Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1832: The scene

"Look at this child."

Su Jianyuan, looking aside, was relieved. "If you don't know the whole story, you think it doesn't want his father to be saved."

At this time, handsome, he could not care about Su Jianyuan, and he jumped on Chu Yan's shoulder in a hurry.

It wasn't stupid. It had a negative performance just now. The main thing was that it happened suddenly and panicked.

Now that Chu Yan's analysis is reasonable, the handsomeness immediately rekindled confidence.

Seeing that the handsome mood returned to normal, Chu Yan's heart was also relieved.

He grabbed the handsome man from his shoulder and said, "It's not me telling you what to do now, it's you first telling me what happened."

"Oh oh, this, this!"

The handsome man suddenly jumped to the ground, and a hoof pointed at the cracked clay sculpture on the ground, "I'll show you!"

Chu Yan looked at the others.

Everyone around him shook his head.

Obviously, when they came here, they only knew that something had happened to the handsome dad, but they didn't know exactly what happened.

Going to the clay sculpture, the handsome gestured everyone back.

After the crowd pulled back about ten feet away, the handsome man inhaled deeply, and then a large flame shot from the back of his throat, all sprayed on the clay.

The clay sculpture turned red at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and then, slammed and exploded.

"Your dad is fried again."

Seeing this, Chu Yan wanted to say so.

When asked about Wannianlonglong last time, the handsome accidentally blew up the stone sculpture that contacted Dad.

But looking at the handsome look at the moment, it burned the clay sculpture, not by mistake, but by intention.

The clay exploded, and suddenly, a ray of light hit the surrounding area.

Suddenly, the light turned into successive peaks.

These peaks are at most one person tall.

At this moment everyone stood in this mountain, as if they were giants.

Chu Yan immediately responded: "This is an image!"

Everyone reached out and touched them. Sure enough, these mountains can only be seen. When they touched them, they caught a handful of air, and then they suddenly realized.

At this time, everyone at the scene also understood that this image must be related to the accident of the handsome father, so he immediately converged and looked closely.

However, at this moment Pu Yangyi is doing something different from everyone.

He suddenly took a few more steps into the distance, and seemed dissatisfied. Then he jumped on a nearby animal bone about two feet tall, stood high, and looked towards the mountains.

The next moment, Puyang pointed to one of them, and said loudly, "It must be there!"

As soon as his words fell, the mountain peaked silently and stopped.

Billowing smoke and soaring into the sky.

Li Yangyi suddenly turned pale: "This is not what I did."

"Of course you didn't do it."

Chu Yan waved his hand, "This image is what happened before."

At this time, Chu Yan had understood it.

This mountain in the image is the promotion place that the handsome dad chooses to promote.

And Li Yangyi is good at looking.

Through the movement of this mountain, he can determine where the aura is gathered.

That place must be the exact position of the handsome father's retreat.

The mountain crumbled, of course, the guy who attacked the handsome father was shot.

As Chu Yan expected, the mountain peaks were broken, and several mountain peaks around it were then broken.

But at this time, all the mountains were shaking.

The next moment, a huge golden unicorn phantom emerged from the mountain in the middle.

This unicorn has a thicker leg than a mountain.

Although it appears in this image at this moment, it is much larger than the crowd at the scene, like a cow.

This golden unicorn ghost apparently realized that someone was attacking, roaring upward, and two fire dragons spewed out of his nose.

Suddenly, all the surrounding peaks were burning, as if a torch stood between the heavens and the earth.

Although this is a tens of thousands of times smaller image at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, it still feels extremely overbearing, with a kind of immersive feeling, as if caught in a sea of ​​purgatory fire.

Chu Yan's eyes were bright and he watched the changes in the image.

When the retreat was found, Kirin appeared, and then the attacker should also shoot! Sure enough, the next few moments, several mountain peaks collapsing around, billowing smoke and dust.

This smoke and dust, at a glance, is not unusual.

Because they are like smoke, soaring into the sky.

In the rising smoke, the yellow light shines.

Suddenly, the smoke and dust suddenly flashed away as if being impacted by something huge.

With the exclamation of the crowd at the scene, four huge and extremely incomparable, each of which may have dozens of acres of snake heads, appeared from the smoke.

The four snake heads opened their blood basins and darted forward, biting Kirin's four legs.

Kirin seemed extraordinarily distressed, roaring again and again, trying to break away.

But on the one hand, when he was promoted, his blood was dying, and his energy was insufficient. On the other hand, the four snake heads cooperated with each other, making Kirin unable to store energy. Suddenly, Kirin was dragged to the ground and fell to the ground.


The handsome could not help but cry out.

Obviously, this image has been seen once before. At this moment, when I look at it again, my heart is still trembling and tears are flowing.

Lin Miaoran hugged a handsome man, stroking his head, and whispered comfort.

Chu Yan's sight has always been on this image.

Until now, he hadn't seen who the shot was or where he was.

As for these four snake heads, they are obviously some kind of magical power, or formation.

When Chu Yan carefully searched for the whereabouts of the sneak attack, he suddenly discovered that the eyes of the crowd gathered toward him.

But immediately, Chu Yan realized that everyone was not looking at him, but behind him, something changed.

Take a step right away, then turn around.

Suddenly, Chu Yan saw another snake head, almost touching the tip of his nose, and wiped it.

Although it is only an image, Chu Yan still feels the violent, brutal, fierce, bloodthirsty taste in the snake's eyes at such a close distance.

"Not just four snakeheads, but one!"

The snake head that had been lurking before this time was larger than the previous four.

At this moment came to Kirin who was dragged to the ground, struggling and useless. He stood up high, then opened his blood basin, opened his mouth full of horrible fangs, swooped down, and bite on Kirin's back neck.

A stream of blood spewed out like a waterfall.

The picture of the video came to an abrupt end at this moment, and then disappeared before everyone's eyes.

The picture has been reduced many times, but after watching this short paragraph at this moment, everyone only feels that their hearts are beating and breathing is difficult.

Because the oppressive momentum conveyed in this picture is really unbearable.

I'm afraid the scene was followed by Chu Yan and Zeng Bi, feeling less intense.

But even so, the glance of the snake's head still made people's heart full of abomination, especially uncomfortable, as if it were the most polluted and evil thing in the world, made from it.

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