Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1828: Fragments of the six reincarnation disks

The sea and sky are the same, Motegi covers the sky.

Chu Yan looked at the back of Tang Lixing's departure, thinking in his mind, whether his previous speculation was too detailed, so that the other party felt the smallness between himself and the emperor Taiqing, and thus lost Defying confidence.

But Chu Yan shook his head immediately.

Judging from the subsequent performance, Tang Lixing is still relatively strong.

Obviously, she also prepared herself early, knowing that it was not easy to resist her destiny.

At this time, Tang Lianxing was watched, Chu Yan's heart was thinking about another thing after Tang Lianxing calmed down after his analysis.

This matter is about the scene she saw when she went to see Emperor Taiqing after her last talk.

"The Emperor Taiqing is now refining a kingdom of demons in a secret void, with the help of ancient gods and demons.

At the same time, he also received a treasure, which gave him an undefeated taste. "

This is what Chu Yan extracted after Tang Lixing's narrative at that time.

With the help of ancient gods and demon bodies, to refine the demon kingdom, although this scene of Chu Yan has not been seen, it sounds extremely shocking.

But Chu Yan paid more attention to Tang Lixing's description of that magic weapon.

"A huge golden light wheel, most of which is a ghost, and only one fragment is a solid.

Above the light wheel, there are inscriptions full of savage, flooded atmosphere. "

When Tang Lianxing made this description, Chu Yan's mind first appeared in the mind at the time, which was the six reincarnation disks.

Almost exactly the same.

At this moment, he lowered his eyes and thought: "Is it possible that Emperor Taiqing also got the fragments of the six reincarnation disks. Judging by Tang Xingxing's description, he should have got one of them.

At this moment, Chu Yan felt something vaguely.

It was like a mess of tangled threads, and at this moment he found the end of the thread.

But this thread suddenly disappeared again.

This feeling made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Looking around, Chu Yan felt that it might not be an absolutely safe environment here, and some impressions of his thinking.

At this point, Tang Lianxing had already left, so he didn't plan to stay any more.

Divine knowledge spread, and it was determined that the surrounding sea was calm and calm, and no other Tianya Sect disciples passed by accident, and he flew towards Suixin Island.

Fly to the front, just as he was about to enter the island guard, Chu Yan suddenly felt a heartbeat.

Suddenly, he knew what he had just thought about intermittently, what he thought of! "The group of Emperor Yuzong Wan Yanjie, who entered the world of Xiao Qiankun at the time to find it, is probably the fragment of the six reincarnation disks!"

It links the bad relationship between Brother Huang Yuzong and Emperor Taiqing, plus the attitude of Wan Yanjie and others at that time, as well as the familiarity with Xiao Qiankun's world.

The most likely answer now appears to Chu Yan.

The first time he thought of this answer, Chu Yan made a decision: what the Xiao Qiankun world got by himself must not let the fourth person know.

Lin Miaoran is his closest acquaintance, and let her know that there is nothing wrong with it.

Shen Qing was dead-hearted about him, and only the teacher's natural apprentice was in her heart. It was no problem for her to practice.

Moreover, Chu Yan never said to Lin Miaoran and Shen Qing, it was a small world.

Moreover, the two women did not know whether it was accidental or intentional, and they did not ask any questions about the world of Xiao Qiankun.

Chu Yan provided them with a place for cultivation, and they used it without asking any other words.

Thinking about this, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh, Lin Miaoran and Shen Qing really let themselves worry.

After thinking about this problem, Chu Yan felt refreshed and thoughtful.

However, the level of curiosity about the six reincarnation rounds also skyrocketed at this time.

Before that, he just felt that this treasure was absolutely extraordinary.

Otherwise, it will not be regarded as a treasure by the powerful monk of the same age behind the gate of hell.

But again, because this treasure is extraordinary, Chu Yan's understanding of the six reincarnations is equivalent to knowing nothing.

The man behind the gates of **** was silent about the incident and was unwilling to confide in a word.

And Chu Yan himself can't be silly to find someone to ask about six reincarnation.

Doesn't that mean exposing yourself.

As for viewing the classics.

Chu Yan also read a few, but none of them described the treasure.

So this matter was temporarily put on hold.

However, this time from Tang Lixing's mouth, after learning that the Emperor Taiqing had also obtained a piece of debris, Chu Yan decided to study the treasure.

Emperor Taiqing used it for cultivation. If he did n’t use it, it felt like it was the same as keeping the Jinshan in the world to ask for food. Is it almost reasonable?

Back at Suixin Island, Chu Yan inspected for a week.

Lin Miaoran is meditating and practicing, Zeng Bi is guarding the Dan furnace while studying the Sutra, Li Yang intends to bask in the sun, Tangtang is sleeping. Handsome, um, handsome is rarely sleeping, but staring at a piece of roasted pork leg.

The big white pig stared at the roast pork leg in a daze.

In this scene, it is easy to compare people with rich associations.

But Chu Yan thought that this was not the first time he had seen him, and that food could stay in front of the handsome man for more than an blink of an eye.

There is something wrong with this pig.

But the other person's fat body and shiny pig skin indicated that there was no problem.

"Is there any doubt about spiritual practice?"

Chu Yan groaned for a moment, then shook his head with a chuckle.

The cultivation of gods and beasts is based on the inheritance of bloodlines, and there is no need to deliberately cultivate.

They only need to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and then naturally realize, master and break through.

It's really envy.

Chu Yan estimates that handsome is accumulating after a period of time, and is approaching the edge of promotion.

After all, after I knew this white pig, I didn't seem to have seen it promoted.

With this judgment, Chu Yan no longer cares about it.

Seeing the peacefulness of Suixin Island as before, he recalled Ji Shi and let the period lurk near the island. After secret protection, he returned to the palace's practice room.

With a wave of his arm, after opening the formation of blocking and snooping around, Chu Yan's figure moved, disappeared in the practice room, and entered the world of Xiao Qiankun.

The place where he appeared was by the lake last time.

But Chu Yan didn't stop here. He turned the overlapping wave void bracelet, and after a few steps, he came to the vast and snow-covered ice field.

His Royal Highness Chu found three zombie dog monsters with almost no effort.

Because this dog demon is still on the ice field, running like a child of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Looking at the scary footprints and cracks on the ice field, Chu Yan seemed to understand the happiness of the three zombie dog monsters.

Anyone who is trapped in a square inch by himself with a rope for a full 20,000 years, once free, will run for decades to remember his youth, and miss him. Running in the sunset that year.

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