Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1804: Collect treasure one by one

"What the **** ... what ... something ..." growled in his mouth, uttered his whole body, and exuded an extremely dark breath.

Calamity, despair, anger, sadness, all kinds of emotions of despair, this moment is like a dam bursting into the river, the river pouring down, all of a sudden pouring in all directions.

The greatness and majesty released in the six rounds of reincarnation were suddenly forced back.

Chu Yan stepped forward and grabbed it.

Squeak-The golden light touched by the five fingers suddenly sinks inward and deep, and the sound of the steel bar is constantly heard when it is twisted.

As Chu Yan's arms continued to look forward, this golden light was suddenly twisted even more severely.

At this moment, the six rounds of reincarnation seem to have foreseen something, and the light bloomed on it casually.

Jin Guang was like a waterfall, with a bang, pouring down towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan was immediately engulfed.

But when Jin Guang runs out, Chu Yan still stands firmly in the void.

The only change was that there were some more visible wounds on the body.

"Heh ... heh ..." A sneer sneered in his throat, Chu Yan leaned forward.

Click! The golden light was immediately penetrated by him.

Chu Yan's entire arm stretched into the golden light at the core of six reincarnation disks.

Zizi Zizi-At this moment, his arm was like being put into a frying pan, and the flesh had melted away.

This pain is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

But Chu Yan didn't even shake his eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to have no emotion at all, and his arms stretched forward.

When half of his body penetrated into the golden light, and a large stream of green smoke emerged from his body, he also seized the core of the golden light and yanked.

boom! The huge golden light wheel in midair immediately condensed violently.

Suddenly, the light was all recovered into a palm-sized fragment.

This is the six reincarnation disk fragments, the original size! Then this fragment was held tightly by Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan was not only palms and arms, but he was scorched into Jinguang's half of his body. He could even see blood vessels and bones clearly in the valgus wound.

But he didn't care.

Gaze was fixed on this fragment, Chu Yan looked at his right arm again.

Then he made a swipe on his right arm with his left finger.

The right arm was burned to a scorch, and the skin was fluffy.

At this moment, it was like a piece of meat that was cut open immediately.

In Chu Yan's right arm, a wooden needle the length of a chopstick was sealed.

It was a log needle that Chu Yan had sealed in his arm earlier.

This magic weapon can store the aura and provide the occasional need for Chu Yan.

But nowadays, Chu Yan's realm has been improved, and there is a continuous stream of aura in his body, and the aura that can be provided by the log needle is also a waste of money for Chu Yan today, which has no effect.

So at this moment, Chu Yan reached out and pulled out the log needle, and instead sealed this piece of six reincarnation disks into his arm.

This piece of the six reincarnation disk originally looked like a part of a plate after it was shattered.

But when Chu Yan sealed it in his own arm, this piece of gold quickly flowed out of the golden light and attached to the arm bone of Chu Yan's right forearm.

Suddenly, this truncated arm bone of Chu Yan became bling.

Above the arm bones, densely packed text appeared.

If you look closely, you will also find that these words are exactly the same as on the surface of the previous six reincarnation disks.

At this time, as the aura in Chu Yan's body moved, there was also a very shallow golden light, which penetrated into the aura and circulated in the meridians of Chu Yan.

Close your eyes and feel for a while, Chu Yan wiped on his arm.

The terrible wound was sticky.

The consciousness of Chu Yan's ontology, although he gave his body to the one behind the gate of hell, is now different from the past.

In the past, because the body spirit was not powerful enough, every time the body spirit fainted or fell asleep, the body would be controlled by the person behind the gate of hell.

He never knew what happened afterwards.

But today, it is different.

When the body was handed over to the man behind the gate of **** to control, his ontological consciousness could still see everything that happened.

This feeling is a bit like standing alone at a window and looking out.

When he saw the other party doing all this, he would give back his control to himself.

And he was ready to take over.

But it was unexpected that the one behind the gates of **** did not end.

He obviously still had things to do.

After hovering in the air for a while, and experiencing the changes in his arms and even his entire body, he flew towards the end of this palace complex.

Through a snowy mountain and fog, the last peak of this palace complex appeared in front of Chu Yan.

And the last of all palaces was built on this mountain.

What Chu Yan didn't expect is that the end of this magnificent and magnificent palace group didn't even exist like a fairy palace.

It's just-a small earthen house.

There is a fence outside the small cottage.

It looks exactly like the most common kind of earthen house in a rural village.

The only difference is probably a little cleaner.

Chu Yan fell down.

The fence in front of it suddenly spontaneously ignited, a moment of effort, burned to ashes.

Chu Yan stepped forward and walked to the house.

Without seeing him in the slightest movement, the earthen house thundered and collapsed.

Then he stepped into this ruin, which was originally in the center of Tsuchiya, and punched it to the ground.

boom! The ground shuddered and a rune appeared.

But soon, the rune could not bear the power of Chu Yan's fist, and the whole shattered.

Chu Yan's arm suddenly fell into the ground, and then yanked upward.

Wow la la la—a sound of dragging the chain came from below the ground.

This chain, which has not yet appeared, seems to be struggling with Chu Yan.

But within a few moments, Chu Yan was dragged out.

With a click, the ground shattered.

While Chu Yan's arm was pulled from the ground, he was wrapped around his arm, and the pitch-black chain with **** close together was also brought up by him.

I don't know how long these chains are, as if they have reached the deepest point of this steep mountain.

However, looking at Chu Yan's expression, it seems that this has long been expected.

He grabbed the chain and yanked it.

Wow! The longer and longer chains were pulled out by Chu Yan and stacked aside.

Soon, Chu Yan's chains around him had a height of several floors.

Standing between these piles of chains and looking upwards, it gave people a feeling of missing the sun.

But Chu Yan still pulled out.

After about a quarter of an hour, the chain that Chu Yan pulled out seemed to freeze.

Then with Chu Yan's hard work, the ground cracks expanded, and more chains were pulled to the ground. At the same time, a humble wooden box wrapped around the chains was brought up.

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