Overriding the Heaven

Chapter 1833: Location, Killer Whale Ridge

After watching this video, Houshan fell into a short silence on the grass.

The crowd was deterred by the horrible picture just now, and the handsome one was gritting his teeth, wishing to pounce on it, biting the python fiercely, and following its heavenly spirit, eating its flesh.

"Chu Yan, what are you going to do?"

Lin Miaoran looked at Chu Yan and asked softly.

What this image can tell everyone is that the handsome dad was attacked.

In terms of time, it should be not too long ago.

But where is the location, and this most important news is unclear.

The entire continent is vast and unimaginable.

It's impossible to count mountains like this.

If we only speculate from the mountain side, I am afraid that it will not be possible to find this place after spending tens of thousands of years.

Chu Yan cast a reassuring look at Lin Miaoran, then grabbed the handsome from his arms: "Your dad told you, where did he get promoted?"

"Not said."

Handsome shook his head.

All of them suddenly sank.

Seeing everyone silent again, he looked up handsomely, looked around at the serious faces of several people, and couldn't help anxiously: "Chu Yan, my father did not tell me where to go for promotion.

The last time I spoke to him, when you went to the evil rain forest, you were there. "

"Be handsome, don't worry, I'll help you figure out a way."

Chu Yan comforted handsome.

He tried his best to keep his tone light and prevent handsome emotions.

But in fact, Chu Yan's mood is more anxious than anyone at this moment.

The most critical locations are unknown.

It gives a sense of helpless despair and anger.

Is it necessary to look at the handsome dad, such a senior who has more support for himself, is so conspired?

Not only is Chu Yan at the moment, others are trying hard to think.

Pu Yangyi muttered to himself: "Unfortunately, I am good at qi, not deduction. Otherwise, I can use the fortune to calculate the handsome father, where he may be at this time ..." Inadvertently, the listener intentionally.

Chu Yan heard that first, he slammed on Li Yangyi's shoulder immediately: "Good idea! Wait for the handsome dad to be saved, and memorize you first!"

After speaking, Chu Yan had flown out of the Xinxin Island with a handsome appearance.

Instantly watching Chu Yan disappeared into sight, and everyone looked at each other.

But they also understood that Chu Yan must have thought of a way.

"Hope it's too late."

Everyone thought so.

"Chu Yan, do you know where my dad is?"

At this moment, Chu Yan was holding in his hand, flying fast in the air, his handsome face was deformed by the wind, but he was still in a hurry and asked in ambiguous words.

"It is not completely guaranteed, but you can try it!"

Chu Yan flew at full speed, and soon afterwards came over an island.

As soon as Chu Yan arrived, a lilac light rose on the island and flew towards him.

In the light, Cao Jingyan smiled. Yan Yan: "Brother Chu, I haven't seen you for a long time. How come I have time today?"

"Sister Cao, I have an urgent matter, please take me to see Sun Mou Sun Brother."

Chu Yan said immediately.

Seeing that Chu Yan was serious, Cao Jing immediately realized that something had happened, and he didn't ask much at the moment. With a wave of his arm, he took out a piece of jade Ruyi about one foot long: "Come with me!"

The two set foot on Yu Ruyi, and the handsome man twisted uneasily on Chu Yan's shoulder.

The next moment, Yu Ruyi galloped forward.

After half an hour, Chu Yan, handsome and Cao Jing sat opposite Sun Mou.

"Do you want to deduce the current position of this little white pig father?"

After knowing the intention of Chu Yan, Sun Mou agreed without hesitation.

Knowing that time is tight at this moment, it is related to his father's life, so handsome does not care about such a trivial matter as the other person.

Sun Mou closed his eyes and soon began to deduct.

Chu Yan knew that this was the other's gifted supernatural powers, and he couldn't learn it by himself, just like Qiyangyi's Wangqi technique.

But at the moment, he was also curious about how the other side's talents were working.

Soon, Chu Yan saw a mysterious Tao Yun rippling from Sun Mou.

The void around him seemed to hear the whispers of many people.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that none of these words can be heard.

A moment later, a ring-shaped aperture emerged in front of Sun Mou.

On the aperture surface, the streamers are shaking and constantly staggering, and some of them are fused together, while others are separated.

With the deepening of the deduction, these streamers collided more and more fiercely, for a moment, it gave a feeling of galactic starburst and dazzling.

And Sun Mou's expression is constantly changing.

Sometimes thoughtful, sometimes frowned.

The needle in the room was so quiet that the handsome man clutched Chu Yan's shoulders almost to excite the defense inscriptions on Chu Yan's robes.

This process lasted a full quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, the streamer that keeps flashing, all of a sudden.

At first glance, the steady stream of light seemed to form a line of text.

But in this line of text, no one except Sun Mou was present.

Chu Yan and Cao Jing, at this time, converged, fearing to disturb Sun Mou.

Opening his eyes, looking at the line of text, Sun Mou's brow suddenly frowned again.

Feeling a pain in his shoulder, Chu Yan knew that handsome was nervous, so he asked, "Brother Sun, is there any problem?"

"I already know the approximate area."

Sun Mo didn't need to be questioned by Chu Yan, and said directly: "In a place called the Giant Whale Mountain."

"Large Whale Mountain?"

Chu Yan quickly recalled.

After a moment, he and Cao Jing beside him looked at each other, and they saw the look of doubt from the other's eyes.

Neither of them remembered this place in the memory.

"This place is very far away from our horizons. Please wait."

Sun Mo stood up with his arms raised.

Rumble Rumble! Immediately, thousands of jade bamboo slipped from all over, neatly arranged in front of Sun Mou.

Sun Mou spread his thoughts, swiped quickly on the jade slip, then took out a piece of jade slip, clamped it at his fingertips, and poured aura into it.

Huh! Immediately, a beam of light emerged from this jade bamboo slip, forming a light curtain in front of Chu Yan.

Shown on the light curtain are magnificent peaks.

These mountains are densely packed, and there are thousands of them.

But at a glance, Chu Yan knew that this giant whale mountain was where the handsome dad was attacked.

Because Chu Yan has noticed before, these mountains, as a whole, are not straight up, but have a curved arc, just like the ribs of a giant whale.

Although the bending is not so exaggerated, if you pay attention to it, you will notice it.

The mountains that appeared in front of the eyes at this time had such characteristics.

"Brother Sun, how far is this Giant Whale Mountain from Tianyazong?"

Chu Yan looked up and asked the other side.

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