Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1806: His Royal Highness

"I said ... this ... small world ... also ... treasure ... carry ... carry ... with your heart ... and use ..." Between speaking, the man behind the gate of hell, using the words of Chu Hand, hold this ball of light to your eyes.

So all the scenes in this ball of light, all in the slightest, all appeared in front of Chu Yan.

"Go back ... after ... you ... more carefully ... see ... um?"

Before he finished speaking, Chu Yan suddenly made a doubt.

He raised his hand and grabbed the position of the mountain.

Because Xiao Qiankun's world is already in his hands at this moment, the top of the mountain peak at this moment is like being hit by a meteorite, leaving a deep pit.

But at this moment, as he grabbed the palm of his hand, a figure, meteor-like, flew over from the deep pit.

He grabbed his hand, looked down, and Chu Yan said, "He is ... your ... same door ..." At this time, Chu Yan was grasped in his hands, and he was staying outside the mountain before, waiting to meet everyone's Sun Mou .

Ontology saw Sun Moo appearing on the peak of the mountain, and after thinking for a moment, he guessed the general situation.

He estimated that at the foot of the mountain, Sun Mou should have heard the plan of the ancestors of the black ancestors and his team, so he planned to venture into the world of Xiao Qiankun and send them a warning.

Looking at his appearance, it should be because of his own injuries, not even the heavy white mist in the outermost world of Xiao Qiankun was able to pass through.

But that's fine.

If he had entered the world of Xiao Qiankun at that time, he would have been photographed back by the woman like Xiao Qin and them.

It will be difficult to say whether it will be killed at that time.

After all, Sui Fei and Chen Lei are almost tantamount to a misfortune, and the fairy road is over.

With the palm of your hand, the light ball disappeared.

But at the same time, Chu Yan's mind appeared the ghost of the light ball.

After returning to the ground with a comatose Sun Mou, Chu Yan was moved, and the chain that had been wrapped around his arm was hidden into his body and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the consciousness of the body can't help but sigh. The monks in the ancient times used their bodies as a magic weapon for storage.

Lamenting the difference between the monks in the ancient times and the monks now, he heard his mouth open again and said, "The next ... is ... you ... have dealt with ... three treasures ... for you ... The ascension ... will ... be a lot ... "Shards of the six reincarnation disks, sealing the Pluto chain, and this small world of Qiankun.

Although Chu Yan had not observed and thought about it at this time, he knew very well that these three magical treasures, no matter which one, were absolutely rare treasures.

Not to mention his current state, I am afraid that he has been promoted to the Purple House. He cannot easily see these three magic weapons.

Just talking about the space art of the Xiao Qiankun world, Chu Yan can be sure that even if it is the power of the Purple House, it is unlikely that it is possible to do it.

After all, tearing the void is simple, but the difficulty of creating a stable void is probably tens of thousands of times.

As for whether Real Wonderland can be done, Chu Yan did not ask or think about it.

Her heart was groaning, Chu Yan suddenly felt that her consciousness had regained the dominance of the body.

The reason is simple. A strong sting came from almost every inch of skin and every muscle in the body.

Even though His Highness Chu had amazing endurance and strong willpower, she could not help but bite at the moment.

"You guy, intentionally."

His Royal Highness looked down at his body.

The man behind the gates of **** had absolutely no scruples when using this body.

The golden light of the six reincarnation is directly positive.

At that time, Chu Yan was almost scorched.

If it were not for his strong blood and the blessing of the immortal demon body, I am afraid that this treasure of the six reincarnation has not been lost, his own life would have been lost.

The burn potential caused by golden light is also different from ordinary injuries.

Chu Yan estimated that it would take at least three or five days for him to heal on his own.

This time, we can only pass this way first.

Other things at the moment ... Chu Yan's eyes were looking at the people on the ground.

Everyone was caught by the woman before, sealed in a ball of light, and all of them were not injured.

Fortunately, it was not life-threatening.

At this moment Chu Yan felt that they might wake up on their own in just one or two hours.

When everyone wakes up, how the world of Xiao Qiankun disappears needs a reasonable explanation.

Look at the unconscious, then look at the injured one.

In Chu Yan's eyes, a sudden emergence of a decision [无名 小说 www.downtxt.net] Ran.

He raised his hand, slammed his palm, and slapped it on his chest.

With a sigh, blood squirted out of his mouth.

The highest level of scam injury is true injury.

So about two hours later, such a scene appeared.

"Brother Chu! You worked hard!"

"Brother Chu, if this is not your fight, we, we, we ..." "Well, in terms of generations, we are all your brothers and sisters, but we all got you on this treasure hunt I am ashamed to take care of him. "

"Master Chu, you saved our Sun and Moon Disciples again."

The awakened people were surrounded by Chu Yan who was "seriously injured" at this moment, one by one with a sincere and moved face, speaking from his heart.

Everything is the same as Chu Yan expected.

Even better.

After the people waked up one after another, they saw Chu Yan meditating on the ground, half of his body was burnt, and his upper body was soaked with blood.

The injuries on the people were not life-threatening. In contrast, the severity of Chu Yan was enough to make anyone shocked and moved.

Seeing the magical and defensive formations arranged around, who will not understand what is going on?

This is obviously a change in the world of Xiao Qiankun. Brother Chu can obviously escape on his own, but he has not left the big people's carelessness, fighting for their lives, and saving everyone. All the people who had the honor to return alive were tantamount to saying that they all owed their lives to Brother Chu! He is a life-saving grace to himself! Moreover, Wei Changge of Sun and Moon Shenzong testified.

Wei Changge told everyone how Chu Yan was both wise and brave. He died nine lives and helped him save several disciples of the Sun and Moon.

To other disciples, Chu Yan is willing to help, even taking risks.

So for his elder brothers and sisters, he is naturally inescapable.

Such a state of mind and virtue are extremely admirable.

The few female disciples present were moved and grateful, red eyes and weeping softly.

A group of male disciples headed by Xiao Qin and Wei Changge also expressed their gratitude and expressed their thanks to Chu Yan.

After seeing Chu Yan's injury, he did not hesitate to take all kinds of panacea with him, all of which were sent to Chu Yan.

At this moment, in front of Chu Yan, he was filled with all kinds of natural treasures and elixir.

In order to understand Chu Yan, the two sides also decided to trim a few days here and wait for Chu Yan's injuries to improve slightly before discussing the next plan.

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