Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1820: Teacher Chu and good disciple (on)

This time Shen Qing was attacked, the reason was that the barren Tao of Huanggulou saw the intention of Baobao. After he couldn't buy it, he wanted to kill someone.

But just in case, Chu Yan summoned his companions first.

After waiting a few days, it was determined that no one was calculating behind this matter, and then everyone left.

At this time, it had been a while since everyone left.

During this period, except for Uslandma and Jiang Panmeng, who had returned shortly, everyone else returned for the first time.

So after the meeting, everyone naturally had a long history.

During this period of time, the strength of everyone has improved slightly.

When this promotion accumulates to a certain degree, it will become the promotion of the realm.

As time passed, ten days passed quickly.

During this period, Kong Xian also eliminated doubts for Chu Yan through his relationship.

Shen Qing's attack was an accident, not a secret instruction from Ziwei Gate.

In addition, Chu Yan went to see Tang Ye and Feng Gang who had not been in touch for a long time.

After the two men said that they would take the place of Xun Longjian, Chu Yan let them develop freely.

This time I called these two people, also want to see how the two people's current development results.

When she appeared, Chu Yan naturally wore a ghost of all beings, hiding her true face.

Tang Yan and Feng Gang now have a corresponding promotion in Ziweimen.

But in the face of Chu Yan's mysterious identity, and masters holding their handles, they were trembling as if they had seen cats and mice.

From their two populations, Chu Yan learned the current movement of some Ziweimen.

However, because these two people can only belong to the middle and lower ranks in Ziweimen, not the disciples at the core level, the important things that they really know are also extremely limited.

After asking the question, Chu Yan beat them a few more words and let them go.

After that, Chu Yan thought about whether to contact Tang Lixing.

But after hesitating, Chu Yan still didn't do it.

Tang Lixing's identity is really too sensitive.

If Ziweimen knows that he has something to do with him because he can't bear his temper, Tang Lixing's end, Chu Yan doesn't know what will happen.

But he will inevitably be subject to Ziweimen's strongest suppression.

And his current strength is far from enough to protect himself.

Chu Yan's understanding of self-protection is his own strength, not the one behind the gates of hell.

But Chu Yan also understood that although he is now in the presence of Ziweimen ’s true strongmen, such as Nantian Wang, he still looks weak.

But in his hands, he has mastered ways to make himself stronger.

The small Qiankun world obtained this time, to a large extent, solved a difficult problem for promotion for Chu Yan.

Before Chu Yan was promoted in the state of mind, because the movements caused were too great, he had to go to the sea beyond a million miles for promotion, and for this reason he also attracted the attack of the demon.

Tianxinjing was promoted from the second to the second, and even so, it is difficult for Chu Yan to imagine that he would be promoted from the second to the third, including what would happen after Tianxinjing was promoted to Zifujing.

By then, where else would I go to find a place where people would not be disturbed for promotion?

Earlier, Chu Yan considered this a lot.

But no solution has been found.

But now, with Xiao Qiankun in hand, Chu Yan is completely worried.

The small Qiankun world, as the name suggests, is a complete world.

Chu Yan can be promoted generously inside without fear of being discovered by people outside.

In his current state, Chu Yan estimates that before the true fairyland, the world of Xiao Qiankun was enough for him to toss.

After a few days, everyone left Suixin Island again to continue their own practice. Chu Yan also began to move like an ant, moving the treasures of mountains and mountains in the treasures of the Twelve Kingdoms towards the world of Xiao Qiankun Move over.

After the move, Chu Yan put the three zombie dog monsters into the world of Xiaoqiankun, and chose a place in the ice field for his residence.

Before these three zombie dog demon in the treasures of the twelve kingdoms, they have been chained, and have not moved a step for tens of thousands of years.

This time, Chu Yan broke the chain and put it on the vast ice field.

In the beginning, it couldn't even believe that it was free.

Then, it ran like a child of hundreds of thousands of kilograms on the ice field that could not be seen at a glance.

After that, Chu Yan brought Shen Qing in.

Shen Qing's injury was very serious, but under the treatment of Zin Bi's refined elixir and careful conditioning, she could walk freely on the fifth day after that.

But to fully recover, as judged earlier, it takes at least fifteen days.

So now, when Zeng Bi was brought into the world of Xiao Qiankun by Chu Yan, this delicate-looking young girl was still wrapped in gauze on her chest, arms and thighs.

The blue silk dangled and covered half of her cheeks. This girl, who had made people feel fragile, suddenly looked more ethereal.

In Shen Qing's mind, his teacher is the most perfect monk in the world, and he has unconditional trust in him.

The teacher wouldn't let her listen, she would never listen.

The teacher would not let her see it, she would definitely not see it.

So after entering this small world, her eyes always fell on Chu Yan, and she didn't look at other places at all.

It's as if this small world hasn't caused any waves in his heart.

With this performance of Shen Qing, Her Highness Chu, who originally wanted to show off, was filled with frustration.

He walked in front of Shen Qing and reached out and touched the other person's cheek: "I sometimes wonder in my heart whether I have taught you the wrong direction."

There was a hint of doubt in Shen Qing's eyes.


Chu Yan said.

Shen Qing blinked slightly, then the corners of her mouth began to tilt up unnaturally.

"Although it looks good, but ..." Chu Yan shook his head with a smile, "I won't force you."

Seeing Chu Yan waving his hand, the corner of Shen Qing's mouth fell back to the original angle, and she was relieved, but soon she looked at Chu Yan again, her heart was a little stunned.

Did you not do well enough to disappoint the teacher?

Seems to know what Shen Qing is thinking, Chu Yan continued: "You don't want to think wildly. Until now, you are a disciple that makes me very satisfied, and even many times, I feel so satisfied that I don't deserve to be yours teacher.

You know, in fact, my age is not much different from yours. Being a teacher, I was just a little interested.

Well, how do you say it? Probably, you are a very good monk. Sometimes I ca n’t help worrying about whether I will lower the upper limit that you should have reached. "

In the world of Xiao Qiankun, it should be the afternoon sun, with a touch of laziness and coziness, on the pair of masters and apprentices by the lake.

The water waves rippled and the breeze blew.

I don't know why, when she heard Chu Yan's words, Shen Qing suddenly felt a sore nose, and she felt like she was about to cry.

But soon, the words of Chu Yan sounded again.

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