Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1803: Show dissatisfaction

If this woman has eyes.

Then at this moment she would see that Chu Yan's body, which was almost parallel to the ground, twisted slightly.

It looks as if someone has just got up.

Feet first stepped on the ground.

The arm tried to lift upwards, but in the void, the invisible cricket force obviously tied Chu Yan's arm firmly and made him unable to move.

There was a chuckle of laughter from the woman: "You can't get rid of it, don't fight fearlessly."

On Chu Yan's face, there was no unnecessary expression due to this sentence.

He waved his arm vigorously.

Click! Suddenly, a large crack appeared in the void on the side of the arm.

In the void, there was a sound of something breaking.


The woman made a sound of doubt, and her body was straightened.

The look on Chu Yan's face remained calm.

It's like doing something trivial at the moment.

Swing your left arm again.

Crackling! The void on that side, as if glazed, kept breaking apart.

Twisting his neck, Chu Yan raised his hand and shook it suddenly behind the neck.

As if there was an invisible body.

Chu Yan pulls.

Bang! The sound of a landslide was coming.

Suddenly, in the whole palace, the situation changed, the sun and the sun sink, and the sky turned upside down.

The light spheres that had risen slowly towards midair all fell down.

The red lightning in the ball of light is like being cut off by students.

A desolate, savage wind began to blow.

The woman's body in midair suddenly trembled at this moment.

"Impossible, how is this possible, just that, just that clearly is you, who are you now ..." The woman seemed to have lost her identity.

Chu Yan still said nothing.

He lifted his right foot, and as he clicked, there was a constant crackling sound, and then he kicked.

boom! Great earthquake tremor.

The earth waves formed concentric circles one by one, and rushed out towards the surroundings.

The layers of space are completely broken.

The whole palace seemed to fall into chaos all at once.

The next moment, Chu Yan's body exploded, and he rushed to the blue river in an instant.

The Changhe River is like a picture of the sun, moon, mountains, and rivers. At this moment, it has fully unfolded, revealing a day to absorb the sun and recreate the greatness of the world.

In Chu Yan's eyes, the Kuroshio is steady and unmoving, raising his hands, **** and hitting.

One punch seemed to imprison time.

At this moment, time and space seem to have stopped.

Surrounded by the silence of Wan Ye.

Spots of light appeared in the cyan river.

The light spots are getting more and more dense.

The woman's body was facing the Changhe River. At this moment, there was a sound in her throat, but it seemed that she couldn't make it out.

When the light spot reached its peak, it suddenly exploded with the loud noise of Xinghe's destruction.

boom! The cyan river suddenly exploded and collapsed, among which the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, the entire world, all collapsed, destroyed, chaotic, deeply collapsed, collapsed.

The woman screamed suddenly, flew out like a meteor, and slammed on the wall on the side of the palace.

Scary cracks spread across the wall behind the woman and covered the front wall.

The walls collapsed as the void shook around.

The woman's body fell into a fragment of the wall.

"How is this possible, who are you, you ..." Chu Yan's body was still in the palace the last moment, but he didn't see the slightest movement. The next moment, he appeared in front of this woman and kicked himself.

boom! The woman's body suddenly smashed into two.

Blood was pouring from the wound.

"You, you in the end ..." The woman's face is still dark at this moment, like an artist making a painting, but she just forgot to paint her face.

But this did not affect her speech.

At this moment, as she spoke, blood was pouring out of the dark face.

Chu Yan took another kick, first crushed the other's lower body, and then walked over. With five fingers open, she sucked, and immediately caught the woman's neck and sucked her into her own hand.

"You, how can you ... what the **** ..." The woman struggled, her arms waving.

Even though she was so capable, she used to play with her hands, but now she is like a half of a clay figure with no threat at all.

She seemed to want to say something.

But Chu Yan did not give her such a chance.

The indescribable horror gap in power made this battle completely lost suspense.

Chu Yan's palm slowly moved up and pinched on the other side's face.

The woman seemed to think of something. She trembled and yelled, "Don't ..." Bang! His head was instantly crushed.

Chu Yan threw her arm, and threw out the woman's half-blooded body.

A volley in the palm.

A muffled sound.

The woman's half body exploded into a mass of flesh and mud in the air, and the raindrops generally fell.

"No ... soul ..." Chu Yan said a little dissatisfaction.

He looked around for a week.

The eyes first fell on a few light **** not far away.

Tianyazong and Sun and Moon Shenzong also suffered heavy losses just now.

Tian Lei Zong's Chen Lei and Sui Fei both died in the woman's hands.

A disciple of Sun Moon Sect was also killed.

The remaining few were also wounded.

However, Chu Yan had saved them in time. Otherwise, they would have been cut into pieces by the red lightning at this moment.

After seeing this group of people having no worries about their lives, Chu Yan looked up and looked at the golden six reincarnation disks in the sky.

This is the treasure that allows people to regain their body.

Even if you don't look at this supernatural power, just the above traces like the traces depicted by the gods can make people continuously understand and benefit a lot.

However, in Chu Yan's eyes, there was still no emotional fluctuation at this time.

He slowly flew towards the sky.

When you approach the area covered by the light wheel, you can feel obvious resistance.

A sacred, mighty coercion struck suddenly.

Chu Yan snorted coldly and waved his arm to break up this coercion, and his body rushed into the golden light of the six reincarnation disks.

Suddenly, the obscure traces on the light wheel seemed to come alive, and flowed towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's body suddenly seemed to be splashed with oil, not only the noise, but also a light smoke.

The flesh on his body was constantly burnt open, and then healed again, and then burned again, and then the wound healed by itself.

But in the process, he didn't even make a sound.

These Tao Yun obviously want to prevent Chu Yan from approaching.

But Chu Yan saw them as nothing and kept flying forward.

Soon, Chu Yan came to the six reincarnation disks, the only fragment.

Even if it is only about a fifth of a shard, this shard is as big as a palace.

The mighty mighty, like the supreme might of God, is irresistible, and wants to kneel down and scratch his head.

There was no expression on Chu Yan's face before.

But looking at this fragment at this moment, in the eyes like the ancient well, slowly wrinkles of anger were condensed.

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