Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1805: Small world enrichment

Throw the chain in your hand aside.

The chain was obviously only **** thick, but when it landed on the ground, a loud roar came from the ground.

The roaring sound waves rushed into the clouds, and even the barrier above Xiao Qiankun's world shook violently, like a cauldron, which would fall down at any time.

However, this movement did not allow Chu Yan to take a closer look.

He raised his hand and grabbed the square wooden box in his hand.

This wooden box is also a magic weapon. Judging from the breath surging on its surface, it should have the effect of preserving medicine.

But Chu Yan crushed the wooden box with a pinch and a click.

Seeing the ontological consciousness of this scene: "..." But at this moment, the body is controlled by the person behind the gate of hell, and he has no choice but to watch the other person crush the wooden box into pieces, and then expose the wooden box In a key.

This key is slender at one end and a complicated pattern at the other end, which makes people feel extraordinary at first glance.

And the material of this key is also never seen by Chu Yan's ontological consciousness.

Like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade.

Fingers felt slightly cold, and at the same time, you could feel the pure aura exuding in it.

The ontological consciousness just wanted to ask what the key was for, and the one behind the gate of **** gave an answer.

"I ... said ... this ... the place ... also ... a treasure ..." The ontological consciousness immediately understood.

This key is the key to opening this small world.

The problem is, they didn't have the keys before and they broke in.

Chu Yan wants to get the answer from the gate of hell.

But the one seemed too lazy to talk anymore.

He looked up, opened his mouth, and grunted, and swallowed the key into his belly.

Chu Yan's ontological consciousness: "..." Today he has seen the other party's Sao operation several times.

It was stuffed in the arm and swallowed again.

The monks in the ancient times were so domineering to practice?

The heart was defamating. When the treasure was not stored in the storage magic weapon, but what did it mean to swallow it in the stomach, the ontological consciousness suddenly found that his own whale-hunting Dafa had begun to operate.

Then for a short while, the key was-digested.

A material that is unknown, it is said that it is still the key to open the small world of Qiankun. Not only was it swallowed, but it was also digested by itself.

Suddenly, Chu Yan was even more confused. The one behind the gate of **** was really trying to do something.

But doubt comes to doubt.

Chu Yan did not stop or blame each other.

After all, the age of the other party is much older than yourself.

Strength and vision are by no means comparable now.

Since the other party is doing so, it must have the truth of the other party.

Sure enough, not long after feeling that the key was digested and absorbed, Chu Yan felt that a mysterious feeling started from himself.

Suddenly, it was as if there was some connection with this small world of Qiankun.

Suddenly, this small world seemed to become a part of one's body and consciousness.

At the same time, the world on this side began to shake, and the sound of rumbling came from all directions.

The sky is swaying, and the ground is shaking, giving the impression that it is like this small world of heaven and earth. It is about to fly up and leave the place.

I already had a faint guess at this time.

But this guess is too bold.

Chu Yan never dreamed this way before.

So at this moment, he dare not make inferences easily.

But the one who controlled the body at this time was still indifferent as usual.

It seemed that the shock of the collapse of the world seemed to have no effect on him.

Reaching out and grabbing, the chain that was thrown aside before was caught by Chu Yan.

The arm flicked slightly, and the chain was like a snake, wrapped around Chu Yan's two arms.

The next moment, Chu Yan's arms burned a **** flame.


The ontological consciousness can be seen in an instant.

The one behind the gates of **** was sacrificing the chain that had been pulled from the mountain.

"Is this chain also a magic weapon?"

At the time when the ontological consciousness was doubted, the sacrifice had been completed.

The chain was wrapped around Chu Yan's arm, and although it was still completely black, if you looked closely, you would find that the surface of the chain had a very fine blood red pattern.

In the lines, there is a sense of destruction.

"This is ..." The ontology was instantly awakened, and the destruction was taken by him from the evil god.

Because of the limited realm, although knowing this devastating breath may be a kind of avenue and charm, it has never been able to exert its true power.

Before that, Chu Yan could only attach a bit of this devastating power when he cast the Coagulation Finger.

But now, the one behind the gate of **** directly printed this rhyme and avenue on the magic weapon through sacrifice.

If this chain could only be used for binding and entanglement before, now it has become a very heavy killing treasure.

In the simplest terms, it seems that he is beating with a chain, but he is actually using a number of knives to be late.

"Before ... you were ... trapped ... just ... because ... this ... Feng You ... Hades Chain ..." The man behind Hell's Gate explained with patience.

The effort of speaking, the earthquake trembled more and more on this day.

In the middle of it, any monk, I am afraid, there will be a feeling of fear that his soul will be suppressed.

Looking up at the sky, Chu Yan whispered in his mouth, "It's okay ..." After that, he moved.

Suddenly, I went back to the palace where the woman was.

At that moment the palace was completely ruined.

Chu Yan waved his arm, and the chain wrapped around his arm flew out accurately, entangled Xiao Qin and others on the ground.

"Go ..." He uttered a word in his mouth, and his body turned into a streamer.

The next moment, the body appeared outside the world of Xiao Qiankun. They first came to the foot of the mountain here.

The shock and collapse of the Xiaoqiankun world did not affect the mountain beyond this point.

The lingering clouds and smoke are still lingering, and the colorful seven-color rainbow is still eye-catching.

Chu Yan put the people out on the ground, then turned and looked at the mountain peak.

At this time, the fog and formations that had shrouded the mountain peaks had completely disappeared.

So Chu Yan can see at a glance that on the peak of the mountain, a cyan light is rapidly condensing.

He rose into the air, and for a moment, was flush with the mountains.

"This is ..." The ontological consciousness couldn't help but blurt out the sight.

The small Qiankun world, surrounded by a ray of light at this moment, was suddenly condensing.

Just a moment of effort, the originally huge world actually condensed into a basin-sized light ball, like a meteor, flew in front of Chu Yan.

As soon as Chu Yan raised his hand, he held the ball in his hands.

"I said before ..." Chu Yan opened his mouth, as if explaining the ontological consciousness.

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