Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1807: Brother Chu, please smile

Among the crowd, the lowest state of Chuyan became an example at this time.

Everyone feels that they owe Chu Yan a big cause and effect, a big deal.

Disciples of Sun Moon Sect feel that Chu Yan saved them twice in a row.

If it wasn't for Chu Yan, this time, they would be wiped out in this fairyland secret place.

It is not enough to give all of the treasures carried on your body to Chu Yan at this time.

On the contrary, just doing so will be seen clearly by others.

What do you mean, save you twice, and you repay in this way?

Before people rescued you, there was no request.

Therefore, under the discussion of Wei Changge, in the end, everyone in Sun and Moon Shenzong decided that at this time, for the injury of Chu Yan, he should first use the various elixir carried by himself.

At the same time, a magical healing power of Sun and Moon Shenzong, Wuhuang Holy Fire, was taught to Chu Yan by Wei Changge.

This supernatural power belongs to the Sun Sect of the Sun and Moon Sect. According to the truth, it cannot be passed on to other disciples.

But on the one hand, Wei Changge has a high status in Sun and Moon Shenzong and has a strong background.

On the other hand, this supernatural power has not touched the core skills of Sun and Moon Shenzong.

Therefore, Wei Changge taught Chu Yan at this time, it didn't matter much.

When he returns, he can calm down the matter by paying some price.

While teaching Wuhuang Shenghuoju, Chu Yan's learning ability surprised Wei Changge.

He just told a few words and Chu Yan wrote it down completely.

Then less than half an hour, Chu Yan had begun to use the Wuhuang Shenghuoju to treat the injury.

With this supernatural power, the stronger the monk's blood is, the better the treatment will be.

Therefore, Chu Yan's performance is more effective.

Everyone around him dozens of feet meditating, can even feel the powerful blood in his body.

The elixir and Wuhuang's holy fire recipe that they carried with them were all thanks to the Sun and Moon sects at this time.

After they decided to go back, they told Zong Men and their family elders about this time, and prepared a richer gift, and then sent it to Tianyazong to give it to Chu Yan.

Because these disciples of Sun and Moon Shenzong are the hopes of Zongmen and the family, the focus is on training.

Chu Yan's rescue of them is tantamount to letting Zongmen and his family spend decades and hundreds of years in vain.

In addition, Wei Changge also told Chu Yan one thing.

"I heard several teachers, younger sisters and sisters say that when the black ancestors caught them, they said that they had resentment against one of our elders of Sun and Moon.

I'll go back and inquire about this.

Now that you know the elders, it's much easier.

This time you took a shot to help us, and this setbacked the black ancestor. I think that elder will also show something. "

"So Brother Lauwe."

Clearly speaking.

Sun and Moon Shenzong's gratitude for Chu Yan is overflowing with words.

On the other side of the earth, Xiao Qin and others felt that they must not be compared by Wei Changge and others.

the reason is simple.

They invited Chu Yan to this secret trip to Xianfu.

In terms of identity and realm, they should have been their asylum.

In the end, it was Chu Yan who was struggling with a severely injured body and saved them all.

This relationship, this cause and effect, owe even more.

Coupled with their original purpose, they intended to win over Chu Yan.

Xiao Qin and they were even more generous.

All kinds of natural treasures can be given.

Magic weapon.

No good, can't take it.

Take the top grade directly, that is, the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. Several people made up four or five pieces and gave them to Chu Yan.

Chu Yan is not polite.

After all, for monks in the state of mind, even if Xiao Qin and others are like this, the ninth-order magical weapon is not something that can be achieved.

But the more Chu Yan did, the more unhappy they were with Xiao Qin.

After Chu Yan symbolically received two top-quality artifacts, Xiao Qin assured him that he had a wonderful place, and after Chu Yan returned, he would give it to Chu Yan and practice it later.

Cao Jing also said that she had saved many merits before, and these merits could be donated to Chu Yan in exchange for Tianyazong magical powers.

Yang Yuyan and Sun Mou also expressed their opinions at this moment.

His slap in the palm of his hand, in return for so many benefits, felt in His heart that it was very worthwhile.

What's more, he did save the lives of everyone.

You know, at that time, he could completely ignore the life and death of everyone. When he left the world of Xiaoqiankun, he could leave everyone alone.

However, he still brought everyone back.

After resting at the foot of the mountain for five days, Chu Yan's injury "seems" to have improved for some time, and everyone discussed what happened in the Qiankun small world.

The meteorites on the mountain peak have hit the crater, and these days people have also visited it.

I didn't go too far because I was worried about the danger.

However, according to the current results, the world of Xiao Qiankun has disappeared.

After all the people discussed and discussed together, the conclusion was that there would be such a change, which had a lot to do with the group of Huang Yuzong.

"It is absolutely impossible to just let it go like this. Wan Yanjie didn't report it. Not only that, but they also tried to use us. It was simply a ambition.

When he said this, Wei Changge was so aggressive that he showed little anger.

His thoughts were also the views of the vast majority of people present.

Except for those who know the whole story of Chu Yan, everyone agrees with Wei Changge's speculation.

"After I go back, I will contact you in time with the news. It is absolutely impossible to let Wan Yanjie do the same."

Wei Changge hummed coldly and said, "Although this Xianfu Blessing Land has disappeared, the chance in it may not have disappeared like this, and it must be removed.

If Wan Yanjie stole the chance and wanted to take the opportunity to destroy our mouth, I'd like to see his Huang Yuzong who dare to protect Wan Yanjie's life! "

When Wei Changge said these words, he was very confident.

In fact, he was angry enough.

It took a day and a night. After the discussions on this matter, the two people said goodbye and left.

When the Sun and Moon sects returned, they still controlled the magical giant wings when they came.

In Tianyazong, Xiao Qin's treasure ship was crushed by the big hand when he entered the world of Xiao Qiankun.

However, Sun Moon Shenzong generously unpacked it, and one of the beautiful female disciples donated a spirit boat.

Although the size of this boat is not as good as that of the treasure ship before Xiao Qin, the array of formations on it is extremely high and deep, obviously not from the hand of ordinary monks.

The female disciple bluntly gave her a thank you gift to Master Chu.

After everyone thanked them, they took the boat and returned.

The speed of a spiritual boat is no better than a treasure boat.

And at this time everyone on the boat, Xiao Qin, Cao Jing, Yang Yuyan, Sun Mou, and Chu Yan, were all wounded, so when they went back, they didn't rush to the road, but moved steadily.

Chu Yan said that because of "work hard and high," everyone let him meditate and practice the quietest cabin with the deepest protection.

Taking this opportunity, Chu Yan can take a closer look at what is unusual about the three treasures he got this time.

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