Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1822: His Royal Highness Chu

The storm has just subsided.

A few leaves were swirling past Shen Qing.

The young girl who had fixed her body shape now tilted her head slightly, revealing a touch of curiosity in her eyes.

The teacher's expression, why it looks a little strange, like something, it feels like a gush.

"Now you continue to practice here, it doesn't matter what you meditate on. You do n’t want to go over the ice field over there. Well, I guess you can't go for the time being.

I also have the idea of ​​promotion now. "

After speaking, Chu Yan rose into the air, and told Shen Qing: "Cultivate well, don't be lazy, I will come back and check."


The girl nodded.

The teacher is going to be promoted, which is really exciting.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Qing discovered that Chu Yan disappeared before her eyes.

The teacher is amazing! A look of worship appeared on the girl's face.

After a while, Shen Qing held the Lieyang Sword again, and continued to practice the Wuxian Soul Sword that his teacher and professor gave him.

At this time, a distant roar came from the far sky.

Shen Qing immediately looked up.

Suddenly she saw that it was like a red sun rising to the east. A fiery red light swelled and spread at the intersection of heaven and earth.

The violent shaking was like the millions of steel cavalry trampled on the ground and rushed in.

The rumbling sound, like a fierce drum beat, strikes people's hearts.

"Is this the teacher's promotion?"

Seeing this, Shen Qing felt that her brain was blank for a while.

This scene is a bit exaggerated-as the ground trembles constantly at the foot, Shen Qing thinks so.

In fact, this is indeed what Chu Yan is promoting.

In these three months in the world of Xiao Qiankun, Chu Yan, while guiding Shen Qing, was also practicing.

During the previous battle in the Xiao Qiankun world, Chu Yan's feelings were much deeper than those of Xiao Qin and others. After these three months, all kinds of feelings have turned into a help for his advancement on the fairy road.

Today, Shen Qing's perfect performance also completely moved the last string of Chu Yan's promotion.

So when everything is done, the feeling of promotion comes as expected.

However, it was more intense than Chu Yan imagined.

It was so intense that he just had to take two steps in the folded void and had to sit down and start his promotion.

This is also because he is now the owner of the Xiao Qiankun world. The void restriction here has no effect on him, so that he can use the Dinglang void bracelet.

Otherwise, this terrible shock during the promotion may be able to melt Shen Qing directly.

At that moment, Chu Yan's momentum rose sharply in the sky's blood-red light.

And the auras in this world also converged into rivers and rivers, rolling in the direction of Chu Yan.

In the distant woods, Shen Qing pierced the ground at this moment to stabilize her figure.

The turbulent aura blasted her long hair and made her long skirt scream.

"Teacher is really, really amazing—" the girl murmured, unable to help.

At this moment, the burning light in the distance prevented her from looking directly.

Just a glance just now, her eyes were tingling, and tears shed. At this moment, she could only squint her eyes, feeling the terrible momentum that raged like a wild beast in the light.

boom! boom! boom! boom! Large tracts of spiritual tide, piled up at this moment, like a heavy hammer, fell towards the Chuyan below.

Every time, there came a bang that destroyed the city and shattered the earth, as if it were a giant of sky and mammoth the earth.

If in the past, just casually, you can crush a thousand miles and turn everything into dust.

But at this moment, these spiritual tides, whenever they fall, are immediately absorbed by Chu Yan.

His body is like a black hole.

If you dare to come, then I dare to absorb it.

As Chu Yan's momentum continued to rise, the light around him became increasingly bright and eye-catching, such as the ignited blood that swallowed up the entire world.

A few moments later, in the **** light around him, countless forms emerged.

Countless fiendish illusions are losing their lives.

Suddenly, this **** shroud shrouded as if it had turned into an ancient battlefield.

But the most central chu yan, although the smallest body, is the most stable and immobile.

Rune patterns began to emerge on his body.

These runes, with a deterrent coercion, spread violently all around.

The monstrous beast immediately surrendered all around, and bowed or kneeled or bowed around Chu Yan.

At this moment, Chu Yan seemed to be the king of thousands of monsters.

With Chu Yan's breath, all these ghosts' phantoms disappeared.

The blood-red light around him suddenly boiled, and instantly became the world of magma.

Large vesicles emerged from the surging magma.

Immediately afterwards, a demon with a height of up to a hundred feet, a thousand feet, and countless arms around him, got out of these magma.

The hot magma poured on them, just like warm bath water.

The number of demon gods is in the tens of thousands. Suddenly, it is like bamboo shoots springing up.

Their appearance is like the barriers and bottlenecks of Chu Chuyan's ascension.

Chu Yan's rising momentum stopped at this moment.

These demons roared and roared, continually converging in the direction of Chu Yan, as if to tear him apart.

For a moment, Chu Yan's body was swallowed up by the red light.

But just two breaths of effort, a snoring sound, like the heart of the earth, beating vigorously.

Thousands of demon trembled.

The next moment, cracks appeared on these demon gods.

Before they can react, a fierce storm, starting from the center of the demon, instantly tears them all up and turns them into a flying flame.

And Chu Yan's stagnant momentum before, rushed upward again.

This time, soaring up, no one can stop, no one can be enemies.

The realm of the double-mindedness of the heavenly state of mind was instantly penetrated.

Above the immortal road, Chu Yan moved forward and took another steady step.

Two major achievements in the state of mind.

After the promotion was completed, the momentum of Chu Yan was stable there, and there was no upward trend.

This step of improvement, although it seems, is still in a great realm, and has not been directly promoted as in the last time, completing a major realm of advancement.

But if you look at the time, Chu Yan's promotion speed is enough to scare the jaws of ordinary monks.

Ordinary monks have been promoted from dual-mindedness to big-maturity, the fastest and fastest. It is normal for 70 or 80 years and 100 years.

And Chu Yan only spent one year! This speed is enough to envy people to death.

The stable atmosphere also means that Chu Yan has entered a stage of stability.

The time it takes to stabilize him is also much shorter than that of an ordinary monk.

Within ten days, he reappeared in front of Shen Qing.

Seeing that his apprentice had been practicing seriously, His Highness Chu nodded with satisfaction, and then asked, "What are your plans next?"

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