Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1821: Teacher Chu and strange disciples (below)

"Because many times, I feel that I can teach you a little less ..." The voice of Chu Yan's words drifted into Shen Qing's ears with the wind.

Shen Qing sucked her nose.

"But, no matter what, you call me a teacher.

So I must fulfill my responsibilities.

For example, the person who hurt you last time, I've killed you for you ... "" Well? "

Hearing this, Shen Qing couldn't help but blink a moment, eyes blinking.

It seems a little bit different from what I thought before?

"What about this group of people, don't worry about it now.

I think they should be biting dogs with another group of people now.

If you want to take revenge yourself, then wait for Zifujing to talk.

Of course, hard work is indispensable if you want to ascend to Zifu.

That's why I found you here today. "

Shen Qing looked up and looked at the man with the surname Chu not far away.

Then she discovered that when her teacher was just saying this, she was looking at herself.

"Teacher ..." Shen Qing muttered.

But after saying these two words, she found out that she didn't know what to say next.

It seems that in front of the teacher, he rarely speaks.

Well, it's better to listen to the teacher.

With this in mind, Shen Qing saw Chu Yan waving his arm. The next moment, a huge sword that was so tall and wide appeared in his hand.

Although this giant sword was still inserted in a bronze scabbard at this time, the reckless, strong breath made people breathless.

Suddenly, the grass under the feet stopped swinging.

The ripples on the lake disappeared.

A giant sword that has not yet emerged from the sheath seems to suppress this void.

"I thought about it, just named it Lieyang. It should be your favorite magic weapon."

Chu Yan smiled and threw the giant sword towards Shen Qing.

With both hands, Shen Qing felt her arm sink suddenly.

The weight of this huge sword was beyond imagination, just caught off guard, and almost made her fall.

But holding up the great sword at this moment, the weight of the great sword made her feel extremely relieved.

At this moment, his own godlike body in the prison was as if his strength could be exerted, and he was cheered for a while.

This sword was forged by the spine of the ancestor of the blackbird.

The dead language sword used by Chu Yan himself was forged into a shape more like a thick stick.

A magic weapon of this shape, when used by him, looks naturally full of deterrence.

But if it is used by a girl like Shen Qing who looks like a slick show, it feels strange how it looks-very strange.

A beautiful young girl waving a big stick?

I'm afraid not to kill the enemy, but to laugh at the enemy.

Therefore, when forging the spine of the black ancestor, Chu Yan came up with several plans, and finally successfully forged that spine into what it looks like today's giant sword.

And size and Shen Qing also match.

Such a magic weapon does not need to be stored in the storage magic weapon, and it is full of extremely strong deterrence on its back.

"You spend a day first and get familiar with the sword."

Chu Yan said: "Then for a while, I will teach you some fighting skills and a magical power here.

The only pity now is that you are in the Diyuan Realm, the two supernatural powers that I am best at, and you still can't do it now. "

Chu Yan most wanted to teach Shen Qing, of course, Taiyi Lihuo Dao and the three dead dead swords.

But the monk can only perform magical powers if he ascends to the state of mind.

Shen Qing's realm is not enough now, so she can only retreat and choose a supernatural power that Shen Qing can also learn in the present realm to teach.

Taiyi Lihuo and Three Dead Swords both have strong realm restrictions.

With this supernatural power chosen by Chu Yan, Shen Qing in the Diyuan Realm can learn and perform. Although the power is weaker, but when Shen Qing reaches the state of mind and then displays it, that is what the supernatural power should be.

"Teacher, please tell me first, what magical power is it?"

Shen Qing asked softly.

"A great magical power."

Chu Yan laughed, "You need to remember clearly. In ancient times, mastering this great holy master can kill many monks."

"Da Sheng?"

Shen Qing bit her lower lip. "Monster?"

"Yes, a very special monster, even though it is a monster, but learns human skills and exerts human magic."

Chu Yan said, "It's a monster. It has great strength and vitality, and it just matches your idol.

This supernatural power, you are now performing, the power is much more powerful than the mastery of the mastery of the earth.

However, its real strength can only be fully realized after you have ascended to the state of mind.

This supernatural power is called-Xunxian Soul Sword.

It's hard, you're ready. "


Shen Qing nodded.

Every word the teacher said, she kept it in mind.

The breeze began to blow again, and the grass on the ground fell neatly in one direction.

So the time flashed, and soon after three months.

A powerful cyclone twitched, turned into a tornado, and straight into the sky.

Suddenly, horrible suction lifted all the surrounding trees upright and shattered them.

In the tornado, three incandescent rays suddenly emerged. With the waving of a slender figure, these three white lights burst out with horrible power, and every time they hit, it seemed like ten million bronze bells struck together. .

The deafening sound waves continued to spread around, and even the lake surface in the distance was shaken by numerous waves, rolling up and down, as if it was a downpour.

After a while, the figure waved the hilt of the sword in his hand, three rays of light, quickly combined into a giant sword on the hilt, and chopped down.

In an instant, it seemed like countless steel blasted from mid-air to the ground.

The void became distorted, and the ground was overturned, blowing up a large pit covering hundreds of feet.

Folding the sword into the sheath, walking on the wind, Shen Qing dropped lightly from the air, kneeling on one knee, then stood up, looking a little nervous in the eyes, looking to the distant Chu Yan.


In the face of this female disciple, Chu Yan never regretted her appreciation.

Because Shen Qing's talent is indeed very high.

Promotion is often completed in silence.

For example, now, not only has she mastered the Xianxian Soul-splitting Sword at this stage, her realm has also risen to the three major accomplishments of Diyuan Realm, second only to Lin Miaoran's Diyuan Realm.

While other people were still struggling for two or three times in Diyuan Realm, Shen Qing not only followed up silently, but also set aside others.

Although this has the role of abundant aura in Xiao Qiankun's world, Shen Qing's own absorption ability and cultivation talent are more important.

If Shen Qing is likened to a bottle, Reiki is like water.

Even if there is as much water as a sea, and the bottle is small, there is not much seawater that can be filled.

Hearing Chu Yan's appreciation at this moment, Shen Qing pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

This smile is already the ultimate she can do.

But the next moment, she frowned slightly and looked at Chu Yan with a tilted head: "Teacher you ... what happened?"

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