Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1827: Analysis of His Royal Highness Chu (2)

"Don't stop, keep going!"

Seeing Chu Yan suddenly stop talking, Tang Lixing couldn't help urging.

"I looked at you just now, and thought you thought something."

Chu Yan said.

He blinked, and then continued: "Now you know the future Northern Heavenly King of Heaven's dual state of mind, and the other three Heavenly Kings also know. Next, it should be known to warlords and disciples of different levels.

News spread out layer by layer.

If it was really I said, pushing him out to clear up dissidents, then when the monk who went to the kingdom of the treasure knows that Ziwei goalkeeper has a Heavenly King of Heaven, it should be his time to start .

But— "Chu Yan frowned suddenly.

"But what?"

Tang Lixing asked in a hurry.

But after speaking, she remembered the assurance just now, so she hurriedly covered her mouth again.

Not only that, she took a few steps back, added one hand, and covered her mouth with both hands.

Chu Yan glanced at her and was very satisfied with her knowledge, so he continued: "But I think the identity of the Northern Heavenly King should just be known to you and the other three Heavenly Kings and stop.

Starting from the generals, what I know should not be Li Tianwang, but for example: the talented disciples cultivated by Ziweimen. "

Tang Lianxing was full of doubts, but she was not good at speaking, so she could only wink at Chu Yan desperately.

The clear look was asking, "Why did you say that?"

Chu Yan smiled and said, "Because the timing is immature.

And you also said that Ziwei Gate is a place with a stricter level than other gates.

A monk who suddenly appeared, nobody knew the existence of such a person before, and never heard of his contribution to Ziweimen, and the level of Lien Chan had not reached.

What do you think will be the sudden announcement that this person is the future King of Heaven? "

Tang Lixing continued to blink.

"I don't understand."

Chu Yan glanced at her obliquely, "Speak human."

Tang Lixing immediately let go of his hand and said, "Will I be able to convince the public."

"That's it."

Chu Yan nodded, "The truth that even you understand, how could a Taiqing emperor who is planning a major event not understand."

Seeing Tang Lixing's embarrassing look on her face, Chu Yan ignored her and continued: "Even if we take a step back and say 10,000 steps, the Emperor Taiqing has a charm that is far beyond ordinary people, letting a lot of defenders and generals And King of Heaven died to him.

But with so many people at Ziweimen, can he guarantee that everyone will be satisfied with it?

The heart is separated by the belly, and the more people, the more complicated the mind.

Therefore, Emperor Taiqing will never immediately announce that this person is the future King of Heaven.

What I really want to say is that the man was grilled on a fire, which harmed him.

According to my reasoning, the identity of this disciple named Mo may be the genius disciple cultivated by Ziweimen in these years, or the disciple of Taiqing Emperor, and the only disciple. "

Hearing here, Tang Lixing opened his mouth slightly and took a breath.

Obviously, Chu Yan's analysis was well-founded and she had never considered it before.

And Chu Yan had completely substituted himself into it at this moment, and continued, "In this way, the newborn calf is not afraid of the tiger, and everything is logical.

This disciple can find people all over the world to fight in the name of learning.

It is called fighting method, which is to eradicate aliens and shut up those who oppose Taiqing Emperor and Ziweimen.

However— "Tang Lianxing was listening to the words, and suddenly saw Chu Yan say another" but ", and immediately disregarded the image, Zhang Yawu claws flew to Chu Yan and turned his face.

Only this time, Chu Yan continued to tell immediately, without giving her a chance to jump over.

"But these are just the preliminary steps.

Because of the North King ’s identity, it will eventually be announced publicly.

This disciple has been fighting for years and years.

Whether it is his strength that is far beyond his own realm, or the Emperor Taiqing made some arrangements for him.

In short, I believe that all disciples in the past few years, whether in the End of the World sect or the other ancestors of the kingdom with Baoxiang, this disciple must have failed. "

Chu Yan's eyes were burning.

"By that time, this disciple must already have a great reputation.

But it is still not enough to get the name of the North King of Ziweimen.

At this time, he still needs something more convincing to prove that he can be promoted in the current state, or at that time, he has been promoted to the North Heavenly King before reaching the Purple House. qualifications. "

Seeing Chu Yan speaking here, when looking at his own eyes, Tang Lianxing suddenly chopped a lightning in his heart, and suddenly he blurted out, exclaiming, "Queen of Fairies!"

After speaking these four words, she felt that she was trembling slightly because of shock and amazement.

The first is to lament the plan of Emperor Taiqing, which turned out to be so thorough.

Second, what's even more amazing is Chu Yan's incredible power of speculation.

He actually relied on a few words of his own information and contacted some things he knew to be able to fully analyze such interlocking plans without flaws! Suddenly, Tang Lianxing felt that Chu Yan's image became mysterious and haggard in his eyes.

In her short breath, there seemed to be a voice in her brain saying, "Is he my goal in my eyes, and all my plans are completely seen and understood by him?"

Tang Lianxing thought at the moment that it was extremely complicated and difficult for outsiders to know.

Although Chu Yan saw her look changed, she did not go too far to figure out the other person's thoughts, so she nodded and said, "Yes, that's what you said, the group fair.

In accordance with the rules established in the past, monks who have reached the dual state of mind and spirit are eligible to participate.

And the realm of this disciple named Mo, at this moment, do you think it's a coincidence?

In the past few years, it has become a genius.

Then in the Tianyazong Qunxian Conference, he won the first prize and became the first person under the Purple House.

At that time, Emperor Taiqing just returned and declared this disciple to be the King of Heaven.

On the one hand, a few years ago, he challenged various sects, and made a name for Ziweimen, and a prestige.

The performance of Erlai Qunxian Conference was invincible at the same level, relaxed at the next level, and under the purple house, no one could be matched.

In the third aspect, the day when Emperor Taiqing returned, he must sweep everything. Do you think that at that time, someone would dare to touch his brow and oppose any of the instructions he announced? "

Chu Yan's narrative, chanted, interlocked, as if I had seen this series of events happen with my own eyes, but at this moment is just repeating.

But because of this, listening to Tang Lianxing's ears, it seemed like countless rolling thunders, exploding again and again, shaking her heart, her soul trembling, her whole body softened, and her breathing all unable to breathe.

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