Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1823: Yamanaka calculation

Shen Qing blinked slightly, and Zai carefully looked at her teacher for a moment.

Well, the teacher is still like that ... hidden.

After thinking about it for a while, Shen Qing said, "Everything is under the command of the teacher."

"You have two options."

Chu Yan had already come up with a plan, but the decision was still in Shen Qing's own hands.

"The first option is to stay here to cultivate.

You also feel it, the aura here is more pure and rich than the island of Xinxin.

Cultivate here and your level will rise quickly.

But the disadvantage is that it doesn't match your idols in prison.

The second option is to go back to Zongmen to practice as you did before and then complete some tasks.

The advantage is that you can get your natural constitution and get the most experience and improvement.

Disadvantages, like the previous one, may be in danger.

The next time you meet again, it may not be like this time, and you can leave a life to come back. "

After Chu Yan's brief analysis, she waited for Shen Qing's choice.

With almost no hesitation, Shen Qing chose the second path.

"Teacher, I need more polishing."

Shen Qingdao.


Chu Yan nodded.

In fact, these two options are similar for Shen Qing.

Ultimately, it depends on her heart.

Which direction your heart is toward, then that road will naturally give her greater gains.

"You have now been promoted to the Three Major Divine Realms, and for the next period of time, you will choose some of the ancestral tasks to complete.

If I think, it is better to remove more monsters.

Because whether it is your natural constitution or the Soul Breaking Sword of Swords, you need enough battles to be more successful. "


Shen Qing kept Chu Yan's command in mind.

"And then, if you feel like you're getting promoted, come back.

After all, when I'm promoted, on my side, not only is it safer, but the effect is also better.

Unless you have better options. "


Shen Qing nodded.

After Chu Yan thought about it, he said, "In short, don't worry too much, because the next promotion you are facing is the change from the state of the earth to the state of heaven.

Under the heart of the sky, there are all ants.

So you try to make Doki as solid as possible.

Otherwise, in the process of promotion, it is likely that only minor problems may cause your failure.

By that time, it would be great to save a life.

I will try my best to avoid that situation. "

On the green grass, Chu Yan urged her female disciples.

The beautiful young girl engraved every word her teacher said in her heart, and finally gave a deep gift.

After sending Shen Qing out, Chu Yan brought Lin Miaoran in again.

Lin Miaoran is now a triple perfection.

Chu Yan intends to allow her to cultivate for a while in this small world, and to draw a more pure aura.

However, this process must also be done carefully.

After all, Miss Lin is a body of clear jade. The one who cultivates, does more with less, and progresses quickly and naturally.

Others are anxious to quickly advance.

Lin Miaoran has to work hard to control.

Otherwise, she may enter into a state of shocking the mind as soon as she is not paying attention.

And she wasn't fully prepared yet.

But with Chu Yan beside him, Lin Miaoran felt much relieved.

She just needs to do what Chu Yan has done for herself, and she doesn't need to worry about everything else.

Just as Chu Yan and Lin Miaoran practiced in the world of Xiao Qiankun, in the deep mountains far from them, several figures, standing or sitting or sitting, looked at the clear spring in front of them with different looks .

The surrounding mountains pointed like a sword at the sky.

The blue sky of heaven is like a wash, reflected in this small spring pool.

Obviously it is a very intoxicating scenery, but there were few people present, but no one took a closer look.

Because they all know that even this beautiful scenery is just a fantasy formation.

I don't want to know what it looks like outside.

A total of five people were present, three men and two women.

Needless to say, the figure of the second woman.

One of them could still see the looming delicate red lips even with a layer of tulle on his face.

The other three men are old and middle-aged, but the age of the monks has nothing to do with their appearance. At this time, they looked at them. The youngest man looked more like an elder among the three.

At this moment, the five people surrounded this spring, as if waiting for something.

The needle fell quietly all around.

Before today, they have been waiting here for ten days and ten nights.

But no one's face had been impatient.

Two more hours passed.

At this time, a ripple appeared suddenly in the originally calm spring water.

A few people were present, and suddenly looked shocked, staring at the place.

The next moment, the pool of water seemed to be boiled gradually, and the surface turned over.

The central position is even higher and higher, and finally a full three feet high.

The eyes of the five people all focused on this spring.

Suddenly, the streamer flashed.

Five jade cards appeared at the top of the spring.


The middle-aged man whispered.

He was about to raise his hand to catch the jade cards. The five jade cards had been transformed into five streamers and flew into the hands of five people.

Several people explored their consciousness, and after reading the contents of the Jade Card, they suddenly showed different looks.

The middle-aged man took the lead to say, "It really is Master's clever means, and at once I guessed where this encounter was."

The old man followed Heran and said, "Although this guy is a blood of the beast and is about to be promoted to the ancestor, when he is promoted, his strength is ten times weaker than usual. This gives us the opportunity machine."

Having said that, the old man narrowed his eyes with a smile, looking at the three men who were the most stable, but the youngest man: "But the most important thing is that a brother shot.

As long as the brother is here, coupled with the loss of blood during this promotion, we must be able to take it seriously and take away its essence. "

"I'm only responsible for doing things. The most important step is for Master to plan the situation and figure out the timing of this promotion and the place where it hides.

Otherwise, even if you and I have the ability to pass through the sky, but can't find the hideout of this uncle, there is nowhere to show strength and strength, isn't it helpless? "

"Yes, brother said a lot."

Middle-aged and old monks nodded together.

The young monk nodded slightly, then turned to look at the female nun who wasn't covered with a scarf.

"But my strength is just to suppress it during the period when the blood of the **** beast is declining. If you want to extract the essence of its body, you also need the shot of Master Yueyue, who is best at Yubei."

When the young male Xiu spoke these words, he spoke softly.

And the look he looked at at the nun was full of tenderness.

Tang Lianyue didn't seem to notice at all, how this young male practitioner treats others differently from himself.

She nodded and said thank you for the compliment. Then she looked at the other nun who covered her face with a curtain: "Hey, Master, what did you do?"

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