can avoid the natural disasters that may occur in the surrounding waters, but they have not erased the changes caused by the changing seasons.

The thunder from the sky is Chunlei.

At this time, more than two months had passed since Lin Miaoran was promoted to the triple realm.

At this time, March of the new year has also come.

Above the sea, the changes of the four seasons are not too sharp, but as the seasons change, the island can still feel the vitality of the recovery of all things.

Chu Yan meditated for two months.

"It's March."

Chu Yan groaned in his heart.

Counting the days, the distance and the time agreed with Lei Yun's party Xiao Qin are also near term.

Divine consciousness spread out and covered the island of Heart.

Soon, what happened on the island at this moment was clear.

Next to Lingquan, Lin Miaoran is practicing.

She is born with a clear jade body and can enter a state of full concentration at any time.

And the process of cultivation is more effective than others.

At this time, she was continuing to stabilize Daoji and prepare for the state of heaven according to the plan arranged for her by Chu Yan.

On the other side of the island, Zeng Bi is meditating ... but has not cultivated.

She was holding the crystal in her hand, tears were streaming into her eyes, and there was a word in her mouth.

"I didn't find out before, Zeng Bi is such an emotional person."

Chu Yan said.

At the same time, he also found that the crystal in Zeng Bi's hands had been shrunk.

Apparently, the source of life and pure aura contained in it have been absorbed by Zeng Bi.

And Zeng Bi's breath seemed a little deeper than before.

Although the change has not changed much, it is clearly in a rising period.

When the time is ripe, from the second major achievement of the state of mind to the second perfection, a more obvious change will occur.

As for Li Yangyi, Chu Yan soon found him under a cliff on the far corner of the island.

This cliff is located in the most northwestern corner of Suixin Island.

Beneath the waves are the shore.

Puyangyi is located in a cave that is recessed under the cliff.

If it wasn't for Chu Yan to use divine knowledge, it wouldn't have been easy to find this place.


Juling array? "

Chu Yan soon discovered that Pu Yangyi was also using that crystal to cultivate, but the method of cultivation was much more secure than Lin Miaoran and Zeng Bi.

The two of them, one because they have the protection of the Chu word, and the other rely on their own mentality, so they directly absorb the source of life and pure aura.

By contrast, Li Yangyi is much more secure.

He arranged the crystal into the eyes of the spirit formation, and then gathered the natural aura of the surrounding heaven and earth to absorb together.

This is like drinking, Lin Miaoran and Zeng Bi drank a strong puree, and Liyang Yi blended spring water and some herbs in this puree.

If it ’s just a competition of who will drink more puree, Lin Miaoran and Zeng Bi will naturally have no suspense.

But if you can drink it longer than anyone, Li Yangyi will naturally not lose to the second daughter.

"He really has his own cultivation ideas, and he knows his strengths and weaknesses clearly, and will not affect his own mood because he sees the changes of others.

In some ways, we can be regarded as a group of people. "

After watching for a while, Chu Yan came to this conclusion.

After watching the three living people, Chu Yan went to look at the handsome and Tangtang again.

Tangtang was as expected from Chu Yan. After eating and drinking, Tangtang was whirling and falling asleep.

The lustrous belly turned upside down like a docile big cat.

On the other side, the handsome also lay in a familiar position.

But Chu Yan noticed that not only was handsome not sleeping, but it also seemed a little bit uneasy ...

On the pig's face, naturally, the uneasy expression will not be revealed.

Chu Yan made this inference based on the beast leg that was handsome on his mouth.

The golden-grilled, fragrant, oily legs of the beast had been in the handsome mouth for a while.

But handsome did not even look at it! This is not normal.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

But it's hard to imagine, just like a handsome character, what else can make it foolish?

Chu Yan was thinking about it, and suddenly thought.

At this time, his consciousness found that in the mid-air of about 400 miles outside the Suixin Island, a slender figure was stepping on the white clouds and flying towards this side.

The comer Chu Yan has seen it. It is one of the two minds of Cao Jing who came to Suixin Island last time.

Maintaining her appearance and figure in her early twenties, she laughed without saying a word. She is indeed a female nun who makes it easy to feel good and trust when she meets for the first time.

Cao Jing came here in the clouds at this moment, naturally for the previously agreed secret place of Xianfu.

Chu Yan's consciousness swept across the beasts and beasts on the island, and inspected the wooden puppets who were trying to reclaim the wasteland and sow the spirits. After confirming that there was no problem, he took the initiative to fly out of the island and greeted him.

Cao Jing saw Chu Yan personally greet herself, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

After being greeted by Chu Yan, Cao Jing followed him all the way to the palace on Suixin Island.

For a year, for the monk, just a snap.

However, Cao Jing could already feel the change of the island of the heart, and could not help secretly wondering.

After both sides sat down, after a brief greeting, Cao Jing explained what Chu Yan had expected.

After speaking, she tilted her head slightly and looked at Chu Yan: "Is there any problem with Brother Chu?"

"A couple of days later?"

Chu Yan thought about it, "the time is a few days earlier than expected."


Cao Jing nodded, "Because the mystery of that fairy mansion was shrouded by the ban, it is speculated that the ban may weaken for a few hours every time a armor is passed, which is available for the monks of heaven to enter.

Therefore, after discussion, we felt that in order to avoid missing the short hours when the ban weakened, it would be better to wait a few days earlier.

Otherwise, if you miss it, it will be a man before you have a chance to enter.

And at that time, valuable treasures in the secret place of Xianfu had also been taken away and I do n’t know how much. "

Suddenly, in the passage of Cao Jing, Chu Yan made two doubts.

"If you have any doubts, Brother Chu may ask."

Cao Jing smiled. "Before coming here, Brother Xiao Qin specifically told me, but if you have any questions about Brother Chu, I will answer them in detail, and I must not hide anything from you."

"Then there is Lao Cao."

Chu Yan nodded and said, "The first question is that the ban will only have a chance to enter once every sixty years. How do we get out then?

Have Brother Xiao and Sister Cao already arranged to jump through the sky and shuttle through the teleportation array? "

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